Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1126 Are You Still Thinking About That Bitch|People

Chapter 1126 Are You Still Thinking About That Bitch|People

As soon as she finished speaking, Mr. Wang said in a cold voice, "Since the Wang family is still in the hands of Anxi's son, and because Anxi is Wang Jingyao's precious sister, Ren Bo's family can finish the Wang family with one finger."

The more he talked, the more annoyed he became, his voice was so loud that he wanted to tear down the house...

The brothers of the Wang family were silent, Gu Xiufen was very upset.When she got back to her room, she packed the clothes in the bedroom and said, "Anxi is capable, but she can be self-willed at ordinary times, but what do you think she is can she be like this if she doesn't have to give birth?"

Wang Kegui was wearing a vest and standing on the terrace smoking, looking absent-minded.

Seeing him ignoring her, Gu Xiufen became even more annoyed: "Wang Kegui, I'm talking to you."

"I heard." He said lightly.

Gu Xiufen came to him with a few clothes in her arms: "Then what are you going to do? Keep letting people play wild on us?"

"What do you mean?" Wang Kegui put out the cigarette butt and looked sideways at his wife.

Unlike Wang Kefu, he is slightly thinner, and his facial features are similar to Wang Keru's, but not as outstanding.

Compared to the boss of the Wang family, Wang Kegui can be regarded as a handsome man.Gu Xiufen also knows this, so she usually manages her husband very fiercely, but fortunately Wang Kegui doesn't have that kind of intention, otherwise this day would have been impossible to live on.

At this time, the atmosphere was a little tense, and Gu Xiufen complained: "I won't say anything about giving the shares to the boss for the time being, but Wang Kegui, you can't just let everyone come to your door to humiliate me, Wang Keru Your sister is good, but she has to respect me as the second sister-in-law anyway, do you think she has looked at me from the time she entered the door to the time she left?"

Wang Kegui probably didn't want to say anything to her, so he lit another cigarette and said very calmly: "She didn't mention you a word, so why is she humiliating you?"

Gu Xiufen was so angry that she couldn't get angry. In the past, the husband and wife didn't talk about affection, but he respected her anyway, but now he doesn't pay attention to her at all.

Wang Kegui smoked a cigarette and went out: "I'm going out for a walk."

Gu Xiufen chased out the door: "Wang Kegui, are you avoiding me? Go out for a while, why don't you go to the study room and read your book alone with the door closed? I have kept it preciously for these years, looking at who is not Know?"

Wang Kegui turned his head and stared at her fixedly.

Gu Xiufen was not afraid, she raised her head: "Am I wrong?"

Wang Kegui was holding a cigarette, and suddenly smiled: "Gu Xiufen, haven't you ever liked someone?"

In her 40s, she still looks like a shrew. She is the wife of the Wang family, but those who don't know her think she is a shrew.

But after he finished speaking, Gu Xiufen couldn't take it anymore.

He actually asked her if she had never liked someone?

Who can she like, she has liked him since she was young... Her eyes were a little hot, and she wanted to question him that he had no conscience, but looking at those indifferent eyes, she couldn't say a word .

Wang Kegui added: "Also, it's best that Anxi's matter has nothing to do with you, otherwise I won't be able to keep you."

Gu Xiufen finally couldn't bear it any longer: "Wang Kegui, don't you trust you at all?"

"No more." He finished quietly, and went downstairs to smoke a cigarette.

Gu Xiufen was left standing alone in the aisle, the lights elongated her figure, but she also looked more lonely.

She knew in her heart that her husband's heart was no longer on her. In the past, he might pretend to be for her son and her, but now he doesn't bother to pretend...

She went back to the study in a daze, and sat there for a long time, until half of her body became numb and he still didn't come back.

She thought to herself, did he sleep in the study again?

After hesitating for a long time, she went to the study and opened the door carefully. It was dark inside.

She called Kegui softly a few times, but there was no sound at all.She turned on the light, and sure enough he fell asleep on the sofa in the study room, lying undressed with a book on him, Gu Xiufen picked it up with trembling hands and looked at it...

The word Lin Shuang on the cover hurt her eyes.

It was so heavy that she couldn't breathe, she suddenly became crazy, stretched out her hand and tore the book in half——

As long as she tears up this book, she can tear up the thoughts in his heart, why, why does he still think about that woman, that woman may have forgotten him a long time ago... Wang Kegui didn't know she came in, it was really He fell into a deep sleep, but it was impossible for him not to wake up when she tore the book so loudly.

When I opened my eyes, there were fragments on the ground, and there were still some that hadn't had time to fall from the sky.

Wang Kegui almost didn't think about it: "You tore up my book?"

"That's right, I just tore it up, just to make you no longer able to think about that bitch!" Gu Xiufen said hoarsely, her eyes were red.

Wang Kegui immediately got off the sofa, squatted on the ground and tried to pick up the pieces and put them back together, but he tore them into pieces, which was easier said than done, and his anxious appearance made Gu Xiufen even more furious, and said coldly: "Wang Kegui , It’s useless even if you put it together, if it’s broken, it’s broken, just like there’s no fate between you and that bitch.”

After finishing speaking, she swayed, and then grabbed her with one arm, followed by a huge slap that made her ears ringing...

Gu Xiufen fell on the wall on the other side almost immediately, hit her head hard, and the corner of her mouth was broken...

(End of this chapter)

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