Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1143 Should be happy for a long time

Chapter 1143 Should be happy for a long time

This scene deeply hurt Shen Wanqing's heart.

However, in less than two years, she and Qin Siyuan are completely in two worlds, she has experienced too many men, and he is already married...

She asked with some displeasure: "What about your wife, why didn't you come out with you?" '

Qin Siyuan put the things into the shopping cart and smiled: "She is waiting for me at the exit."

After finishing speaking, she said goodbye to her, indifferently, like a very ordinary acquaintance, but Shen Wanqing felt unwilling, and chased her all the way. He walked fast and she grabbed his arm when she was anxious: "Siyuan."

Qin Siyuan turned his body sideways, "Anything else?"

She stood still, with a nervous expression on her face: "I have separated from Wang Kefu."

He looked at her quietly, calmly, without an expression of impatience.

Probably this encouraged Shen Wanqing, she pursed her lips and whispered, "I will never be with other people again."

Qin Siyuan was startled for a moment, and probably knew what she meant, before he could say something, Gu Mingzhu came over with a bag of snacks, "Qin Siyuan, who are you talking to?"

When she came over, she looked at Shen Wanqing, and then at Qin Siyuan: "Meet by chance?"

"Otherwise?" Qin Siyuan touched her little head: "I bought it myself? Do you have any money?"

She shook her head and said a little embarrassedly: "No, I still owe more than 20 yuan, you will pay it for you."

He glanced at her, shook his head, and then said to Shen Wanqing calmly, "Sorry, let's go first."

After finishing speaking, he took Gu Mingzhu to the other side to pay the bill. Shen Wanqing took out her wallet while Gu Mingzhu took it and took out the money naturally... her body was half hanging beside Qin Siyuan.

In the past, he couldn't tolerate girls like this, and his temper was not particularly good, but now he is very tolerant of Gu Mingzhu, Shen Wanqing is also a woman who has gone through a lot, she can see Qin Siyuan's psychological age in marriage , about 30 years old... For Gu Mingzhu, she was a little envious and jealous.

Originally, she was going back to Beicheng a long time ago, but later she left some things until now, and now she knows that Gu Xiufen is the murderer who pushed her downstairs, and Gu Xiufen and Wang Kegui have divorced, so it is conceivable that this matter is probably [-]% It was Gu Anxi who did it.

Shen Wanqing no longer had the intention to fight against Gu Anxi, the person she couldn't guard against, Gu Anxi easily defeated him...

When she walked out of the supermarket, she saw Qin Siyuan getting into the car with Gu Mingzhu, he opened the car door for her and let her get in, stood in front of the car door and said a lot of words before putting the things in the trunk...

Shen Wanqing thought sourly, in fact, he is really a good husband, so he belonged to her... Against the wind, she smiled and skillfully took out a cigarette to smoke.

In the smoke, she was relieved.

This path was chosen by herself.

On the other side, Gu Mingzhu was sitting next to Qin Siyuan. On the way back, her face was tense. Qin Siyuan was amused in his heart, but pretended not to know: "What's wrong, unhappy?"

"There is nothing unhappy." She glanced at him: "Are you happy?"

"It's okay." He freed a hand to touch the melon on her little head: "This is our first New Year's day together."

At this moment, Gu Mingzhu really couldn't help but burst out sourness: "Did you spend many New Years with her before?"

"Why do you think so?" Qin Siyuan brushed his hair casually while driving the car: "I spent most of the New Year with Anxi before, so I went to find her early in the morning of the New Year."

He was a little mean, and Gu Mingzhu was so angry that he was so angry that he ignored him all the way home.

Qin Siyuan didn't coax him either, and enjoyed it... Later, when he made hot pot, she was finally willing to forgive him, and came over to help out of boredom, but she didn't know how to do this, she messed up a lot...

But this kind of excitement, he likes it.

After eating hot pot at night, he took her upstairs and watched the fireworks in the distance together on the terrace.Said happy new year.

Then, every year will be happy...


On Gu Anxi's side, because of Bo Xichen's blame, the matter is finally over, but the old man knows it clearly in his heart, and his heart is still sour. He feels that his intentions have been let down by Zai Zai, so he eats lunch and dinner The food was not good, so Bo Nianyao said to his wife, "Anxi did something wrong, I have to teach her well."

Mrs. Bo was hanging up her clothes. Hearing this, she smiled lightly: "Look at you. You say you want to seek justice for the old man. I look at you to seek justice for myself."

Bo Nianyao patted his clothes: "What are you talking about!"

She coaxed and lied: "The old man has been wronged, I can't be this peacemaker."

How could Mrs. Bo believe him, she snorted softly: "Okay, just go and tell Zai Zai, don't beat her up."

Bo Nianyao smiled immediately: "Where do I have such courage."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly called the little boy to the study room. As soon as the door was closed, he rubbed his hands: "Zaizai, how can you just give away things? Do you know how many years I have thought about that thing? More than ten years Yes, I just watched it twice, the old man generously gave it to you, you... If you give it, I will also give it to you, Dad Bo, how can the little girl of Mingzhu know how to appreciate this."

(End of this chapter)

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