Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1138 I Didn't Plan To Be With Him 1

Chapter 1138 I Didn't Plan To Be With Him

At this time Wang Kegui said: "Secretary Li, go out first."

Secretary Li nodded: "OK."

She looked at Gu Xiufen cautiously again, and went out quickly.

Everyone around Wang Kegui knew that Gu Xiufen was difficult to get along with.

After she left and the door was closed, Gu Xiufen said softly, "I'm here, you already know, I'm here for a divorce."

Wang Kegui just nodded slightly: "Sit down."

With that said, he got up and poured her a glass of water, and sat on the sofa opposite her...

Husband and wife have been together for so many years, but they are speechless to each other at this time.Holding her last hope, Gu Xiufen asked hoarsely, "Do we still have hope?"

Wang Kegui didn't make a sound, just took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a puff slowly.

There was still something she didn't understand, so she said softly: "Okay, you can ask the lawyer to write an agreement, and I will sign it."

Wang Kegui smoked half a cigarette, put it out, and then went to the drawer to get a document. It was the divorce agreement that had been drafted. Gu Xiufen's eyes darkened when she saw it—

"Let's have a look, if you have any conditions, feel free to mention them." Wang Kegui said softly.

Gu Xiufen endured, looked down at the regulations, every one was beneficial to her, Wang Kegui was very conscientious... But these were not what she wanted, all she wanted was a husband who loved her.

After she said it out of control, Wang Kegui said softly: "Xiufen, you are too greedy. I have done everything I can. I think I am worthy of you...but if you get one thing, you will get two things. Miss Shen has her." problem, but her child is also the eldest child, and Anxi..."

Gu Xiufen didn't want to listen to what he had to say, and said almost unbearably: "Needless to say, it means you don't love me, isn't it because Lin Shuang is back?"

At this time, she wanted to say that Lin Shuang belonged to Gu Anxi, but she hesitated when she got to the point of her mouth... In the end, she didn't say anything, just looked at her husband quietly, waiting for his final judgment .

Wang Kegui didn't express his opinion directly, but just looked at her quietly.

Gu Xiufen stared at him for a long time, then said softly: "Is there no room for redemption?"

This time, he hummed and brought their marriage to an end... Gu Xiufen didn't know how she signed it and how she got out of the company. When she got downstairs, she got in the car and the driver asked her where she was going. Then he said blankly, "I'm going to see someone."

She took her mobile phone and dialed a number, which was Lin Shuang's.

Lin Shuang was a little surprised, but she listened to her call patiently, and finally made an appointment in a small coffee shop.

There are not many people, just suitable for two women to chat.

"I divorced Wang Kegui." Gu Xiufen said softly.

Lin Shuang looked not surprised, "Really?"

Gu Xiufen looked down at the coffee in her hand: "Why, are you unhappy?"

Lin Shuang smiled softly: "What's there to be happy about, you don't think I'll marry him if you divorce, do you?"

"Isn't it?" Gu Xiufen's voice was a little anxious.

Lin Shuang lit a slender cigarette, and then smiled softly: "Of course not, I will return to Beicheng after the next year."

Gu Xiufen was stunned: "Will you let go of this opportunity? You don't love him anymore?"

"I don't love anymore." Lin Shuang's expression was a little dull: "It's all the past, why should I still miss it? I gave up back then, and miss it now. How can there be such a good thing? What do you think?"

This was beyond Gu Xiufen's expectations. She had always thought that Wang Kegui and her would divorce after arguing for so long, it must be because they were dating and would be together, but now Lin Shuang...

Lin Shuang didn't look surprised. She rested her chin on one hand, looked at the cigarette in her hand, and smiled: "So you and Wang Kegui can't rely on others for the divorce. It's your own marriage that's in trouble. You knew he didn't love you a long time ago." You tolerate it, but he doesn't love you but makes do with it... Tell me, what does it have to do with other people? '

Gu Xiufen was still angry when she stayed out of the matter like this, "Miss Lin, you don't seem to feel guilty at all?"

"Why should I feel guilty?" Lin Shuang smiled coquettishly: "I don't seem to have done anything."

Gu Xiufen was speechless.

At this time, Lin Shuang said: "You must be wondering why I am not with him... Yes, I used to love him very much, and I thought we would be together, but when you experience the warmth and coldness of human feelings, when you experience He gave up on you when he needed a man by his side the most, no matter what the reason is, that man is unforgivable, even if I took money from his family."

As she spoke, she slowly exhaled smoke rings: "You must think that I am standing up and down again, don't you? But, that's what I think, and I'm also a manager with an annual salary of several million, so why bother myself."

"No." Gu Xiufen said, "When you return to Beicheng, it's not just a million, tens of millions is possible. Our Anxi is a famous boy who spreads money, as long as you make her happy."

Lin Shuang didn't shy away from it either: "President Xiao Gu told you?"

Gu Xiufen gritted her teeth: "You will suffer retribution."

"Really?" Lin Shuang smiled, not caring at all.

After she finished speaking, she stood up, "I'm leaving first, tomorrow's plane, and I will meet Ms. Gu later."

After speaking, she pressed 200 yuan under the cup and left.

Gu Xiufen sat there without moving, and it took her a long time to raise her eyes.

Eyes filled with tears——

In fact, what Lin Shuang said was right, she didn't do anything, the real problem was her and Wang Kegui...

 I'm going back to Beicheng soon~~~EMMM I can write about this couple well~~~



(End of this chapter)

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