Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1142 Uncle, help me

Chapter 1142 Uncle, please help me (3800 words, sweet)

Later, Gu Mingzhu and Gu Anxi watched TV together, getting closer...

Anxi looked disgusted.

Later, at 03:30 in the morning, Bo Xichen went back to the room upstairs. In the living room, he saw his little wife who was supposed to be sleeping lying on the sofa and fell asleep. With a wool blanket, the room is warm enough...

He looked at Gu Mingzhu at the side again, who was next to her, holding Anxi's arm with one hand, as if he couldn't bear to let it go, he smiled silently, went over and patted her on the shoulder lightly: "Mingzhu."

Gu Mingzhu woke up in a daze, facing Bo Xichen's handsome face, she couldn't turn around for a while, and then she said in a hoarse voice: "Brother Xichen."

Bo Xichen said very gently, "Happy New Year."

Then gave her a red envelope.

Although she was still in a daze, Gu Mingzhu suddenly wanted to cry. She sat up and scratched her hair: "Brother Xichen."

Bo Xichen smiled again: "Why are you so stupid?"

Gu Mingzhu took a breath: "Thank you Brother Xichen."

Since he was going to be a father, Bo Xichen had the style of an old cadre. He reached out and touched her head, and smiled softly: "Qin Siyuan is in the next room, don't go wrong... By the way, he lost tonight A lot of money."

Gu Mingzhu just looked at him eagerly.

Bo Xichen still smiled: "Go soon."

She just got up all of a sudden, went down cautiously, and suddenly turned her head again: "By the way, Brother Xichen, your Gu Anxi drools when she sleeps, do you know that?"

Bo Xichen coughed lightly, but didn't say anything.

Gu Mingzhu walked out while muttering softly: "This is not a good habit, you should take care of her."

She looked so cute, Bo Xichen seemed to have found a little similarity between her and Gu Anxi, so he smiled: "I will try my best."

Only then was Gu Mingzhu satisfied, and went out to close the door.

Bo Xichen looked at the closed door and looked down at the familiar little guy. He was in a good mood and reached out to pinch her little face. Gu Anxi woke up now and looked at him in a daze: "Uncle? You Have you played your cards?"

She was always sleepy, and she closed her eyes again after speaking, just moved her body towards him, and automatically found the most comfortable position.

Bo Xichen stretched out his hand to stroke her hair, and hummed: "Yes, it's done, they lost a lot."

She hugged his waist with her small hands: "Uncle, where is my New Year's red envelope?"

Bo Xichen took out a red envelope from a drawer at the side and put it in her hand: "Okay, here's the red envelope, you can go to sleep."

He complained: "The energy of the elders is so good that neither Qin Siyuan nor I can resist it."

At this moment, Gu Anxiluo woke up a little bit, and leaned on his arms to open the red envelope. Inside was a necklace, a silver chain, with a crown made of small jewels hanging from it, very delicate and beautiful.

Just by looking at it, you can tell that it is made to order and the only one in the world.

She groaned, moved her body again, leaned closer to his arms, and then put it on by herself.

It's so pretty, I can't bear to let it go.

Bo Xichen wanted to ask her something, but when he looked down, he found that she had fallen asleep.

Quiet, as beautiful as a porcelain doll...

He couldn't help laughing, it was funny and distressed, she used to be very energetic, probably because of her pregnancy, so she always likes to sleep lately, especially the other afternoon... She was very noisy.

Just thinking about it, Bo Xichen smiled slightly, reached out and hugged her into the bedroom, she woke up lightly again, put her arms around his neck, called him Bo Xichen softly, and called him mischievously after a while Professor Bo, Uncle Bo, really aroused him, just thinking about this moment, let it go...

Early in the morning, when Gu Anxi woke up, the floor-to-ceiling curtains were slowly opening. She leaned against the soft pillow and looked at the whiteness outside, and murmured: "It's snowing again."

As soon as she said that, she was kissed on the face. She raised her eyes, and a handsome face was reflected in her eyes.

She put her arms around him, talking nonsense, "It's really treating me well."

He probably knew what she meant, but he didn't want her to say cheekily again: "Uncle, you are so pretty."

He patted her gently: "Do you want to get up, today is the New Year...Qin Siyuan and Gu Mingzhu have already woken up to greet the elders."

Gu Anxi pulled the quilt over her head: "They are guests, so it's normal to get up early."

Bo Xichen leaned to the side, lifted a corner of the quilt, and coughed lightly: "Oh, I forgot to tell you, Mingzhu offered a treasure downstairs just now, and brought something out and said it was a New Year's gift from you."

Gu Anxi sat up all of a sudden, scratching his hair: "Is the old man there?"

"of course."

She stared at him, then patted her head, and lay down slowly: "It's over, I'm sure I'll die."

Bo Xichen smiled lightly: "So you go downstairs now, give him a good coaxing, there may be room for turning around."

She looked at him again, then moved over like a dog, and hugged his arm: "Uncle."

He hummed: "What's wrong?"

Gu Anxi said in a low voice: "Can you do me a favor."

'What's busy? '

She blinked: "Let's just say that you gave me the Pearl, I don't know anything when I'm asleep."

After she finished speaking, Uncle Bo looked at her, and she looked at him too.

After a while, he chuckled and said, "It's not impossible."

"You are the best." She hugged him coquettishly, like a lazy cat.

But Professor Bo is not easy to get along with, "But there must be some equivalent exchange."

After he finished speaking, she covered the quilt and looked at him with only a pair of eyes.

After a while, she said slowly, "Okay."

Bo Xichen was very happy, and waited patiently for her to get up, brush her teeth and wash her face, and then went down together.

Because it is the New Year, she is wearing a red hooded sweater, which complements her complexion very well.She walked in front, followed by Bo Xichen, going downstairs slowly.

Downstairs, the atmosphere was good, Mrs. Bo pulled Gu Mingzhu to give her some common sense, Bo Nianyao and Qin Siyuan drank tea and talked, only old man Bo kept pulling, the boss looked unhappy.

When Gu Anxi took a look, he knew it was about the bottle.

She looked at Bo Xichen calmly, and the latter smiled slightly: "Let's have breakfast first."

At this moment, Mrs. Bo saw them going downstairs, gave the red envelope with a smile, and then brought the breakfast herself. Gu Anxi secretly looked at Mr. Bo while eating.

The old man didn't look at her at all, he was just angry.

Gu Anxi was not in a hurry, and ate his breakfast slowly. When he sat on the sofa and turned on the computer, he asked unintentionally, "Uncle, did you put away the little jade bottle that the old man gave me last night?"

Gu Mingzhu just wanted to speak at this moment, but Qin Siyuan held her back and motioned her not to speak.

Gu Mingzhu was stunned for a moment, and then said: "She is too kind, she obviously gave me something, why is she saying to put it away now?" '

Dare to treat her as a thief?

Qin Siyuan smiled but said nothing, just looked in the direction of Mr. Bo.

Gu Mingzhu was taken aback for a moment, then looked at the sulking old man, she suddenly understood, and whispered: "The gift Gu Anxi gave me was given to her by the old man!!!"

Qin Siyuan is still smiling.

Gu Mingzhu opened her mouth and then shut it up.

At this moment, Bo Xichen accepted Gu Anxi's words: "Oh, you said the bottle that the old man gave you last night, I saw Mingzhu when I looked back, and I couldn't find anything to give, so I just gave it to her."

Gu Anxi immediately opened his eyes wide, and said dissatisfiedly: "That's a New Year's gift from the old man, uncle, how can you give it indiscriminately."

"It's my fault." Uncle Bo was very sincere: "I accidentally gave away the old man's beloved thing."

At this moment, old man Bo, who had always been dark-faced, snorted softly: "It turns out that you gave it to me, Xichen. I said that Anxi liked the New Year's gift from me so much, and he would never give it to anyone else."

As he said that, the old man stared at her, and said quietly: "How do you make up for my little brat."

At this moment, Mrs. Bo smiled like a spring breeze: "Xi Chen, you have hurt the hearts of the old man and Zai Zai. Let's see how you make up for it. By the way, it also makes it difficult for Ming Zhu to be a man."

Bo Xichen naturally apologized in various ways, and the matter was over, and the old man's complexion improved a lot.

When Qin Siyuan and his wife left and sat in the car, Gu Mingzhu asked Qin Siyuan in a low voice: "The old man is so easy to lie, if he said it was brother Xichen, he gave it to him!"

Qin Siyuan drove the car, then looked at his little wife and smiled: "Why? It's just to find a step to go down. He is angry, but it can't last long. Find someone to complain and it's over."

Gu Mingzhu sat there, thinking back and forth for a long time, and then said softly: "Anxi is really bad enough. Let brother Xichen take the blame, brother Xichen has a really good temper."

After hearing her words, Qin Siyuan just smiled——

Mingzhu is actually very simple, and I also know that Professor Bo's agreement to take the blame must be because of... the exchange of interests.

However, he also thinks it's better for her to be simpler.

Qin Siyuan drove back to their villa in Jiangcheng. The aunt at home was on vacation, so it was just the two of them.

After lunch was settled, he still had to make dinner by himself. After thinking about it, he took her out to drive again.

Gu Mingzhu sat in the car, took off the scarf, and asked curiously, "Where are we going now?"

Qin Siyuan looked at her: "Go to the supermarket to buy some ingredients and come back."

Gu Mingzhu asked blankly: "Can you?"

Qin Siyuan held the steering wheel and smiled lightly: "I can Baidu."

"Is it reliable," she murmured softly, really not believing him.Moreover, she has been used to being served by people since she was a child, and so is Qin Siyuan. It is difficult for her to think about how to cook.

It seems that Gu Anxi doesn't know how to do it. Brother Xichen does a good job, but he seldom does it because he is busy.

Qin Siyuan looked at the side of the road, and said softly: "There must be a first time for everything, isn't it Mrs. Qin?"

Gu Mingzhu suddenly became ill, she glanced at him, pursed her lips and remained silent.

Outside, it was still snowing lightly, but it was not very gentle. Finally, he parked the car in the parking lot of a supermarket. When the car stopped, he unfastened his seat belt and said softly, "Okay, get out of the car." '

Gu Mingzhu refused to get down, "Can I wait in the car?" '

Qin Siyuan stretched out his hand to pinch her face: "Just go shopping at the supermarket, it will kill you, good boy."

She liked him so much, she obediently got out of the car as soon as her face turned yellow.

After getting out of the car, Qin Siyuan almost held her in his arms, fearing that she would be cold.

Although, he is only a few years older than her, but in his opinion, Gu Mingzhu is just... a very small girl who can't seem to know anything except writing egg pain novels.

After entering, he found the small cart, and Gu Mingzhu followed him with an awkward expression as if he was constipated.

He touched her head: "What do you want to eat?"

"Hot pot." Gu Mingzhu looked at him eagerly after finishing speaking: "Do you know how to do it?" '

"You can Google it." He said again.

Gu Mingzhu made a face at him, then hugged his arm, half of her body was hanging on his body, greasy and crooked, and Qin Siyuan liked her very much, probably because her surroundings were too deserted, at his age Taking heavy burdens lightly, with no one to take care of him except for one elder sister, after more than a year of baptism, he is no longer like a 23-year-old young man...

Pearl, appeared at just the right time.

He took out his mobile phone and looked it up, and quickly remembered what he wanted to buy, and bought the same thing. Gu Mingzhu was quite disgusted at first, but later he also found it interesting. He wanted to buy a lot of things, and made trouble...

When it was time to check out, he taught her a lesson and took two big boxes of that.

Gu Mingzhu's face turned yellow again: "This...what are you talking about?"

"What are you talking about?" Qin Siyuan smiled slightly, and went to check out without blushing. Gu Mingzhu, with a thin skin, went out of the cashier first and waited for him at the exit.

Just when Qin Siyuan finished paying the bill, a soft voice sounded: "Siyuan."

The voice was somewhat familiar, Qin Siyuan raised his eyes and saw Shen Wanqing.

She has lost a lot of weight, and even though her body is full of jewels, it can't hide her haggardness.

Qin Siyuan replied indifferently and distantly: "Miss Shen."

Shen Wanqing's face was more or less hurt, she was stunned for a while before whispering: 'Come shopping?Where is Gu Mingzhu, why didn't he come? '

But just after she finished speaking, her eyes fell on something in the shopping cart, she froze, and her eyes moved to his face...

Qin Siyuan was very indifferent, and it happened to be his turn to pay the bill. He bought things and packed them in bags like an ordinary man. As for the two boxes of things, he chose to stuff them in his pockets, and he didn't feel uncomfortable at all...

(End of this chapter)

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