Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1125 Why? Just because she can easily kill us

Chapter 1125 Why? Just because she can easily kill us

Director Lin breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, it's not serious."

Mrs. Bo was still nervous: "I mean our Anxi."

Director Lin smiled again: "Don't worry, both adults and children are fine, I have never seen such vitality."

Mrs. Bo was completely relieved now, and after a few words with Director Lin, she entered the ward.

At this time, Bo Xichen was already with him, and Bo Nianyao and his wife were naturally concerned when they entered. Gu Anxi leaned on the pillow, "I'm fine."

After all, Mrs. Bo is a woman, and she can understand her mood, so she sat down and reached out to touch her head, pretending to blame: "I also said it's okay, this time it's good luck."

Mrs. Bo thought for a while: "It stands to reason that the ground in that community is very flat. It shouldn't be. Could it be that Yuanxi threw something on the road when he was repairing things?"

Gu Anxi smiled foolishly: "Mother Bo, it's winter now, where is there any gardener? I just didn't care, and I won't in the future."

Seeing that she was serious, Mrs. Bo stopped talking, and touched her little head again: "I'm getting an injection, take a rest when you're tired, and you're not allowed to play with your mobile phone, I've been watching you these days , you are not allowed to go out before the year."

Gu Anxi lay obediently, looked at Bo Xichen again, and said with a voice like a kitten, "Uncle. '

She was always afraid that he would be angry, so she took his hand with her hand.

Bo Xichen had nothing to do with her, "Okay, let's sleep for a while."

Her little head arched towards him: "Then you accompany me."

The four words showed that she was still afraid... Bo Xichen slowly held his fingers, knowing that this would never be as simple as an accident. Anxi probably knew it already, but he probably guessed who did it.

He remained calm and stayed with Gu Anxi for as long as she slept. Later, he simply took his notebook and came over to deal with some affairs in the ward. Bo Nianyao went back to the laboratory, and Mrs. Bo stayed behind.

In the afternoon, Wang Keru arrived.

As soon as the person came, Mrs. Bo greeted her before she could talk to Gu Anxi, "I'm asleep, let's talk inside."

Wang Keru was a little worried, Madam Bo said softly, "I'm fine."

Wang Keru breathed a sigh of relief, "It's good that there's nothing wrong."

She patted her heart, then looked at Mrs. Bo and said, "Fortunately, there's nothing wrong. I came here from Beicheng in a hurry...I'll just stay here. This child is really worrying."

Mrs. Bo lowered her voice, "I don't think it's an accident."

Wang Keru has always been impatient, but now he held back and asked in a low voice, "Do you think the people around you did it?"

"I don't know." Mrs. Bo thought for a while, "Anxi is a very safe child, not careless."

At this moment, Wang Keru suddenly said, "I heard from Anxi that he was going to return the shares in his hand. Lin Yun, do you think this caused it?"

Mrs. Bo thought carefully, and then looked at Wang Keru.

Wang Keru gritted her teeth before making a move. Lin Yun pressed her hand: "Let's wait for a while. If something happens, even if someone wants to harm her, I won't dare to move now. Don't worry, these days We're all there."

Wang Keru was angry in her heart, but she suppressed her anger, and discussed with Mrs. Bo: "Don't worry, I will be reasonable." '

Mrs. Bo approved: "I knew you were flexible... In my opinion, Anxi's child is very clever. She may not know it, and she probably has a plan in her heart."

Wang Keru nodded: "Yes, if we can guess, she must be able to guess."

Mrs. Bo moved her face closer, and said in a low voice, "That one, she still has a criminal record, she was the one who pushed Shen Wanqing down the stairs." '

Wang Keru sneered: "Back then, she looked like she was doing her own thing. Unexpectedly, after a few years, she would be so unscrupulous."

Hearing what she said, Mrs. Bo sighed: "What I can't understand is that everyone knows that she just killed one, so why doesn't she restrain herself!"

Wang Keru sneered again: "I probably thought no one would know."

The two talked for a while, and Gu Anxi woke up in the outer ward. Mrs. Bo's ears were sharp, and she heard it all at once, and immediately went over and said with concern: "Wake up, are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

Gu Anxi shook his head: "Very good."

Mrs. Bo was about to take out the soup she had been cooking for a long time, at this time Wang Keru also came over and sat by the bed, gently touching her daughter's face: "Be more careful next time, your father and I were scared to death. "

After finishing speaking, he looked at her pretending to be reproachful. Gu Anxi hadn't seen her for several days, so he was acting coquettishly and cute. Mrs. Bo watched from the side, feeling a little sour in her heart...

Wang Keru personally fed her daughter some food, and went back to her natal home in the evening.

When she went back, the Wang family was about to start dinner, when suddenly the eyes of the old man and the old lady blurred——

The old lady whispered: "Keru is back." '

When she said this, Mr. Wang was sitting, but the two elder brothers of the Wang family stood up instinctively, especially Wang Kefu, who regarded this younger sister as a guest of honor: "Hurry up, sit down, Mama Zhang, add some dishes quickly, Mrs. Miss rarely comes back for dinner."

Wang Keru is not as glamorous as usual this time, and his body is always full of dust.

She looked around and sat down, her voice returned to her previous casualness: "The dinner is quite sumptuous."

The atmosphere suddenly became low, and Wang Kefu's temper was particularly good: "It's like this, something happened to Anxi, we all called Xichen and said it was all right, thinking that Anxi needs to rest today, so we Going to see it tomorrow, besides, Kegui and I are old men, isn’t it very convenient.”

Wang Keru smiled faintly: "I don't think my daughter is so precious anymore."

The old man was in a bad mood, and looked at his daughter, "But don't be too mean when you say it. Anxi's accident happened, and her two uncles are still very concerned, especially Ke Fu went to the hospital today, but he didn't see her. It's just people."

This time Wang Kefu showed a smile that he didn't want to take credit for, which made Wang Keru both annoyed and funny, "Brother is now promising, and it's not in vain that Anxi has taken a fancy to you."

These words touched Wang Kefu's heart, and Wang Kefu immediately expressed his opinion: "In the past, I fooled around and failed the old man's trust. This time Anxi doesn't despise me, I will change my mind and be a good person."

Wang Keru snorted softly: "Correct your bad habits first."

Wang Kefu's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, and he swallowed sharply: "Keru, do you misunderstand me?"

Wang Keru smiled, "It's nothing, I just heard that Dr. Lu was discharged from the hospital."

When Wang Kefu heard the name, his whole body went numb, his rationality told him he shouldn't ask, but he still asked eagerly: "Is he okay?

"Very good." Wang Keru told him the news he heard: "By the way, big brother, don't think about people singing opera with you in the future. You have two sons."

Wang Kefu was dumbfounded: "He's only thirty."

"You also know that he is thirty. Is it strange to have two children?" Wang Keru snorted softly: "It's better to be younger and keep a few more children, otherwise if something happens one day, it will be difficult to have another child."

When she said this, some people couldn't help it, and Gu Xiufen turned cold all of a sudden: "But Ru, we welcome you back home, and I know that something happened to Anxi and you are unhappy, but you can't say That being said, we and the boss all have only one child, who are you cursing? '

Wang Keru looked surprised: "I'm talking about Dr. Lu, how did the second sister-in-law bring it back to me?"

Gu Xiufen wanted to retort, but seeing the old lady's face, she endured it.

Wang Keru looked at Wang Kefu at this time, and persuaded him angrily: "Brother, so you have to be fair to be lucky. You see, if you did something wrong to my sister-in-law, the child in Wanqing's belly will be lost. If I say that the child's body has been strong since he was a child, he doesn't look like someone who is too weak to keep a child."

Wang Kefu was very uncomfortable by what she said, and because of his feelings, he had to touch his nose and bear it.

Wang Keru just said something, didn't eat a few mouthfuls of food, and hurried back to the hospital.

After she left, there was a deathly silence in the Wang residence, eyes wide open... After a long time, Mr. Wang broke the calm: "I have heard and seen it, but if I come back this time, it will ring our alarm. "

He glanced around: "The matter about Anxi..."

Gu Xiufen robbed her of the words: "The old man is too used to it. Something happened to Anxi, but we don't feel well. Why should she go back to her mother's house to dictate to her, a married girl?"

(End of this chapter)

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