Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1139 1 throwing gold, willful and reckless

Chapter 1139 Spend a lot of money and act willfully

The next day.

When Gu Anxi was painting the latest painting at home, Lin Shuang came over.

In the quiet hall, there were only the two of them.

Lin Shuang looked at the quiet girl in front of her, and it was hard to imagine that she was the little Mr. Gu who disturbed Beicheng out of control, but she was always experienced. While drinking tea, she waited patiently for the girl to stop.

Finally, Gu Anxi drew Xiao Huihui, then raised his eyes and smiled lightly: "I've been waiting for a long time."

Lin Shuang smiled slightly: "It's okay. '

Gu Anxi looked at the suitcase beside her: "Are you going back to Beicheng soon?"

After a short pause, he asked again: "You...don't you meet my second uncle again?" '

Lin Shuang was very indifferent: "No, it's fine like this."

Gu Anxi also nodded: "Alright."

After finishing speaking, she took a document from the side and handed it to Lin Shuang: "Look at this, if there is no problem, you can sign it, and I will let the lawyer handle it later."

Lin Shuang took it over, read it carefully, and was very satisfied: "Thank you, Mr. Gu."

"You deserve it." Gu Anxi watched her sign, signed and put it away, and then said a few private words: " are alone now, why don't you think about my second uncle? "

A look of disappointment appeared on Lin Shuang's face, "Mr. Gu, when you reach my age, you will probably make the same choice as me."

After being slightly startled, Gu Anxi smiled slightly: "I believe in you."

She doesn't have much contact with Lin Shuang, but Lin Shuang is indeed a nice woman, very good.So he didn't say too much, and sent her out personally...

Before leaving, Lin Shuang turned her head and looked at her: "Mr. Gu, you and I think differently. '

"What do you think it looks like?"

Lin Shuang thought for a while: "Spend a lot of money and act willfully."

"How dare you say it." Gu Anxi smiled, and stood up straight: "Vice President Lin, see you in Beicheng."

Lin Shuang said solemnly, "Okay."

When Lin Shuang left, she inadvertently saw Bo Xichen walking down the stairs from the second floor. He probably just took a nap, so he looked a little lazy, but he still couldn't hide his inherent aura.

Suddenly, she understood a little bit that the reason Xiao Gu didn't look at Ling Li was because she was beside such a gentle man.

Lin Shuang smiled slightly and left.

Bo Xichen went downstairs, sat down casually beside Gu Anxi, and stroked her little head: "Where's your mother Bo?" '

"A guest came just now, but she avoided it. She should be taking a nap at the moment." Gu Anxi naturally leaned on his shoulder, tilting her head, "Lin Shuang has been here before, and she has returned to Beicheng."

Bo Xichen brought her notebook over, looked at the little gray rabbit on the screen, and raised his eyebrows: "This is our son?"

"What, this is the son of Big Hui and Miss Rabbit." Gu Anxi snorted softly: "Our baby is a girl."

Bo Xichen smiled, looked at the painting again, and thought it was really good.

Gu Anxi remembered it at this moment, and said dissatisfiedly, "I was just telling you about Lin Shuang."

Bo Xichen said casually, "Shouldn't you tell your second uncle about this? By the way, he didn't know that Lin Shuang was leaving?"

Gu Anxi propped his head, "Well... I think he should know, but he just pretended not to know, this time it probably broke his heart."

Uncle Bo suddenly raised his eyes from his notebook and looked at her quietly.

Gu Anxi was caught off guard, and stammered: 'You, what are you looking at me for? '

Bo Xichen smiled lightly, closed her notebook, and carried her upstairs...

The winter is melting and the house is warm.

When it was time for dinner, Gu Anxi put on a thick coat and laid down on the terrace, looked at the snow falling in the sky, and said softly, "Uncle, there is so much snow in Jiangcheng."

He hugged her from behind, "There is a lot of snow this year, and so is Beicheng."

She looked at him sideways, but didn't make a sound, wondering if Lin Shuang had already arrived in Beicheng at this time, and if her second uncle had gone to the airport to see him off.

In fact, Wang Kegui did go, but he didn't let Lin Shuang know. He just stood in the terminal building from a distance, took a look from a distance, watched Lin Shuang take the ticket, and watched her enter the security checkpoint.

He stood there for a long time before turning around and leaving.

Maybe he knew her purpose of approaching him, and she had told him long ago that they would not be together, but he didn't force him... Maybe it was because he was really sorry for her when he was young and gave up on her. ...

At this time, Gu Anxi was absent-minded, Uncle Bo was a little dissatisfied, and patted her lightly: "I worked hard all afternoon, are you still thinking about other people's affairs?"

Gu Anxi looked at him eagerly, and fell silent.Later, she put her little head in his arms obediently, and said softly, "I want to ask Mingzhu to come over for dinner during the Chinese New Year."

He reached out and touched her small head: "Call her if you like."

Gu Anxi smiled foolishly: "Then do you like Qin Siyuan?"

He patted her: "Naughty."

After finishing speaking, he smiled himself, put his arms around her and looked at the fine snow outside, and said in a hoarse voice after a while: "I will try to go back to Beicheng as soon as possible."

She oh, very obedient.

Later, they looked at the gentle Xixue together again, and she asked him in a low voice: "Uncle, do you have any lucky money this year?"

He looked down at her, then smiled slightly: "There will be."

She hugged him and said softly, "I want three copies this year."

Bo Xichen just laughed and didn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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