Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1141 He Doesn't Want To Be Your Dad

Chapter 1141 He Doesn't Want To Be Your Dad

The family was lively and noisy until midnight.

The men were so relaxed that they finally set up a card table. It happened that four men were playing cards wildly. Mrs. Bo accompanied her and let the aunt go to bed first, and she was responsible for refilling the tea...

Gu Anxi naturally wouldn't stay up late, and they would smoke while playing cards, so she went upstairs early, and Gu Mingzhu, a follower, followed her upstairs. When she got upstairs, she looked at Gu Anxi who was sitting on the sofa watching cartoons. , stretched out his hand: "My red envelope."

Gu Anxi held the remote control and ignored her: "Where's your red envelope?"

"You haven't given birth yet, shouldn't you give me a red envelope now?" Gu Mingzhu yelled, confidently: "I brought a gift here."

"It wasn't for me either." Gu Anxi didn't fall for her tricks, and changed his sitting position.

Gu Mingzhu snorted softly, and took out a book from behind her: " for you."

Gu Anxi looked at the things in her hand, and then took the book over and flipped through it. It was the island book, with Gu Mingzhu's name signed on the front page, and it was probably presented as a treasure at this time.

Gu Anxi was amused in his heart, but his face remained calm: "Oh, just a book, the cost price is only about [-] yuan, and with your signature, it's not too bad."

Gu Mingzhu screamed angrily: "This is a sample book, and I gave you the first autograph book."

Gu Anxi just pretended to know: "Oh, it sounds quite important."

"Of course it's important." Gu Mingzhu yelled angrily again: "I gave you the first book."

"It's like it's the first time." Gu Anxi smiled.

Then, Gu Mingzhu jumped even more, stared at her, and refused to speak any more, but her face turned red.

Gu Anxi also deliberately teased her, and said a lot of words, but Gu Mingzhu quietly moved to her side while jumping, and then she just got tired of her behind...

Gu Anxi snorted softly: "You don't have to do this, if you don't have a red envelope, you don't have it."

"Yes." Gu Mingzhu boldly fished out of her pocket, and finally took out a small box. It was the small jade bottle that was given by Mr. Bo. Gu Mingzhu was dumbfounded when she opened it, " Is this for me?"

Gu Anxi wanted to say it was a good idea, but she swallowed the words again, and instead smiled lightly: "Yes, it's for you, but it's not genuine, I bought it on the side of the road, 200 yuan, do you want it?" ?”

Gu Mingzhu held it in her hand and looked around, "It's fake, no matter how I look at it, it's true."

"Really, I will give it to you?" Gu Anxi was angry with her, Gu Mingzhu pretended not to want it, but stuffed it into her pocket again after a while, of course, she knew it was true.

Gu Anxi continued to watch TV, and then snorted: "100 yuan was exchanged for tens of millions, Gu Mingzhu, you can't pay it back several times."

Gu Mingzhu's pretty face turned yellow, and she yelled, "Gu Anxi, why did you become like this when you were with your uncle? You used to be so cold, but now you are like a man. I like... like..."

She was too embarrassed to say it.

Gu Anxi grabbed her words and asked with a smile, "What do you like?"

Naturally, she couldn't say it, and it took a long time before she said vaguely: "I like to say shameless things."

"Then I'll take back the words, and I'll take back the gift." Gu Anxi stretched out his hand to get something, how could Gu Mingzhu agree?Although she doesn't like antiques, this is a New Year's gift specially given to her by Gu Anxi, so don't return it.

The two quarreled for a while, and Gu Anxi suddenly took out a pink envelope from the side and handed it to Gu Mingzhu.

Gu Mingzhu froze for a moment, took it over, and then felt like crying.

In the past, every new year, there would be such a pink envelope with a red envelope for the new year, which Tang Yuan specially prepared for the princess,, she is not.

Gu Anxi patted her on the head: "Stupid, take it apart and have a look."

Gu Mingzhu looked at her, then opened the envelope, opened it and saw that it was a card.

Gu Anxi leaned over, leaned against her head, and said softly, "Gu Yuanshan asked the old man to bring it."

Gu Mingzhu sniffed her nose, then said in a low voice: "He... still remembers, I thought he..."

"He didn't miss red envelopes when you got married, and he even gave you house stocks, didn't he?" Gu Anxi smiled, and patted her on the shoulder: "It's all over, and he let go of you, too."

Gu Mingzhu didn't make a sound, just looked down at the card quietly and lost her mind... After a long time, she raised her eyes and shouted: "Gu Anxi, what's wrong with calling him, Gu Yuanshan and Gu Yuanshan one by one."

"He is Gu Yuanshan, and my name is correct." Gu Anxi smiled, as if he didn't care.

Gu Mingzhu stared at her for a while, only dared to mutter in a low voice: "You are duplicity."

"No, I'm willing to talk to him, I'm willing to pass on a message for him, but I just want to let myself go." Gu Anxi shrugged: "Too stingy, it makes me feel like I lack a father for him."

She was so angry that she said, "I have many fathers. As long as I want, my old brother is willing to be my father."

Gu Mingzhu secretly thought: That person originally wanted to be your father, but not your father!

But she didn't dare to say this, Gu Anxi would definitely tear her apart.

She was thinking in her heart, and at the same time felt that this new year is really not bad...

(End of this chapter)

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