Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1147 It's not that I don't want to get married, but that I'm not that person

Chapter 1147 It's not that I don't want to get married, but that I'm not that person

After finishing speaking, she hooked Ah Xiang's shoulders and pressed her to sit down, almost close to her body, and Ah Xiang immediately wanted to stand up——

This is very inappropriate, in her cognition, the class classification is very clear, Anxi is the master, she is a servant, how can they sit together?

Seeing that she wanted to run, Gu Anxi pressed her hard, and then half-truthfully said: "If you keep doing this, my stomach will hurt."

Ah Xiang is an honest child, she doesn't understand the tricks in her heart, so she sits down immediately.

Gu Anxi smiled: "As for the company, I brought a group from Qingcheng. They are all young and lively. As long as you say that I brought you here, you will definitely be taken care of... Especially Huangmao... No, his name is Zhang Niuniu, just follow him to do things, he is in charge of logistics."

Ah Xiang's eyes were wide open, and after a while she said a little unconfidently, "Can I do it?"

"Why can't it work?" Gu Anxi asked back.

Then, she thought about it again: "Let's go to the company first next week. At school, I'll ask Mama Bo to contact you with a good one. It's not urgent. Besides, if we can't keep up, let's hire a teacher to teach alone."

Ah Xiang's nose was sore, she wanted to cry, and she wanted to say something hypocritical, but in the end she couldn't say anything.

Gu Anxi patted her: "Okay, okay, these are nothing to me."

However, it can change the fate of a girl. She doesn't take the matter of hiring servants at home, and it doesn't matter if she is older. Eighteen or nineteen-year-olds like Ah Xiang should study in school.

For her arrangement, Ah Xiang was both surprised and delighted. She went back with Lin Shuang's gift and didn't sleep well all night. Gu Anxi slept with Mrs. Bo. On a cold day, she secretly stretched out her icy little feet. Next to Mrs. Bo's leg, Mrs. Bo patted her lightly: "You bad boy."

Even though I said this, I felt distressed, "It's so warm in the room, and your feet are still so cold, I'll get you a hot water bottle."

She went there for a while, and brought two of them over. Gu Anxi felt very comfortable in her arms, and then she got tired of being beside the elder, and said softly, "In a few years, I will let Ah Xiang live in the company."

Mrs. Bo was surprised: "Isn't it good to live here? I see that this girl is also smart and clever. Isn't it just a boredom to stay with you?"

Gu Anxi sighed: "Look, you also call her a girl, how good is that?"

After she finished speaking, she rested her head on Mrs. Bo's shoulder, so she didn't feel annoyed by the elders.

Mrs. Bo is also reasonable, and after careful thought, she understood that Gu Anxi had put in good intentions, and reached out to touch her little head: "It's better for you to see farther."

Yes, Ah Xiang will always look for a partner in the future, and ask her where she lives, saying that it is not good to be in Siyuan.

Gu Anxi was a little sleepy, and fell asleep right next to her. Mrs. Bo reached out to touch her little face, and then carefully moved to help her cover the quilt... After staring quietly for a while, she shook her head and smiled Laughing: "The kid who farts a bit bigger, he is always thinking about others."

She also secretly thought that Anxi is only two or three years older than Axiang, but she seems to be fully mature in all aspects of her mind. Just relieved.

The next night, Gu Anxi was going to an appointment, and Madam Bo was going to accompany her, but there were some urgent matters that delayed her. Naturally, Wang Jingyao was worried that she would go by car alone, so he asked his confidants Wang Jingchuan and Chen Ming to pick up his sister.

Wang Jingchuan and Chen Ming hadn't seen Gu Anxi for a long time, and it was New Year's, so they both gave red envelopes.

Gu Anxi accepted it bluntly, and sat in the car with Wang Jingchuan, while Chen Ming sat in front.

Wang Jingchuan loved Gu Anxi very much. Although he said that he had a different identity, he couldn't help but say a lot. He was indeed very knowledgeable, and Gu Anxi was a little surprised.

After chatting for a long time, Chen Ming, who was sitting in the co-pilot, smiled: "Anxi, I don't quite understand what you're talking about."

"Isn't that what you specialize in?" Secretary-General Wang said with a smile, "Chen Ming's marksmanship is outstanding."

Chen Ming felt a little embarrassed: "It's not as good as Anxi."

Gu Anxi shook his hands: "I haven't practiced for a long time, so I may not be better than you." '

Chen Ming naturally knew that she was being modest and saving face, so he grinned with white teeth.

Gu Anxi leaned on the back seat, and suddenly said, "Song Jiaren should come over tonight. I heard that she is going to be Zhou Yunchen's dance partner. After all, it's not convenient for me."

After hearing this, Chen Ming sat up a little bit, and then opened his mouth unnaturally.

Secretary-General Wang is very smart, so he guessed why Gu Anxi mentioned Song Jiaren, so he echoed with a smile on his face: "Yes, I heard that her movie will be released soon, she is famous and beautiful, for tonight The banquet has added a lot of color."

Gu Anxi gnawed on his fingers and laughed, making Chen Ming in the front row even more uncomfortable.

Secretary Wang also gave a saucy smile, "Chen Ming, it's actually not a big deal, you should be more open-minded, there are a lot of people who come and go in this circle, if you can't let it go, everyone will find friends elsewhere... Of course, if you have other plans, just treat it like an older brother and not say anything."

Chen Ming's voice was hoarse: "I didn't mean that."

He turned his head and looked out the window.

It was already dark outside, and he didn't know what he was looking at...

In fact, it's been a long time, so long that he almost forgot why he wanted to be with her, how she refused, and why they weren't together.

He thought, the secretary-general was right, he was the only one who couldn't let go of people who came and went.

After that, I didn't speak any more until the car drove to the parking lot of the hotel.

To their surprise, they met Zhou Su as soon as they got out of the car.

It could be considered Chen Ming's ex-girlfriend.

Zhou Su came today because she is a distant relative of Zhou Yu, and she is still single. She took this opportunity to get an invitation from home, and the meaning could not be clearer. The car met.

Chen Ming was also taken aback when he saw her, but then nodded his head in a strange and polite way.

Zhou Su felt a little uncomfortable, but she managed it with reluctance, and then she saw Gu Anxi, the girl who was held in the palm of the most powerful man in the entire northern city.

Gu Anxi's appearance is naturally irresistible, no matter how simple she is, if she only stands together, she has never lost.

Zhou Su felt a little envious, but she wasn't jealous either. She was somewhat self-aware. She came here tonight mainly because her family would introduce one or two young talents to her.

When she looked at Gu Anxi, Gu Anxi naturally recognized this one, smiled and didn't take the initiative to speak.

At this time, Wang Jingyao and Zhou Yunchen came out in person, especially elder brother Wang, who was holding a glass of red wine, and put his arms around the girl's shoulders as soon as he came over: "Hurry up and go in, I can't afford to pay Xichen if it freezes."

Gu Anxi was wearing a thick coat, and took a look at himself: "It's okay."

Wang Jingyao pretended to be displeased: "I don't even listen to what my brother said, did I tell you that I have more experience in taking care of pregnant women than Xichen. I have taken good care of you, Sister Lin Hua..."

Gu Anxi talked with him as they walked, and asked about Lin Hua's recent situation. The old brother was also in a good mood, and after talking carefully, he couldn't help but care about the girl again.

They were talking, and Secretary-General Wang followed behind with Zhou Yunchen. Such a few important people together naturally attracted a lot of attention, but it was Chen Ming who checked the security issue outside the hotel before he prepared with confidence. go in.

Turning around, he found Zhou Su still standing there.

He froze for a moment, then went over: "Why don't you go in?"

Zhou Su stared at him silently. Chen Ming was very different tonight. He was no longer in casual attire, but changed into a suit. She understood a little bit and saw that it was a new velvet suit from a luxury brand. It's quite expensive, and it doesn't look like the style that Chen Ming would buy.

However, he looks good in clothes.

She hesitated for a moment, and asked softly, "Chen Ming, have you found her yet?"

Chen Ming wanted to smoke, but found that the dress had no pockets, so he had no choice but to give up.

With a dark sigh, he said lightly, "It's cold, let's go in."

Zhou Su stood stubbornly in her evening gown, and asked again: "Is it still possible for us? If not...the family introduced someone to you tonight."

Chen Ming had some headaches, but he was always considered a good old man, so he said softly: "Get married when you meet the right one, don't delay until you don't want to get married."

Zhou Su took a breath: "Is it time for you to not want to get married now? I don't think you don't want to get married, but you don't want to marry someone else, right?"

Chen Ming really had a headache, and he barely managed it: "Miss Zhou, you think too much."

He called her Miss Zhou, no matter how thick-skinned Zhou Su was, he couldn't keep pestering her any longer. Just as he was about to enter the hall, a red sports car screeched to a halt, and then the door opened...

Chen Ming looked over instinctively, because the car belonged to Song Jiaren.

Sure enough, the car door opened, and it was Song Jiaren who got out of the car.

On a very cold day, she was wearing a black evening dress with thin suspenders, but it was not gaudy, but a little more glamorous.

When she got out of the car, she just wanted to close the car door, and then bent over to get her handbag. When she closed the car door and turned around, she happened to see Chen Ming and Zhou Su standing side by side...

(End of this chapter)

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