Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1146 I... I am nothing!

Chapter 1146 I... I am nothing!

Gu Anxi watched, a little happy, secretly took out his mobile phone, and sent a WeChat message to Wang Kegui——

"Aunt Lin is eating in the thinking garden."

"The old man introduced her to her."

"Get along pretty well."


As soon as the three messages were sent, she put the phone away, regardless of where Wang Kegui was in a hurry.

When she put down the phone, Lin Shuang looked at her quietly, and Gu Anxi smiled: "It happens to be here, I have something to announce..."

Manager Ma's eyes were wide open, and he was even a little nervous. Manager Wang touched his arm and coughed lightly: "Hold on, old horse, you are no longer a young man when you are old, don't let others see you joke."

After hearing this, Manager Ma straightened his clothes, showing a little more restraint.

At this moment, Gu Anxi said softly: "Actually, it's not a big deal, but I plan to transfer Lin Shuang to Anpu as a manager. In the future, Yunxi Group may have to worry about Manager Ma and Manager Wang. .”

After she finished speaking, Lin Shuang was a little surprised.

She really didn't expect that Gu Anxi would have such a plan, so she was stunned for a moment, and Gu Anxi smiled slightly: "What's wrong?"

Only then did Lin Shuang come back to her senses: "No, I mean why suddenly..."

"Anpu lacks a capable manager." Gu Anxi said lightly.

Lin Shuang felt relieved at this moment, and smiled: "Thank you, Mr. Gu."

"Don't thank me, I want your help." After Gu Anxi finished speaking, he looked at Manager Ma and Manager Wang.

Those two were already silly, because the surprise came too fast.

Especially Manager Wang, he didn't intend to be promoted at first, but suddenly he was promoted to the sky with the old horse, how could he not be surprised and happy?On the contrary, Manager Ma thought too much. The promotion is indeed good, but the most important thing in his mind is his personal problems. He has not found a good person in these years. Just now, the old man said that he was very excited. , but after a while, Mr. Gu transferred the person away, and he was very disappointed.

However, if you are lost, you still have to fight for it. Manager Ma coughed lightly: "Although Xiao Lin has been transferred, we are also colleagues at any rate, and although there are two companies, it is better than one, right? You need to move around more, Lao Wang, don’t you think so?”

Only then did Manager Wang recover from the surprised person, and quickly echoed: "Not bad, that's right."

He looked at Lin Shuang again, very kindly: "Xiao Lin, please keep in touch in the future."

Naturally, Lin Shuang could only say yes, and then she glanced at Manager Ma.

Manager Ma drank a few glasses of wine and was half-drunk. After being seen by the beauty, he looked forward to achieving a positive result as soon as possible.

This meal was a little uncomfortable, at least not joyous, everyone knew the other's plan...

At about eight o'clock in the evening, Lin Shuang left, and Gu Anxi asked Ah Xiang to see her off.

Lin Shuang said a few words politely, and finally let Axiang lead the way. She knew that Axiang came from the Wang's house in Jiangcheng, and she was a little curious, but she didn't ask. Instead, Axiang was very lively and said as she walked, "Miss Lin, I'm sorry. know yours."

In the night, Lin Shuang paused slightly: "Really?"

Ah Xiang's tone was very lively: "I know the second young master likes you."

Lin Shuang smiled lightly, and continued to walk towards the parking lot: "That's all in the past."

Ah Xiang walked beside her, and asked cautiously: "But he still likes Miss Lin, don't you?"

Lin Shuang didn't make a sound, just walked on the quiet gravel road. Later, Ah Xiang didn't make a sound. She always felt that Miss Lin had something on her mind. It stands to reason that she has good conditions and a good appearance. If you want to find a long time ago...

When they arrived at the parking lot, Lin Shuang turned around and smiled at A Xiang: "Since you're here, you should be fine. There are not many opportunities like this. Anxi is a very good person."

Ah Xiang was a little moved and hummed.

She watched Lin Shuang turn around and get into the car, turned on the air conditioner, and then took off her coat. Through a layer of glass, she saw Lin Shuang in the shadows, with a beautiful face...but there was an indescribable poignancy.

Ah Xiang suddenly thought of that book, she ran forward and patted the car window hard.

The car window slid open, and Lin Shuang raised her head: "What's wrong?"

Ah Xiang's little face was slightly red, but luckily she couldn't see clearly in the dark night, she said hurriedly: "The book Miss Lin sent has been in the second young master's study, he has read it many, many times..."

She spoke in a hurry. In fact, she didn't know what she said or why she said it. She just thought that Lin Shuang should know.

Lin Shuang was obviously taken aback, but she didn't speak, and sat quietly in the car.

Ah Xiang hesitated for a moment, then said: "The second wife was angry last time and tore up the book, and they had a big fight."

Lin Shuang lowered her eyes, and after a while, she took out a cigarette to think about it. Ah Xiang didn't know where the courage came from, so she snatched the cigarette away, and said in a timid voice, "A beautiful girl like you , it’s better to smoke less.”

Lin Shuang was not angry, but looked at Ah Xiang and smiled: "You are quite likable, no wonder Anxi brought you back from Jiangcheng."

Afterwards, she took a box from the co-pilot and handed it to Axiang: "This is for you."

Ah Xiang was flattered and dared not take it, Lin Shuang smiled: "Take it, my friend brought it to me from France, suitable for young girls."

When she said this, Ah Xiang took it over. After all, it was a good thing, and she liked it very much.

Lin Shuang drove the car away, and Ah Xiang was still standing there in a daze, and she didn't run back until she felt cold.

When she got back, she went directly to Gu Anxi's place, happily: "Miss Lin sent it."

Gu Anxi was nestling on the sofa talking to Uncle Bo, when she saw A Xiang come over and said a few words, she hung up the phone, and when the phone hung up, she opened the things in A Xiang's hands, and then smiled: " The top French skin care products cost tens of thousands a set, and my little aunt treats you very well."

Ah Xiang blushed: "Miss Lin and the Second Young Master are not...together."

"Fool." Gu Anxi looked at her like a little fool, then paused, "It's not because of my second uncle, do you think she will give you such an expensive thing? But it's because of you, Jiangcheng... see It’s just people thinking about things.”

Ah Xiang's little face turned even redder: "I...I...I'm not a thing."

Gu Anxi smiled: "I know you are nothing."

Only then did Ah Xiang realize that she had said the wrong thing, she was extremely ashamed and indignant, and said angrily, "You will bully me."

Gu Anxi smiled, closed the box, and then thought about it: "Kaichun will send you to school, and it's best not to stay in Siyuan to work, there are a lot of old women here... so, since Lin Shuang If I like you, I will arrange for you to go to Anpu as a work-study student, if you live in...the company also has a unified apartment, I will arrange a one-bedroom for you, and the conditions are okay."

When she said this, Ah Xiang felt a little uneasy: "I want to stay here."

She is a native girl of the Wang family, and her parents are servants. Her shallow eyelids made her have no future after finishing junior high school. She is used to working at home.

Gu Anxi sighed: "I've said it all, the people working here are a bunch of old mothers, it's not good for you here, is it not good for you in the company, someone will take it with you..."

After finishing speaking, she hooked Ah Xiang's shoulders and pressed her to sit down, almost close to her body, and Ah Xiang immediately wanted to stand up——

(End of this chapter)

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