Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1119 These two children belong to you

Chapter 1119 These two children are yours

After about an hour, it was so long that Lu Xueman couldn't wait any longer, and got out of the car: "Lu Heng, how long do you have to wait for them, I've done my best to let them meet, what else do you want?"

Lu Heng looked at his mother and smiled slightly: "Mom, you get in the car first."

Lu Xueman was impatient and wanted to say something, when two women came over with their children in the distance.

Although a little close, but the sadness on the face is not fake.Lu Xueman got a headache when she saw it. The hard-hearted woman quickly got into the car and only said one sentence: "Lu Heng, be careful not to freeze yourself." '

Lu Heng lowered his eyes and smiled slightly.

Soon, the two women came over with tears on their faces, and the two boys also looked blank, probably because they knew that their father had left and no one would care about them from now on.

Children of a few years old are more or less afraid.

Lu Heng was sitting, and his whole body was a bit more than ice and snow. The two women were as old as him. Although they were Lu Ze's concubine, they were a little afraid of him, and the two children were even a little bit afraid of him. I'm young, but I already know what the outer room is.

After all, it was Lu Heng who spoke first, took two checks from the blanket on his knees, and looked up at the two women: "These are two checks for 3000 million yuan, which can be regarded as compensation for you. In addition, I will have someone write them out every month." One hundred thousand is in your account...after all...the child is still young."

The two women hesitated, hope rose in their eyes.

Although Lu Ze cared for them, the house was rented. After all, they just had better food and better housing, and nothing else. I heard that Lu Ze's son was not good, but I didn't expect to treat them like this.

Lu Heng smiled again: "Take it, you can come to me if you have anything to do, and I will settle in Beicheng in the future."

The two women took the check tremblingly, and after a while a woman boldly said, "Dr. Lu, can you... take care of these two children?"

As he spoke, he looked at Lu Heng cautiously, afraid that he would not only refuse but also take back the previous benefits, while the two children were terrified and hugged their mother behind their backs.

Lu Heng was also taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect it to be like this, but soon he understood that these two women had probably thought about it when they came, and if they could give the child to the Lu family, they wanted to remarry.

Lu Heng smiled faintly, "You don't want them anymore?"

The woman doesn't say anything, but her attitude is self-evident.

The two children were terrified, and finally hugged their mother and cried...

Lu Heng didn't like children, and he was also impatient, but when he looked at the two beautiful children, he even felt a little bit of pity, and he said calmly, "Would you like to live with me?" '

The two children were still crying, and the woman was reluctant to give up but still sent the children to Lu Heng...

The scene, it's kind of like that.

The woman took the check and wiped her tears, "Thank you, Dr. Lu, we will come and see them when we have time."

Having said that, Lu Heng knew in his heart that once he left, he would never come back.

He looked at the two young children beside him and said softly, "Go and say goodbye to Mom."

The two children were at a loss, with tears streaming down their small, crystal-clear faces, and it took them a long time to say goodbye to their mother timidly.

They are too young to know that this separation is forever... Women are still young, in their late thirties, they always want to find their own happiness, and it is always disgraceful to bring children that way.

The woman soon left, leaving behind two children.

In a dazzlingly white world, everything is silent, only the sound of two children sobbing.

At this moment, Lu Xueman got off the car impatiently, and was about to ask Lu Heng if he could leave, but saw the two children left here, but the woman was missing.

She was speechless for a long time before she opened her mouth, "Where are those two women?"

Lu Heng reached out and touched the ears of the two children, and said softly, "I will take care of them from now on."

"Lu Heng! Do you know what you're talking about?" Lu Xueman's voice was a bit sharp, "Now you can't take care of yourself and are hospitalized, how do you take care of the two children, and don't you know their identities? "

Her heart fluctuated violently: "You are poking your mother's heart with a knife."

Lu Heng raised his eyes, stared at his mother for a moment, and smiled slightly: "You or those two women have got what you want, is the other important?"

He paused for a moment and then said, "I'll live alone after I'm discharged from the hospital, so I won't trouble you."

Lu Xueman's mouth opened and she was speechless for a long time. She felt sorry for her son, but his son thought that she couldn't tolerate these two cubs, but that's right, she really couldn't tolerate them.

Lu Xueman spoke with difficulty: "Lu Heng, you are going to get married in the future, why do you take them with you..."

Lu Heng looked indifferent, touched the ears of the two children with his hands, and said nothing...

No matter how Lu Xueman objected, the two children stayed anyway, and Lu Heng had to be hospitalized, so he took them to the hospital together. Fortunately, it was a VIP, and there were two separate rooms, so the two children squeezed together. There are also nurses who are helping to take care of him, but Lu Heng is not very well. He returned to the hospital and burned for three days and nights before his temperature dropped, which is considered dangerous...

When his injuries were almost ready to be discharged from the hospital, he took his two children to live in a villa. His legs and feet were handicapped and he lived directly on the first floor. The two children lived in the room next to him and they lived together for convenient care.

For this reason, Lu Xueman was dissatisfied. She felt that Lu Heng had alienated herself for the sake of two outsiders, but she felt uncomfortable letting her spend time with those two children, so she lived in another place and came to visit from time to time.

After the rehabilitation period, Lu Heng ordered a prosthetic limb after meeting the requirements. Of course, he was not used to it at first, it hurt, itched, and sometimes swollen... After several months of running-in, he finally became like an ordinary person. Walk, even drive...

He moved to the second floor, and his two children also moved to the second floor with him. He opened a pharmaceutical company in Beicheng, and he also set up a laboratory...

(End of this chapter)

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