Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1149 I Will Make You Responsible4300 words

Chapter 1149 I Will Make You Responsible4300 words

He shook her gently: "wake up."

Didn't you make a fuss about going to his house? Why are you falling asleep now?

Song Jiaren leaned her head on his shoulder, was gently shaken by him, and immediately woke up. She opened her eyes and looked at him in a daze. Where is it?"

"My house." Chen Ming said angrily, "If you want to go back, I can still send you back now."

Song Jiaren stared straight at him, probably because the car was full of the smell of alcohol, or maybe because he was already hot, and when he was looked at by her like this, his face was so hot that he seemed to be staring at him. Like a fire.

But at this time, he was a little nervous.

Song Jiaren leaned her head on his shoulder again and murmured, "I'm tired and want to sleep."

Chen Ming had nothing to say, he opened the car door with one hand and supported her with the other, and when she got out of the car, she clamored for a hug.

This is the living room assigned by Chen Ming's work unit. The people around him are colleagues and others. It's not too late now, and all the people coming and going are people. As long as one person sees him, he will probably jump into the Yellow River in the future.

He was a little hesitant, and there was some resistance from a straight man.

But Song Jiaren didn't allow him to hesitate or refuse. She drank too much, and was favored by Zhou Yunchen as a princess. Now the princess got sick, and she kicked off her high heels in the cold weather. Standing there with bare feet, "Hold me."

Chen Ming was furious, "Aren't you cold?"

He bent down to pick up her shoes and wanted to put them on for her, but she refused to wear them capriciously. He had no choice but to reach out and hug her, holding her horizontally, holding her high heels in one hand, and walking towards the elevator .

Now, Song Jiaren was satisfied, she wrapped her arms around his neck, restless with that hand, gently stroking the short hair on the back of his neck... Chen Ming lowered his head, his eyes slowly changed Deep, quietly watching her.

At this time, he couldn't tell whether she was really drunk or fake, but he didn't want to know.

At the elevator entrance, he held her in his arms, and no one said a word. After a while, the elevator dinged, and a very decent middle-aged man walked out of it.

Chen Ming gasped.

Not someone else, but his boss.

The man's surname was Li, and he went out to play cards and socialize in the middle of the night. He didn't expect to run into him. He was about to make fun of Chen Ming for being stupid, but he swallowed his words when he saw him again, because the woman Chen Ming was holding was not someone else. Zhou Yunchen's sister.

This is terrible, everyone knows what Zhou Yunchen's identity is, did Chen Ming eat the guts of a bear?

When the man looked over again, Chen Ming became even more uncomfortable. He got into the elevator and nodded.

When the elevator closed, this Li Ju was still in the fog, and he slapped his thigh for a while: I have to ask Mr. Zhou about this, Zhengchou has no chance to show his face, and now it involves his sister's personal safety , I don’t have to ask, I can only feel sorry for Chen Ming, the girl smelled of alcohol, I think she must have drunk too much, what if someone wakes up and regrets it?

So this old Li enthusiastically called Zhou Yunchen. At this time, Zhou Yunchen was as drunk as a pig, and he was dishonest after returning home... Shen Congwen had only given birth for two months, and he was I haven't been close to her for a long time, and tonight, taking advantage of some alcohol, I became dishonest and pestered my wife shamelessly.

At this moment, an uninteresting caller surnamed Li called, Zhou Yunchen didn't want to answer it, but the phone kept ringing, Shen Congwen pulled his hair, "Hurry up and answer the call, maybe it's Duoduo calling .”

Zhou Yunchen stared at her again for a while, turned over helplessly, took out the mobile phone from his pants pocket, closed his eyes and said:

"I'm Zhou Yunchen."

The Li surname over there was very excited, "That's me, Xiao Li. I just saw Miss Jiaren and Chen Ming together. She seemed to be drunk. Chen Ming took her home. I wondered if I should report it to the police. a bit."

Zhou Yunchen is a man, and his temper is not particularly good at ordinary times. At this time, this shitty thing came to him. He really wanted to scold others, but he couldn't scold others in his position. He just rubbed his eyelids and whispered softly. Opened the mouth: "She is almost thirty, and she has to have her own life, right? Xiao Li, you don't have to report when you see a man and woman together, do you?"

Xiao Li over there suddenly lost his tongue, and didn't know what to say, and after a while he said it was getting late, and he was depressed.

Here, Zhou Yunchen was so disturbed that he lost his mood, lay down and didn't want to get up, and just kept rubbing his head.

Shen Congwen went over, pressed it for him, and asked softly: "What's the matter? Is it Dodo?"

He hummed: "Who else is there besides her? She probably drank too much, and got involved with Chen Ming again."

Shen Congwen laughed out loud, "If you don't like Chen Ming, why didn't you call him and order him to send Duoduo back?"

Zhou Yunchen glanced at his wife, and then became even more helpless, "Didn't I say it all, she is almost thirty, she has her own life, and even if they fail, she will not suffer."

Shen Congwen glanced at him: "It's too generous to have someone like you as an older brother."

Zhou Yunchen closed his eyes and smiled, stretched out his hand and pulled her to his side, then turned sideways and asked, "Is the baby okay, will you make trouble during the day?"

He spoke softly, even when he was drunk.

Shen Congwen's voice was also gentle: "It's very good. During the day, my mother came to help me take care of it for a long time. She really likes the baby."

"My son, can you not like it?" Zhou Yunchen put his hands behind his head, then fell silent, and was in a daze quietly.

Knowing that he was thinking about those things again, Shen Congwen coughed lightly: "Thinking about it every day, are you tired?"

Zhou Yunchen smiled: "How can I not want to?"

He sighed: "Min Xin, an old man, obviously just doesn't want to do it anymore, and his leg injury is probably an exaggeration."

Shen Congwen was shocked: "Can it still be like this? '

Zhou Yunchen sneered: "They all belong to old foxes. You think your husband is very smart, and he is ahead of them. Look, Wang Jingyao is also staring at my piece of meat. He thinks that he will get sick soon gone."

Shen Congwen's heart ached immediately, and Zhou Yunchen took her hand again, "Look at the top of my head, I'm going bald."

"No, the hair is still very thick." Shen Congwen wondered.

Zhou Yunchen didn't care, "I'm going to be bald soon anyway, so you have to be nice to me from Congwen."

Shen Congwen was speechless for a while.

A big man, now he has learned what is wrong with acting like a baby with his wife.

She wanted to say something again, but found that he was asleep, and she couldn't help but feel distressed. She knew in her heart that she was not only drinking, but also tired. How could this seat be easy to sit? No wonder he refused to go before, and Anxi didn't quite agree with him. .

But now, there seems to be no turning back...

Just as Zhou Yunchen fell asleep, on the other side, his sister was taken advantage of as expected. Of course, she also took advantage of Chen Ming. Both of them are acquaintances, so there is nothing polite about it...

It's just that he didn't expect that Chen Ming's mother would come over the next morning before he woke up.

Chen Ming is very busy, and she does almost all of the cleaning here. She always feels that Chen Ming, a big man, hires a part-time worker to hang around at home, causing criticism, especially if a young girl is not self-respecting, it will be even worse.

It hadn't been a few days since Xinguo, and Chen Ming hadn't been at home for two days, so she came here early in the morning worried, thinking of forcing her son to let him have breakfast before leaving, but when the door opened, Mother Chen was stunned.

A room full of wolves...

Chen Ming is a conservative person. Where has she seen this kind of big scene? She blushed suddenly, and only recovered after a while. She closed the door lightly, so that Chen Ming's colleagues couldn't see it. The reputation has been tarnished.When the door was closed, the old lady was so angry that she walked into Chen Ming's bedroom angrily.

This is a three-bedroom apartment with an area of ​​about [-] square meters. The decoration is minimalist and the environment is good. However, those small objects piled up on the ground really make people blush and heartbeat. Mother Chen dare not look at them, and hides all the way to the bedroom... …

Sure enough, Chen Ming was with a girl.

That scene was so shocking, Mother Chen blushed, she stamped her feet and called out in a low voice: "Chen Ming."

Chen Ming woke up, opened his eyes and sat up, and found that it was his mother. He felt very uncomfortable and scratched his hair: "Mom, why are you here?"

Mother Chen blushed even more, "Can you tell me what's going on? Who is this girl?"

Chen Ming became even more uncomfortable. He got up and took a shirt and put it on, and then put on a pair of trousers: "Let's go outside and talk."

Before Chen's mother said anything, the girl beside Chen Ming was half asleep, turned over and hugged Chen Ming's waist: "What time is it?"

Now, Mother Chen could see clearly that this girl was not someone else but Song Jiaren.

Suddenly, she was so shocked that she didn't know what to say, and stared at her son.

She is a conservative person, and she heard from her son that it was impossible. At the moment, these two are obviously drunk, and then... messed up. Chen Ming was also very helpless, and gently patted Song Jiaren, "My mother is here." .”

Song Jiaren suddenly opened her eyes and met Chen's mother's old eyes.

At the moment, all three are kind of like that.

In the end, it was the old man who spoke: "I'll clean up the living room and make breakfast by the way. You two will come out after talking. And Chen Ming, you find two clothes for her to wear. Those two pieces of cloth can't be worn. gone."

Chen Ming scratched his messy hair: "Got it, Mom." '

Chen Ming could still yell, and left quickly, cooked the millet porridge, and then began to pack his things.

The ones that can be used are put together in the bathroom, and the ones that can’t be worn are packed in a bag separately, so that no one else can see them, and they are thrown into the trash can downstairs in small steps. At such an old age, I have to clean the buttocks of these two children.

In the bedroom, Chen Ming looked at Song Jiaren: "Are you going to get up, or sleep for a while?"

Song Jiaren lay down again, thought for a while and said, "Get up, there is an announcement in the morning."

She got up, went to the bathroom, and called him as a matter of course: "Help me find a suit of clothes that I can wear."

Chen Ming scratched his hair again, feeling a little headache, he is a big bastard, where can she wear his clothes?

But no matter what, he still had to look for it. He jumped into the cloakroom, searched for a long time, and finally found a pair of wool sports trousers and a crimson sweater that he had in college... She should barely be able to wear it.

Song Jiaren came out, wrapped in a bathrobe, looked at the clothes on the bed, and snorted softly, "Your college clothes?"

Chen Ming was brushing his teeth, he hummed, and then felt an indescribable softness in his heart.

They are now like... a newly married couple.

Song Jiaren put on the clothes directly, and found that except for the waist of the trousers, the rest actually fit well. She tightened the waist with a drawstring, and looked in the mirror again, and it looked good.

He reached out and tied his hair casually, and went out to have breakfast without waiting for Chen Ming.

Chen's mother is very capable. She cooked the porridge in a while, and also made two side dishes, which were bought nearby. When she saw Song Jiaren coming out, she called her over to have breakfast, and then Chen Ming also came out. , her complexion is not good-looking, "Look at you!"

She is an old-fashioned person, and she always feels that her son disrespects women like this, especially Song Jiaren, who is an actress, and who is so entangled with such a rough man like her son, she feels... I am sorry for him.

But when she thought about it, her family Chen Ming must have something special to make people think about it like this, so thinking about it, Chen's mother's face was like the sky in June, and it changed as soon as it changed. He was full of smiles, and advised from time to time: "You two eat more, the beauty said that she will have an announcement later, Chen Ming, you are not very busy these days, and you will send her there before going to work in a while, do you hear me?"

Chen Ming raised his eyes, glanced at Song Jiaren, and groaned.

Chen's mother became angry: "Talking to you, the big man is so vague and unhappy." '

"Understood," Chen Ming snorted again, and now Mother Chen was satisfied, and said to Song Jiaren gently, "Anyway, if there is something wrong with Chen Ming, just tell me."

Song Jiaren stared at Chen Ming and smiled, "I see."

Chen's mother was very satisfied, and felt that the two children were settled. They stayed overnight together and had breakfast with their parents. They were so obedient, and they couldn't justify falling in love.

At this time, Chen's mother wanted to spread this matter to the whole world, her son is very capable.

After Song Jiaren finished her breakfast, she was about to make an announcement. Chen Ming handed her her overcoat and found a scarf for her. When he got in the car, he suddenly frowned: "Aren't you wearing long johns? "

"No." Song Jiaren said directly.

Chen Ming frowned, and then said: "I'll ask my mother to weave two thin ones for you tomorrow. You can wear them normally, and you don't count if you attend the ceremony."

Song Jiaren leaned on the back of the chair and looked at him sideways: "Chen Ming, do you think I'm your girlfriend now?"

She leaned closer to him and said nastyly, "I was drunk last night."

Chen Ming stared at her, their noses were almost touching the tip of their noses, he was quiet, and then suddenly said: "That's fine, then I'll sue you for being raped after drinking..."

'It's really shameless. ' Song Jiaren stepped back, leaned back on the chair and said lazily, "We're all grown-ups now, you won't hold me accountable, will you?"

"What if I ask you to be responsible?" Chen Ming held the steering wheel and thought for a while: "I forgot to tell you that a colleague saw you leaning on me last night, and he might have told your brother. If you want to be beaten, you say that if I don’t ask you to be responsible, who should I look for?”

Song Jiaren opened her eyes wide: "Chen Ming, are you too shameless?"

"It's you who made a noise to come here, and I...have a hard time." He glanced at her and said, "I'm not like you. After last night, I may not even be able to find a girlfriend in the circle. According to the rumors, I am the one." A man played by a female star."

(End of this chapter)

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