Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1148 Take me home tonight

Chapter 1148 Take me home tonight

Song Jiaren was stunned for a moment, and then walked towards her. Chen Ming looked at her straight.

In fact, he is not a very good-looking person, but he is not the kind who eats her. It seems that every time he sees him, the blood in his body boils, and he can't help but think of the previous thing.

Song Jiaren glanced at him, then looked at Zhou Su beside him, smiled lightly, and walked past him like this. She was wearing high heels, and her waist looked soft and slender when she walked, Chen Ming could hardly move. Open your eyes, your eyes are blurred.

Zhou Su on the side was very uncomfortable, she suddenly felt a sense of disgust, she stretched out her hand to wrap Chen Ming's arm, and looked at Song Jiaren in protest.

Naturally, Song Jiaren didn't appreciate this kind of morality. She looked at them mockingly, and entered the hall indifferently, not for any other reason, but because it was too cold outside.

Zhou Su, who was also wearing a dress, looked silly.

And Chen Ming waited for Song Jiaren to leave him before recovering, and frowned, "Zhou Su?"

Zhou Su put down her hand resentfully, and stared at Song Jiaren's back with displeasure: "She is so arrogant, she doesn't like you at all."

Chen Ming lowered his eyes, and then laughed at himself: "Maybe."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the hall, leaving Zhou Su there alone.

Zhou Su stood for a while before feeling a little cold, but her heart was even colder. She didn't understand why this man looked down on her. She was already a good choice for him, wasn't she?Besides, it was impossible for him and Song Jiaren. It was impossible before, and it will be even more impossible in the future. Zhou Yunchen achieved the Tao by himself, and Song Jiaren was his sister, and even a chicken dog ascended to heaven. What hope did Chen Ming have?

Thinking of this, Zhou Su sneered, and then went in.

The atmosphere in the hall was just right, Wang Jingyao was chatting with Gu Anxi, Zhou Yunchen was the protagonist of tonight, holding a cup by his side, and Chen Ming stood directly beside Wang Jingyao when he came over.

He looked at Song Jiaren beside Zhou Yunchen, and pursed his lips.

And Song Jiaren pretended not to see him.

The turbulent waves between the two were all in Gu Anxi's eyes, and she smiled.

When she smiled like this, Song Jiaren couldn't help rolling her eyes: Gu Anxi must have malicious intentions again.

Just thinking about it like this, when she met Gu Anxi's smiling eyes, her heart thumped even more, it's fucked up.

When he was free, Gu Anxi called Wang Jingchuan over and confessed a few words. Secretary-General Wang waved his hands again and again: "How can this be done? Mr. Zhou will do big things in the future, how dare I drink his wine, Anxi you Let me hang around until I retire, okay?"

Gu Anxi sighed: "Aren't you going to help me even a little bit?"

Secretary-General Wang stared at her for a while, and then sighed: "It's not that I won't help, it's really... Ms. Song must stop this wine, and if she gets drunk by then, what if she has something to do with Chen Ming again?" Earth-shattering things, how can I explain to Mr. Wang and Mr. Zhou, tomorrow I will be scolded bloody."

Gu Anxi squinted at him: "You look promising."

Naturally, she won't come to force her, she still said softly: "Well, if something goes wrong, I'll take care of it for you, why do you have to worry about it, if they don't want you, just come to my place, what are you afraid of? "

Wang Jingchuan looked at her: "You take me in?"

Gu Anxi narrowed his head.

The secretary-general slapped his legs: what else can I say, let's do it!

So at the reception, he approached Zhou Yunchen slowly and unobtrusively at the reception, pouring wine glass by glass. Zhou Yunchen still had to show some kindness to the secretary-general, the celebrities around Wang Jingyao, and Wang Jingyao had always been on the sidelines. Looking at it with a smile, he thought it was what Wang Jingyao meant.

At the moment, a few cups of drinking, coupled with the respect of others, will soon die.

Wang Jingyao kept watching, originally puzzled, but when he turned his head, his precious girl was sitting there watching excitedly. At that moment, there was something he didn't understand.

This little villain is coming up with ideas again, probably not Zhou Yunchen, but Song Jiaren and Chen Ming.

Wang Jingyao also felt pity for Chen Ming, an old man obviously liked him in his heart, but he didn't dare to admit it.

In his opinion, the two sides are a bit different in various aspects, but Zhou Yunchen's girl obviously likes Chen Ming, since the bastard is going to do big things, why should he be a bad guy.

So, Wang Jingyao called his secretary-general in private.

It's not surprising that Wang Jingchuan came over holding the wine glass, his face was flushed, and he smelled of alcohol.He has participated in large and small entertainments with Wang Jingyao. Wang Jingyao's status is noble, so naturally he can't lose his temper by drinking too much, so blocking alcohol has always been Wang Jingchuan's business. It may not work at first, but as long as he drinks, he will be fine.

Now, it's fine.Others are not half-drunk, but he is still in high spirits, so it's no wonder that Gu Anxi picked him up by playing tricks, so he won't get drunk after a thousand cups.

At this time, Wang Jingyao looked at his secretary-general and said softly, "Sit down."

Wang Jingchuan also felt that he was Meng Lang, and when he was about to criticize, Wang Jingyao coughed lightly: "Jingchuan, you have played well with that brat, why, now she has become your boss, saying good things and bad things, good things Have you heard all the bad things?"

Wang Jingchuan's heart shuddered, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "It seems that nothing can be hidden from you." '

Wang Jingyao sat leisurely and took a sip of tea: "She was so careful that my brother couldn't see it? I knew where she was going to pull her SHI as soon as she raised her buttocks."

Secretary-General Wang coughed lightly. It was really because the boss was too insulting to the gentleman, and Brother Wang seemed to have noticed it, and changed the subject very naturally, "What are you going to do in a while? Zhou Yunchen obviously drank too much Well, his girl is probably going to help him stop the drink, are you going to get her drunk and let Chen Ming take care of her?"

Wang Jingchuan didn't dare to answer directly, he just said: "President Gu...arranged it?"

Wang Jingyao sneered: "She arranged? She's a little kid? It's her fault that Zhou Yunchen didn't die afterwards. In this way..."

As he spoke, he took a glass of wine from the coffee table and handed it to Wang Jingchuan.

Wang Jingchuan was taken aback: "This?"

"Chen Ming worked very hard today." Wang Jingyao smiled lightly, and Wang Jingchuan immediately understood.

Old brother Wang leaned on the sofa again and closed his eyes: "I don't know anything...Let Zhou Yunchen find Chen Ming afterwards."

Wang Jingchuan swallowed sharply, thinking to himself, Mr. Wang and Mr. Gu are really... It's not that the whole family doesn't come into the house, they are all horribly willful, one is wicked to death, and the other is spoiled, why is she doing him? All help.

Wang Jingchuan took the order and went to work in a hurry. Not only did Chen Ming drink the glass of wine, but he also managed to get Zhou Yunchen and Song Jiaren drunk together, especially when Zhou Yunchen failed first, Wang Jingyao directly Arranged for someone to take him back, poor Zhou Yunchen was so drunk that he forgot about his sister.

At this moment, Song Jiaren was still persuaded by Wang Jingchuan to drink, and she was almost drunk.

After the round was over, Wang Jingyao came over, looked at the situation here, and reprimanded: "Jing Chuan, you are too inconsiderate of the juniors, you think they are just like you."

Wang Jingchuan apologized naturally: "My fault, my fault, I accidentally got them all drunk."

Wang Jingyao scolded with a smile: "You think that you usually socialize, and these are all your own people. Let's see how Yunchen fixes you tomorrow."

As he spoke, he told Chen Ming who was beside him: "Send off the beautiful lady, don't come here later, go back by yourself first, today is also a good day, spend more time with your mother."

Chen Ming was feeling uncomfortable. He wondered why he had a fever because he didn't drink much.

Thinking about it later, it seemed that the glass of wine that Secretary-General Wang gave him seemed to have the taste of some great tonic. He thought it was strange at the time, but then he wondered if Secretary-General Wang had taken it by mistake, it was for Mr. Wang...

But on this occasion, he couldn't ask, he could only agree vaguely.

He was drunk and couldn't drive, so he planned to call a car to take them off, but Wang Jingchuan was already prepared to transfer all the cars away, Chen Ming made phone calls for a long time, and finally had to call a taxi.

Song Jiaren drank too much, and leaned on the back seat to pant when she got in the car: "I don't want you to drive me, I have a driver at home."

Chen Ming also leaned on the back seat, pulled off his tie, and then looked sideways at her: "You think I want to give it to you?"

Although Song Jiaren was drunk, she still knew that it was Chen Ming, and vaguely knew that they were arguing, so she became even angrier and pushed him, "Then get out of the car!"

She was always drunk, and her strength was unstable, but instead of pushing him, she threw herself into his arms.

Chen Ming easily grabbed her and kept her from moving around: "Be honest, I'll take you back and I'll leave. Don't worry, I won't pester you."

She was held by him like this, trying to struggle, but she couldn't, and kicked him: "Let go of me, go to your Zhou Su, why don't you go, I saw her with someone else, don't you be jealous Not angry? Chen Ming, are you still a man?"

She was being unreasonable and talking nonsense, which completely angered Chen Ming. He pinned her down firmly: "I'm not a man? Song Jiaren, you are talking nonsense with your eyes open. You know the most about whether I am a man, don't you?"

She froze and looked up at him.

Her face is very clear, and her red lips are slightly parted, which is very seductive: "Chen Ming..."

While speaking, the coat on the shoulders slipped off, and the scene was indescribably glamorous.

Chen Ming closed his eyes, his Adam's apple rolling: "Put on the coat."

Song Jiaren suddenly smiled softly, and her fingers brushed lightly over his arm: "So you are also prudish."

After she finished speaking, she held his face and forced him to look at her.

Both of them had drunk, and at such a close distance, even the alcohol in each other's mouths could be smelled from each other, and there was a faint ambiguity in the air.

"Am I good-looking?" Song Jiaren's breath sprayed on his face, and she murmured, "Don't say I'm not good-looking. If I'm not good-looking, why would you stare at me all night."

Chen Ming was a little annoyed, and wanted to pull away her wrapped arms, but at this moment she let go of her automatically, leaning against the back seat of the car and squeakingly smiled, "Chen Ming, do you know who you are, your eyes at that time seemed to want to All the men present had their eyeballs gouged out?"

'You think too much. His voice was hoarse and hoarse, and then he bent down to pick up her coat and forcefully put it on her shoulders. He didn't dare to look at her when he was doing all this, and his eyes kept falling aside.

However, Song Jiaren obviously didn't want to let him go, as soon as he moved, she hugged him again.

"I want to go home with you."

Chen Ming trembled, and then his voice became tense: "What are you talking about?" '

"I want to go home with you," she said again, "my brother is drunk, I don't want two drunkards in the house."

Chen Ming turned his head out of the car window, "There will be servants at home to take care of you."

"I don't want others to take care of you." She leaned closer to his face: "I just want you to take care of me, I just want to see you struggling, I just want to see you prudish."

She drank a lot, and said a lot of things that she wouldn't normally say: "Chen Ming, do you still miss me in your heart, or why do you look at me like a wolf? Don't you like Zhou Su? Or don't you?" Like her figure?"

Chen Ming's face was blushing, and he turned his face away, "Stop talking."

In fact, he can say that it's none of your business, so that she won't pester him even if she drinks too much, but he just doesn't want to say such cruel words to her, or he doesn't want to say it, because he is just like what she said, It's a prudence, even if she drinks too much, he still wants her to pester him, like this... He is useful.

Chen Ming secretly scolded himself for not being up to date, and was also annoyed, but she was still provoking him without knowing it. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and reported an address.

As soon as the driver heard it, he understood in his heart.

Hehe, he has seen this kind of thing a lot. Isn't it normal to send a woman home to his lair, but the woman in the car is really beautiful, just like a star, this man's affair is really good.

The driver was extremely envious, but he did not forget his business: "Well, maybe... Mister understands the rules of this business."

Chen Ming didn't know the rules, but he also knew that the other party was asking for money. He was very upset, so he took out 1000 yuan from his wallet, and the driver suddenly became energetic. He stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the destination.

The car arrived at Chen Ming's apartment in 20 minutes. When the car stopped, Chen Ming turned his head and found that Song Jia was asleep.

He shook his head and sighed, not knowing what to do.

Should I send her back?

(End of this chapter)

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