Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1124 The bad guy is still there, just old

Chapter 1124 The bad guy is still there, just old

When there was a slight sound at the door, he knew it was Gu Xiufen who had come, and closed the book in his hand.

On the front page, there is a line of very delicate words——

Lin Shuang.

Wang Kegui looked at the three words quietly, and the past from a long time ago came to mind. He smiled faintly, and leaned on the sofa beside him, hugging the quilt, but couldn't fall asleep.

His mind was in a mess, but he didn't know what he was thinking.It may be that too many things have happened, or it may be that Gu Xiufen's actions are too beyond his imagination. She was a well-educated woman when she got married, but why did she change her appearance after only a few years? .

Their child is older than the eldest, and she is not usually at home, so maybe she has nothing to do, so she is thinking about it... This matter is not difficult, but it is just that she has been cruel to an unborn child Hand, he really couldn't be in the same room with her.

Wang Kegui knew in his heart that if Anxi hadn't arranged this matter today, his wife probably wouldn't admit it, and he would pretend to be confused... After a while, he sighed softly.

In fact, he wasn't that good either. He knew about it a long time ago, saw it but never said it.

Now, Anxi has pierced this layer of paper, why can't he accept it?

Such a marriage, such a life, wasn't he compromised many years ago, why can't he bear it now?

Wang Kegui got up suddenly and opened the door of the study.

Gu Xiufen stood at the door, she stared at him blankly, probably not expecting him to come out, so she murmured: "Precious, I..."

Wang Kegui's voice was faint: "Go back to sleep, it's getting late."

Gu Xiufen looked at his indifferent expression and his back as he was walking towards the bedroom, and hurriedly followed him and grabbed his arm: "Don't you have anything to say to me?"

He turned his head and looked down at her, "If you still want to mention the shares, I can't help it. Now it's Anxi who decides. If it's something else, then talk about it tomorrow morning."

Gu Xiufen smelled something different, that is, the man in front of her who had always been indifferent to their marriage was even more indifferent now, that is to say, if she dared to mention a divorce now, he would immediately agree to sign it.

She won't be so stupid, the sister-in-law is living a good life now, but after she and the driver get along, she will have no share in the Wang family's property, at most her son can enjoy some happiness, and she... can never get a divorce.

No matter how angry Gu Xiufen was in her heart, she suppressed it and said hoarsely, "Okay, I have something to say tomorrow."

That night, it was naturally the same bed with different dreams.

The next morning, when she woke up, Wang Kegui had already gotten up to go to work. She sat up and touched the empty bed, feeling empty in her heart.

For more than ten years, he has neglected her for more than ten years, he has other women in his heart, he thinks she doesn't know?

That woman named Lin Shuang was the white moonlight in his heart, but she was like a thorn in Gu Xiufen's heart.

Gu Xiufen sat in a daze for a long time, then pulled herself together, washed her face and went downstairs, the downstairs was quiet, it should be past the breakfast time, she looked at the clock and it was almost ten o'clock in the morning.

She sat down and asked the aunt at home to bring her breakfast. The aunt probably heard the commotion and quarrel last night, and there was always some fear in her eyes as the second wife——

This is what hurt Miss Shen, and she is too cruel, but she usually looks gentle.

Gu Xiufen is not an idiot either, naturally she can feel that others look at her differently, she raised her voice a little unhappy: "Ah Gui, what kind of eyes are you, afraid that I will eat you?"

Agui trembled in fear: "No, no, I'm just...Second Wife, if there's anything I don't do well, you can just point it out, and I will change it, I will change it."

But the more cautious she was, the angrier Gu Xiufen became, and she ignored her when she got angry. She ate breakfast alone, and then the old lady came out. She wanted to please her, but the old lady didn't pay attention. she.

Gu Xiufen was sitting alone at home, her heart was in a panic, flipping through magazines casually was even more uncomfortable, she took a woolen shawl and prepared to go for a walk...

When I got outside, I walked for a while, and happened to see Gu Anxi taking a walk in the community. She was alone, and she was leading a puppy, an ordinary schnauzer, and I don't know where she got it.

Gu Xiufen was in the dark and didn't go out. She just watched Gu Anxi holding the dog in one hand and sending messages with the phone in the other. It should be with Bo Xichen... You can tell by his expression.

Normally, Gu Xiufen would probably come forward to say hello, even if she had never liked Gu Anxi in her heart, but today is different, she is full of anger...

She just watched Gu Anxihong walk around the road, and finally came here again, chatting with her mobile phone, while the dog in front was running happily...

After a while, Gu Anxi walked in front again, and Gu Xiufen came out, looked at the back, and said softly: "If you come here again, you are out of luck. Don't blame me, you are meddling too much, the Wang family Whose property falls into the hands of you, and what does it matter to you?"

She glanced left and right, and then picked out a dozen smooth stones from a pot of bonsai on the side, and sprinkled them on the path. As long as Gu Anxi walked here, she would definitely step on them... When the time comes, her child , [-]% are not guaranteed.

It's only been a month, so it's easy to lose.

Gu Xiufen's face twisted slightly, and then she quickly backed away.

Whether it's a blessing or a curse, it depends on the life of that girl Gu Anxi...

Back in the house, she felt uneasy, pretended to have a headache and went upstairs, and even alarmed the aunt at home, saying that she wanted headache medicine. If it’s not good, send it to the hospital.”

After it was over, the old lady still couldn't help complaining a few words: "I'm usually so strong, why did I suddenly get sick? I'm afraid it's because I've done too many bad things."

She has complicated feelings towards her second daughter-in-law. She is more shocked than distressed by the fact that she has lost Shen Wanqing's child. She also doesn't like the surname Shen, but just like Wang Kegui, being so cruel and merciless by her side, Always... a little hairy.

The aunt at home nodded: "Okay, then I will look at the second wife."

The old lady hummed impatiently, and the auntie could tell that the second wife might not have much status in the family. In fact, the relationship between the second young master and the second wife has not been very good... On the contrary, although the eldest young master and the eldest wife will quarrel in the future, But at least it smells like it!

The aunt also left with a complicated mood.

After a while, news came from the Bo family, saying that Anxi had fallen on the road and had gone to the hospital.

As soon as the news came, the old lady fainted and her hands trembled.

The first thing that came to my mind was that Keru would blame her this time. If something happened to the child with her, it would be good. Their mother and daughter never kissed each other. It's really going to kill them now...

The old lady is 80 or [-] years old, and her hands and feet are not very flexible at ordinary times. Now that she has heard the news, she is walking like flying. She can't wait to fly to the hospital... Naturally, Mrs. Bo personally sent someone to the hospital. Bo Nianyao and his son Arrived quickly too.

When the old lady went downstairs, Gu Xiufen upstairs heard the movement and called another servant: "What's the matter, why does the old lady seem to have gone out?"

The servant's face was full of shock: "It was Miss Anxi who was walking and accidentally fell down. She has been sent to the hospital now."

Gu Xiufen was taken aback for a moment, then groaned, and lay down slowly again: "I'm sick at the wrong time, if my head doesn't hurt, I should go to the hospital."

The servant pursed his lips and made no sound...

Jiangcheng Hospital.

Bo Xichen arrived almost at the same time as Gu Anxi arrived. It was Director Lin who gave Gu Anxi an emergency treatment. After a checkup, he prescribed a bottle of medicine. Mrs. Bo was worried: "How is the child?"

Director Lin breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, it's not serious."

(End of this chapter)

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