Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1137 I just happened to transfer Manager Lin over

Chapter 1137 I just happened to transfer Manager Lin over

While she was in a daze, Gu Anxi started to draw her picture again, and said in a calm voice, "My aunt is in a bad mood now, and I can understand it."

After finishing speaking, she smiled, the kind that is harmless to livestock.

At that moment, Gu Xiufen seemed to understand everything, her body was trembling uncontrollably——

Gu Anxi knew.

Gu Anxi always knew about the fact that she almost had a miscarriage, but she just didn't say it.

Then, there was Lin Shuang.

Gu Xiufen's face was so ugly, she stared at Gu Anxi to find something on her face, and then tore it apart... But Gu Anxi didn't seem to notice her difference, leaning on the sofa with a notebook on her lap, He drew her picture once and for all.

There are only four words to describe it: the years are quiet and good.

In comparison, how embarrassed she was, and only now did she realize how stupid she was, how naively she thought that she could make Gu Anxi suffer, this girl moved Lin Shuang in calmly, and she didn't know how to do it. This will make her family ruined.

Gu Xiufen couldn't find a reason, and she knew that it would be easy for Gu Anxi to kill herself, but she didn't, she did it on the thing she cared about most.

Gu Xiufen wanted to be strong all her life, and she made countless excuses, but she never really bowed her head to others, but at this time she said humbly: "Anxi, I know that there are many things wrong with me, but I love you." Your uncle, I don't want a divorce."

She spoke with difficulty: "Can you, give me a way to survive."

She almost said it straight to the point, Gu Anxi stopped pretending, put down the notebook in his hand, and then said lightly: "It's not that I don't give you a way to live, but that you don't give yourself a way to live. You said that I care about you the most." things, but it’s not... If I were like you, would I also attack your child, if that’s the case, you probably won’t be able to stand here safely, will you?”

Gu Xiufen froze in place.

The blood in her whole body was cold, and it took a long time before she came to her senses: "You want to attack my son?"

"I don't seem to have one." Gu Anxi said lightly, "People are different. Besides, the matter between you and uncle is mainly on you, not on me or Lin Shuang."

Gu Xiufen clenched her hands: "You mean, you won't interfere in this matter anymore?"

"I have never interfered." Gu Anxi smiled slightly, "It's just that... Lin Shuang happened to be an executive of a joint venture, and Yunxi Group happened to acquire her company. I heard that she is an old friend of my uncle. I specially transferred her here so that business negotiations can be more efficient."

She said it lightly and confidently, Gu Xiufen was about to explode, but she still had to bear it, because Gu Anxi was holding her life, if she dared to act rashly again, her son might be fine, but she might die forever I can't see my son either.

Gu Xiufen endured it no matter what, because she knew that not only Gu Anxi, but also the Gu family couldn't tolerate her anymore. It's okay if the old man and the old lady don't know that she harmed Anxi. If she knew, she would have no foothold. place……

Gu Xiufen is very human, at this time she was very decisive to give up, she smiled bitterly: "I understand."

Gu Anxi smiled, didn't say anything, and continued to draw her picture with her head down.

Some things, just understand, don't need to go into too much detail.

After Gu Xiufen left, Madam Bo coughed lightly: "Is she admitting it?"

"It doesn't matter whether she admits it or not. The main reason is that my second uncle has no feelings for her." Gu Anxi leaned on Mrs. Bo's shoulder and whispered, "She is more cruel than many people I have met. .”

Mrs. Bo carefully thought about Gu Xiufen's actions, and she felt the same, "She is not worthy of sympathy, and she asked for it today. Although Miss Shen's motives are impure, there is always an innocent little life in her stomach. For her own sake, Xiufen doesn't care about human life at all. It's really hateful."

Gu Anxi snorted, and heard Mrs. Bo say, "It's a good thing you're fine, otherwise I would never let her go."

She also knew in her heart that Anxi was willing to take the second place because of the child, and she didn't want him to have a mother with a discredited reputation, otherwise it would be difficult to be a human being in the future, and it would be even more difficult in the Wang family, so she didn't say anything now. Anyway, the current result is enough for Gu Xiufen.

Here, Gu Xiufen left Bo's house and went directly to Wang's. It's very difficult for her to see Wang Kegui now. He almost never goes home. When he gets home, he just grabs his things and leaves without a meal. Eating, trying to get angry with her, it also made her quit, just like now she wanted to see him, but no one answered her phone, so she could only come here.

However, even if you came to the company, you didn't just want to see him. The front desk stopped him and said embarrassingly: "Mrs. Wang, Mr. Wang is in a meeting, so it may not be convenient to see you."

Gu Xiufen knew what Wang Kegui meant, her heart was cold, and then she said coldly: "Call him and tell him that the big meeting will be held tomorrow, and I came here to sign a contract with him." Divorce agreement."

The front desk lady was stunned for a moment, but she quickly came back to her senses, and quickly dialed the phone, so proficient that it made Gu Xiufen feel sad.

After answering the phone over there, the lady at the front desk said in a low voice, "Mr. Wang, your wife came over and said she wanted to sign an agreement."

There was probably silence on the other side for a while, and finally said something, the receptionist immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled and said, "Mrs. Wang, this way please."

Gu Xiufen was particularly sad.

Only when he agreed to a divorce would he be willing to see her.

The lady at the front desk wanted to accompany her up, but she said softly, "No, I'll go up by myself."

Although she is getting old, she still has her own pride.

When she went up, several front desk ladies whispered——

"I heard no, Mr. Wang hasn't been back for almost a month, either staying in a hotel or in the company."

"It's going to be divorced! Unexpectedly, Mr. Wang has always kept himself clean and guarded himself like a jade..."

"Think about Manager Lin's appearance, and Mrs. Wang's appearance, even a man can't stand it."


When Gu Xiufen entered the elevator, she also vaguely heard those words. In the past, she would not let them go, but now, what qualifications does she have?

When she came to Wang Kegui's office, he was naturally not in a meeting, but sitting and working.

In the office, it wasn't very warm, but he was wearing a thin sweater. When Gu Xiufen entered, the secretary got up immediately: "Mrs. Wang, you are here."

Gu Xiufen said softly: "You don't need to call this Mrs. Wang, it won't be soon."

The secretary suddenly felt a little uncomfortable...

(End of this chapter)

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