Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1121 I have the final say on this matter!

Chapter 1121 I have the final say on this matter!

Overjoyed, Wang Kefu forgot about the pain in his body, and bounced off the bed at once.

Going forward, he praised Gu Anxi fiercely, like a reborn parent.

In the end, he finally had some self-knowledge: "Anxi, do you trust me by giving me the shares?"

Gu Anxi glanced at him: "Otherwise?"

Wang Kefu felt embarrassed: "It was a little sudden, a little unexpected, and a little flattered."

He is not stupid, so he thought for a while and said, "Anxi, have you talked to the old man about this matter, have they agreed?"

Gu Anxi thought for a while on purpose before saying, "Isn't it my decision?"

Wang Kefu was greedy for those shares, but he was afraid that his brothers would be at odds. The second brother was able to talk, but his wife was not so good at talking, so he said again: "No, I'm afraid that the old man will be unhappy if he finds out. You announce this matter in front of everyone, and with your prestige, this matter will be settled properly."

Gu Anxi laughed: "Uncle, you have a good idea, but you want shares, and I will be the bad guy."

Wang Kefu scratched his head: "Isn't it useless, Uncle? If Uncle is good, you still need to go out. You said that you, a child who is pregnant with Xichen, can't be waited on by others. You are Keru's child, but Keru has been spoiled and spoiled since childhood, so of course you are even more precious..."

After saying good things, Gu Anxi didn't pay much attention to him.

He was a little anxious, "Since you have become a good person, why don't you just do it to the end?"

After begging for a long time, Gu Anxi finally agreed, and Wang Kefu was so excited that he turned a few somersaults, and the pain disappeared, and everything was healed.

When he went downstairs to eat, he carefully supported Gu Anxi, being more careful with each mouthful, and doing his best more than serving the empress...

Downstairs, Mr. Wang was talking to his second son, and the old lady was silent. The second sister-in-law of the Wang family was a bit boring sitting alone. I don't know if it was her illusion. Recently, the old man and the old lady treated her more and more. The more indifferent... Logically speaking, she wouldn't, she didn't do anything wrong.

Just as he was thinking, there was a noise upstairs, he raised his eyes, and then several people were stunned.

Wang Kefu, who had been humming upstairs for several days, was finally willing to go downstairs. In the morning, he said that he was in pain and wanted to go to Beicheng for medical treatment. Now he was alive and well, and he helped Gu Anxi downstairs with a friendly face. , that appearance, how can there be a bit of injury.

Mr. Wang's eyes flashed brightly, and then he said eccentrically, "I didn't know that just one look at Anxi would have such an effect, and he would revive a half-dead person at once."

These words are obviously scolding, but Wang Kefu is not angry at the moment, not only not angry, but also happy, very good at speaking: "The old man doesn't know now, Anxi is pregnant with this baby, it's terrible, once she goes Look at me, as soon as I feel this joy, I immediately become energetic, if you don’t believe me, look, your son will not be afraid of a few more strong men.”

Mr. Wang is angry and funny, this son is hopeless, a prodigal son who only knows how to play with women, and he doesn't think about making progress on weekdays, but I don't know what method Anxi used to make this trash suddenly shine like this.

The old man knew it in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He said lightly: "There are really a few here, and you've all died, so you're still happy!"

Wang Kefu smiled naively, "Dad, you don't like me so much, yes, you don't like me, someone does."

He did a good job of throwing bricks and attracting jade, and naturally let Gu Anxi take over.

Gu Anxi sat at the dining table, pretended not to understand, and took a sip of the soup: "Auntie's craftsmanship is really getting better and better."

The old lady said kindly: "It's fine if you like it. If Xichen is busy these days, you come over for dinner every day. Anyway, it's only a few steps away, and you just happen to take a walk."

Gu Anxi said yes with a smile.

The old lady sighed in her heart: this child is really flexible and likable, and gets along well with the family. She couldn't help but think of her biological daughter Keru. At that time, I didn't come again in Qingcheng. Qingcheng and Beicheng were actually only a few hours' drive away, let alone flying over, but Ruu had never been here once. On the contrary, it was not as good as this granddaughter.

The old lady felt pain in her heart when she thought about it, and she poured all her love for her daughter into Anxi, thinking of ways to treat her well, on the one hand, she also wanted Anxi to send a message.

Here, their grandparents came and went, talking and laughing, but Wang Kefu was so anxious that he gave Gu Anxi a wink: We still have business.

Gu Anxi pretended not to see at first, but Wang Kefu was afraid that the fat would fly away, so he kicked Gu Anxi's feet under the table, and said flatteringly, "You were upstairs just now, didn't you agree to announce something, now The old man and the precious couple are both here, so let's just talk about it."

As soon as he said it, the old man smiled lightly: "There's another thing."

He looked at Gu Anxi: "There is something important, it's so grand, and everyone needs to announce it when they are there."

Gu Anxi sipped the soup until the bottom of the soup was covered with a bowl, then wiped his mouth and raised his eyes: "I have something to say."

The brothers of the Wang family, the second sister-in-law, and the old man and the old lady all looked at her.

Gu Anxi coughed lightly: "Well, I'm going back to Beicheng after the next year, and I plan to return the Wang shares in my hand to the Wang family. After much deliberation, I decided..."

At this time, the second sister-in-law of the Wang family interjected; "Since Anxi said that she would return it to the Wang family, it is naturally best for the old man. Neither the boss nor Kegui can stand alone, and it is safest in the old man's hands."

Gu Anxi was amused——

She is shrewd and has a good nose.

After the second sister-in-law of the Wang family finished speaking, she looked at Gu Anxi, she smiled faintly, and asked, "Does Anxi think that what I said is wrong."

"Yes, Second Aunt is quite right, she knows the general idea very well." Gu Anxi smiled.

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family was relieved at this moment: It seems that she was thinking too much.

However, she really didn't think too much about it, Gu Anxi immediately said: "But the general idea is what my second aunt thought. I've always been used to it. I think it's good to give the shares to my uncle. My uncle likes it." Enjoy, the second uncle has the ability to manage the company just right, and it's good that each of them does what he wants."

As soon as she finished speaking, the second sister-in-law of the Wang family stood up: "Anxi, what kind of reason is this? If you tell the boss about the shares from the Wang family, what else can we get? Are you going to be a cow and a horse for the rest of your life? ?”

Gu Anxi ignored her, and said to the aunt at home, "Help me a bowl of rice."

Gu Xiufen was so angry that she said to Wang Kegui, "Are you saying something?"

Wang Kegui's eyes fell on Gu Anxi's face, and after a long time, he said: "I have no objection, and I also believe that the boss will not treat me badly in the future."

Wang Kefu was happy, and said repeatedly: "Yes, yes, of course I will not treat my brother badly."

At this moment, he was a little moved, but unexpectedly accepted it unconditionally, without saying a word.

How did he know that Wang Kegui believed in Gu Anxi, that's why he said that.

Gu Anxi nodded after hearing the words: "Okay, the second uncle agrees, and this matter is settled."

The old man didn't speak, and continued to take a sip of the wine, Gu Xiufen had a fit immediately: "I don't agree."

Gu Anxi's tone was light: "Second aunt, it's not about whether you agree or not. I just want to say that if the old man disagrees, I will do the same."

(End of this chapter)

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