Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1120 Anxi's decision is unexpected

Chapter 1120 Anxi's decision is unexpected

In Jiangcheng, several days after Gu Anxi came back with Bo Xichen, Wang Kefu came back and was beaten all over again.

He lay in bed for several days, humming and unable to get up.

Although Mr. Wang didn't ask, but when he asked the people around his eldest son that he had been to Beicheng, he would understand everything. angry.

Here, Gu Anxi knew he was back, so he went to have a look...

Wang Kefu was lying on the bed in his bedroom, and no one was around. It was okay, he was standing quietly, but when he heard a sound at the door, Wang Kefu immediately called out in real and false ways, pretending to be in pain, he knew in his heart that the old man was angry with him , Didn't plan to let him go like this, why isn't he pretending to be a fool?

After yelling like this for a long time, I realized that it was Gu Anxi who came in, so I relaxed and turned over: "Anxi, it's you."

Gu Anxi sat on the sofa opposite the bed, and threw a box of medicine to him: "My mother asked me to come and see you."

Wang Kefu picked up the medicine and looked at it, and immediately felt a little better: "You little brat finally has some conscience."

He hummed happily, and stretched out his legs to apply the medicine. He probably felt comfortable after applying the medicine, and hummed again: "Good stuff."

Pick it up and have a look: "Is it the good medicine handed down from the Bo family?"

Gu Anxi propped his chin with his hands: "Uncle, how hard are you to think about sending yourself to Beicheng to be beaten by Lu Heng?"

When it came to Lu Heng, Wang Kefu was so angry that he caught Gu Anxi and sued: "Anxi, are you saying this is unreasonable? I went to Beicheng to see him with good intentions, and I knew his leg was injured. He kindly offered to take care of him, but he was kind enough to beat me up indiscriminately, if it wasn't for my life, I would have given my life to him."

As he spoke, he spat: "He's really nothing."

Gu Anxi laughed: "Who is it or not? Uncle doesn't know. You don't know why Lu Heng hit you?"

Wang Kefu felt guilty, so he changed the topic: "By the way, Anxi, I heard from the old man that you will return to Beicheng in the next year, and you will not return to Jiangcheng?"

Gu Anxi murmured vaguely, and Wang Kefu immediately followed up and asked, "Uncle is going to visit you when I'm free. I don't know if you will be angry with Uncle."

"To see me?" Gu Anxi pretended to be surprised: "Do you want to see me or Dr. Lu?"

Wang Kefu suddenly blamed him for having no face, and said after a while, "I'm just worried, you said his legs are like that, and he is young and unmarried, what will happen to him for the rest of his life."

"Uncle is really worried." Gu Anxi smiled, and then coughed softly: "Who said that Lu Heng was not married and had children, how old are his two sons, uncle doesn't know?"

This time, Wang Kefu opened his mouth wide and couldn't recover for a long time.

Gu Anxi took out his mobile phone and showed him the photos with a smile...

In the photo, there are two very beautiful and lovely boys, about five or six years old, who look a lot like Lu Heng.

Lu Heng rested on the hospital bed, while the two children sat obediently on the sofa...

Wang Kefu looked left and right for a while before saying, "Is that really his child?"

"It's not his child, or yours?" Gu Anxi took the phone back, "He has a son to take care of him."

Wang Kefu followed up and asked, "Where's his wife?"Never heard of such a person before. '

"Run away. Lu Heng's leg is like this, his wife threw the child to him and ran away." Gu Anxi opened his eyes and said nonsense, seeing Wang Kefu's look of hope again, rolled his eyes: "Uncle, don't send it away again." You got beaten up in Beicheng, next time I see him he probably can't stand you, can't he see that he hates you?"

Wang Kefu felt disappointed: "I thought he and I were friends."

Gu Anxi coughed lightly: "It's not the equipment, he will deal with you? Tell me that you are friends with him, why does he fancy you? He grew up abroad, and you can't memorize all 26 English letters. You’ve seen his looks, most of them are female stars, as long as he wants to, he has won many awards in the world, more than the marriage certificates you have received, uncle, tell me, what is he trying to do to you?”

Wang Kefu became furious all of a sudden: "Anxi, your words are too harsh."

"The words are ugly, but is this the reason?" Gu Anxi sighed softly: "Uncle, you are not too young, so why don't you settle down properly?"

When Wang Kefu said this, his heart skipped a beat, he lowered his head, and said in a low voice, "Anxi, to tell you the truth, I also regret it in my heart. I shouldn't have divorced your aunt... Although let's talk about it with Shen Wan Qing has also been fresh for a while, but that's it, no matter how good the women outside are, they have plans, I'm a useless man, I admit it..."

As he said that, he took a cigarette and lit it up, took a puff, suddenly remembered that Gu Anxi was there, and frantically put it out again.

Gu Anxi leaned on the sofa, playing with his mobile phone with one hand: "If you can't be a good husband, at least you can live like a human being. Be a good father. Xiaochao is your son, not the driver. He can take care of his wife and children, but You are different, you are your biological father, you have to take responsibility, instead of running to Beicheng to take care of Dr. Lu, who has nothing to do with you."

Wang Kefu still felt pity and reluctance, but he was not a fool, and he knew that what Anxi said was right when he fell into this situation...

He was silent for a while before asking: "Then you came to see uncle today, is there anything else?"

Gu Anxi nodded: "Yes, I just want to come here and make amends to my uncle. You have been beaten several times these days."

She was suddenly so polite, but Wang Kefu was not used to it, and patted his head: "Actually, it's none of your business, I'm catching up."

He raised his head, looked at the ceiling, and sighed: "I think that person is also a celestial figure. I want to eat swan meat, so I can't blame others."

Gu Anxi said again: "I will return to Beicheng after the next year, and the Wang family is going to return it to the Wang family. What do you think, uncle?"

"Idea?" Wang Kefu smiled bitterly: "If you have any ideas, I'll be the vice president. I'm not this kind of material, and I'm more valuable than I am."

He is very witty and has self-knowledge, which is a good thing in the first place, but Gu Anxi said: "I'm going to transfer the shares to uncle...I mean everything."

Wang Kefu was stunned, his mouth was so wide open that he couldn't close it...

He he he, did you hear me wrong?

After a while, he stammered: "Why?"

Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "No reason, of course it's compensation for uncle."

Wang Kefu slapped his thigh and grinned: "It's still Anxi, you brat, you have a conscience. Uncle always thought you were kind and cute. Now that you're all right, uncle really didn't misjudge you!"

(End of this chapter)

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