Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1122 Do you think I don't know what you did next?

Chapter 1122 Do you think I don't know what you did next?

Gu Anxi was calm and calm, but Gu Xiufen was not. She looked at the old man and the old lady again, and found that they were not helping her, and her husband made such a statement again. She was so angry that she immediately shook her face and went upstairs to pack her things and was about to go back mother's family...

Mr. Wang was not very happy: "It's precious, this is not a good habit. You are used to going back to your mother's house whenever you are unhappy."

Wang Kegui was a little helpless: "She probably couldn't figure it out for a while, so let me go and talk to her." '

After finishing speaking, she got up and went back to her bedroom, and when she opened the door to go in, she saw Gu Xiufen packing up her things, dragging out a few large boxes.

Wang Kegui walked over and held her hand: "It doesn't matter if the boss takes it, he is also miserable recently, his wife and children are separated, so it's okay to be happy."

It’s okay if you don’t say that, Gu Xiufen stopped working immediately when she said that, threw the clothes in her hand, and sneered: "Wang Kegui, I don’t want to marry you for glory and wealth, but I have to have what I should have. Now it’s good. Anxi said that all the shares belong to the boss. You raised your hands in favor without saying a word. I don’t know what you are thinking. You are guarding against me, thinking that I am not worthy of staying in this house, or the old man. Madam can't tolerate me?"

Wang Kegui couldn't tell her clearly for a while, so he just sat by the bed and looked at her quietly.

He has never talked much, especially to her, but he has always been respectful, and he rarely looks at himself with such focused eyes.

Gu Xiufen thumped in her heart, and then she turned cold again: "What are you looking at me for, put your things down, I'll pack up and leave now, so as not to disturb your eyes, especially if it's not what Anxi wants, I don't know what I'm doing She has always been very kind to her, but she is targeting me, and it is the boss who caused the trouble, so it is good now, we have not lost anything."

As she spoke, she shed a few tears, wiped them away quickly, pushed Wang Kegui's hand away, and continued to pack things.

She tidied up, feeling a little uneasy in her heart. She hoped that her husband would keep her. Although she was greedy, since she married into the Wang family, she still devoted herself to her husband, but his heart was not on her.

After packing up the box, don't ask him to carry it, just pick it up and leave.

At this moment, Wang Kegui spoke in a slightly weak voice: "Xiu Fen."

Gu Xiufen had already walked to the door, she paused but did not turn her head around, Wang Kegui said softly again: "Have you thought about it yet?"

"That's a good idea." Gu Xiufen gritted her teeth, her attitude was very firm.

Wang Kegui was silent for a while, and then said softly: "You really don't know that the old man and the old lady don't want to see you these days?"

Gu Xiufen's heart skipped a beat, she turned to look at her husband, "What do you mean?"

"How did Miss Shen lose her child?" In the night, Wang Kegui's voice was extremely low.

Now, Gu Xiufen couldn't hold back anymore, and it took her a long time to tighten her voice: "Did Anxi tell you? What she guessed can also be used as evidence? Wang Kegui, we have lived together for so many years, don't you believe me?" Believe in a fluffy girl, why did you fall into her trap?"

She thought she was upright, and encouraged herself in her heart: they can't do anything to herself without evidence, even if Anxi said something in front of the old man, they can't do anything to her.

Wang Kegui stared at her for a long time, and then said softly: "I saw it. I woke up when you got up that night. I followed her, and I just saw it."

Although the words were very soft, Gu Xiufen's ears were terrified. Her expression changed immediately, and she stared at her husband: "You... saw it?"

"I see." Wang Kegui was very indifferent.

Gu Xiufen raised her voice: "So you told the old man?"

He shook his head: "No, but the family... can probably guess who did it. Miss Shen is not a careless person. She attaches great importance to this child and will not step on empty stairs for no reason."

After he finished speaking, Gu Xiufen remained silent for a long time. After a long time, she put down the box in her hand and looked at her husband quietly: "So, you all know, Wang Kegui, you are now in a showdown." Do you want to divorce me?"

Wang Kegui didn't make a sound, but she raised her voice again: "You still think it's not enough for Shen to lose a child and pay her [-] million, but also what we deserve."

She simply stopped pretending, and sneered: "What is the surname Shen, but it's just a mistress who can't get on the stage. She secretly conceived a child outside and raised it by herself, and she still has to ask the boss to divorce. This kind of shameless thing You want to sympathize with her? '

Wang Kegui said calmly: "Don't say that you are killing harm for the people, let me ask you, is A Liang one of yours?"

Gu Xiufen choked.

She wanted to deny it, but Wang Kegui went on to say, "He told me everything, he took 10 yuan from you, and seduced your sister-in-law to get her brother and sister-in-law to divorce... You will find a way to design Ms. Shen's child later, Xiufen, don't you want to marry me?" Do you think you're going too far?"

Gu Xiufen suddenly laughed, "Wang Kegui, you are not good at calculating other people, but you are good at calculating your own wife. Yes, I did all of these. Why, it's all because I want to help you. It's not that you are busy, but the old man has always been a bowl of water and never treated you preferentially."

"Isn't it good for a bowl of water to be level?"

"What's the matter?" Gu Xiufen said angrily, "The boss is a bastard who has achieved nothing at all. He only knows how to play with women all day long. What about you, you work in the company until late at night and don't come home. You never care about your children being sent to school. Everyone thinks that I married a good husband, but only I know how cold this marriage is."

"Then you can't plot against sister-in-law and kill the eldest child." Wang Kegui couldn't bear it.

Gu Xiufen smiled softly, "So what if he was killed, that child shouldn't have been born in the first place, do you think the old man is looking forward to this child?"

Wang Kegui closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, his voice became colder: "No matter what the old man thinks, you shouldn't do it. That's a child, not a chicken or a duck, it's a human life."

Seeing him so excited, Gu Xiufen smiled softly, walked over and looked down at her husband: "A life, do you feel sorry for it, or do you look at the young and good-looking Shen surnamed like the boss, and feel sorry for him?"Wang Kegui, I never knew that you had this ability, but no matter how much you love your child, you don't have it anymore... Do you hate me now, wishing I could get out? '

"It's unreasonable." Wang Kegui stood up, dragging his wife down on the bed, and he was about to leave without even looking at her.

(End of this chapter)

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