Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1123 You Are Still Thinking About That Bitch|People

Chapter 1123 You Are Still Thinking About That Bitch|People

At this time, Gu Xiufen would not leave, she fell there and her voice was hoarse: "Wang Kegui, where are you going again? Are you locked in the study room again thinking about that bitch?"

Wang Kegui's hand was holding the doorknob and was about to go out, but he turned around immediately when he heard the words, the light in his eyes was very cold, almost resentful, after a while, he gritted his teeth: "Don't mention her in front of me in the future, and don't scold her. she."

"I'll just scold her, she's a shameless bitch." Gu Xiufen blurted out, "She's not mean enough to make you think so? Wang Kegui, you're a coward, a coward, and you're always like a lover Hiding in your study, then why didn't you dare to disobey the old man and marry her back then, why did you let her go away alone... With her background, I don't know how many men she has committed herself to now, just thinking about it Does your heart hurt?"

Wang Kegui's voice was depressing: "You are crazy. '

"I'm not crazy, I'm just saying what's in your heart these years. You just miss that stinky and shameless woman. You call her by her name in your dreams. You probably fantasize about reuniting with her countless times in your heart. " Gu Xiufen completely torn face with her husband: 'She is a shameless female cousin! '

Wang Kegui finally couldn't bear it anymore, stepped forward and slapped him.

This is terrible, Gu Xiufen usually looks at Wen Jing, but she has never been so idle from her husband, plus too many things happened tonight, she suddenly lost her mind and rushed to wrestle with Wang Kegui... On the side of the fight, there were some unsavory words mixed in, which naturally alarmed the downstairs.

The old man vaguely heard it, and immediately went upstairs with a cane: "Old Er and his wife are really getting worse."

Wang Kefu got the benefits, so he had to help his brother to speak: "It's normal for husband and wife to quarrel, and the old man calms down." '

As she spoke, she winked at Gu Anxi, wanting her to say something nice together. How could Gu Anxi want to pay attention to him, leaning on the sofa and pretending to play games... She thought she knew why, her second uncle was not a fool, no It's so easy to be fooled, today he agreed so readily that he probably knew something, maybe even more than she did.

Wang Kefu saw that she was unaccounted for, so he had to drag his painful body to accompany the old man upstairs to persuade the fight. Before he went in, he heard the sound inside through a door——

What miscarriage, what stairs, what driver seduced the sister-in-law, Ah Liang took the money...

Mr. Wang's face is very ugly. He really doesn't like Shen Wanqing, and he doesn't like her giving birth to the eldest child, but what he thinks is that everything is resigned to fate. Not only could the child not be born, but the driver was found by the second daughter-in-law, which is terrible.

Not only was he shocked, but Wang Kefu was also stunned, and murmured for a long time: "How dare you, I have been fooled by Gu Xiufen, everything is her plan?"

He pinched his leg, "It hurts!"

Then he became excited: "Old man, I was wronged, it was this woman who caused me."

Mr. Wang beat him up with a stick first, until he was howling like hell, before he said: "She didn't drag the woman surnamed Shen back, and she didn't let you make that child?"

Wang Kefu originally wanted to be a good boy, but he was taught a lesson. He felt aggrieved when he touched his arm. He turned his head and looked downstairs. Gu Anxi was still playing games, so he didn't even look at them.

Wang Kefu's sluggish mind suddenly seemed to be opened up, and he coughed lightly, "This Anxi is so kind today, she can't just take advantage of me, this precious daughter-in-law usually hides so well, today she is as crazy as a big wild wolf Yes, are you stimulated?"

The old man stared at him: 'You pig! '

As he spoke, he kicked open the door of Wang Kegui and his wife's room. The door was kicked open, and the couple were still wrestling...

"The sky is turned upside down?" Mr. Wang roared angrily.

Wang Kegui is always a gentleman, so he got up immediately and stood up: "Master."

Mr. Wang stared fiercely at the crazy woman on the ground: "Xiu Fen, I heard what you said just now, what a good thing you did!"

The woman surnamed Shen is fine if she has no children, but the eldest also arranged by her, and now the eldest can't turn back.

But Fu didn't care, but he still cared. After all, his grandson called someone else's father. He went to inquire about it, and the family of three lived well.

When he said this, Gu Xiufen straightened her waist and looked at Mr. Wang silently, "Since the old man knows everything, then we can deal with it as we please. It doesn't matter whether we call the police or whatever."

The old man sneered: "It doesn't matter to you, does it?"

He looked at Wang Kegui: "This is your daughter-in-law, what do you say?"

Wang Kegui wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said in a low voice, "Let's see the boss about this matter."

Although the boss killed himself, she did tear down half of the house.

When Wang Kefu heard this, he looked a bit sad: "It's very sad to lose the child, but Wan Qing is also very comforting, and your sister-in-law... If she is determined, she won't go with the driver. So it's rare that you don't take it to heart, Xiufen did not do it right, but she also has many advantages, she is gentle, unlike your sister-in-law who used to like to fight with me."

An earth-shattering event, he said happily, Wang Kegui was speechless for a while, and Mr. Wang was speechless.

But Gu Xiufen is not stupid, it is obvious that the boss is a good person, and then he took the shares, she wanted to talk, but she just remembered it, if she disagreed, the three men in this family would probably I'm going to send her to prison...

Gu Anxi!

It's Gu Anxi again!She is really ruthless and capable. She was isolated in Wang's house without thinking. She is really good at sowing discord.

Gu Xiufen raised her head, wiped her face, and sneered, "Boss is so generous."

Wang Kefu patted his brother on the shoulder, then smiled at his sister-in-law: "One family, don't say anything."

Gu Xiufen was furious, but there was nothing she could do. At this moment, Wang Kegui said softly, "Boss, I'm sorry."

After finishing speaking, he patted Wang Kefu on the shoulder, and silently opened the door to go out.

The rest of the people looked at each other, and finally the old man said softly: "People's hearts are not enough, and they are living a good life, so they have to toss."

He was so angry that he also went out, and Wang Kefu smiled immediately: "Sister-in-law, don't take it to heart, we will still be a family in the future."

Gu Xiufen wanted to scold him, but she couldn't open her mouth for a while. After everyone had left and the surrounding area became quiet, she murmured: "How are you doing? What's so good about a husband who doesn't love me?"

In the darker night, she finally walked to the door of the study and tried to twist the door.

The door was locked.

She was in a daze for a while, didn't he even leave the door for her, even if he met, didn't he want to see him anymore?

Inside the door, Wang Kegui was sitting behind a desk with a book in front of him. The book was a bit old and had traces of having been read a lot. He sat quietly looking at the words on the book.

He has read these words countless times, and he can be regarded as fluent, but he still can't let go, and he will come over to take a look when he feels unhappy...

(End of this chapter)

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