Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1150: I'll Raise You3800 words

Chapter 1150: I'll Raise You3800 words

Song Jiaren was about to jump: "When did you learn these shameless tricks?"

"I'm just telling the truth. I said to myself last night, if you dare, I will hold you responsible." Chen Ming said frankly.

Song Jiaren was about to jump again and stared at him intently.

After a while, she said in a hoarse voice: "I can't be responsible."

Chen Ming didn't say anything else, he just started the car and drove towards the place Song Jiaren had announced. Today she was attending a product launch event, about skin care products. The time for the meeting will be noon anyway.

When Song Jiaren arrived at the place and got out of the car, her assistant came over. She was a little surprised when she saw Chen Ming, and then she looked at the clothes on Song Jiaren's body, and it was obvious that they were men's clothes.

Last night, Ms. Song and Chen Ming were together. As Song Jiaren's assistant, she wouldn't know anything about the affairs between them.

The assistant's name was Yang Tiantian, and he was also a good man. When he saw it, he pretended he didn't see it. He just whispered to Song Jiaren, "It's getting late, let's go in first."

Song Jiaren followed her and left, but turned around after walking a few steps.

Chen Ming was still there, leaning against the car and smoking.

Song Jiaren pursed her lips and turned her head in.

It wasn't until he reached the dressing room that Yang Tian coughed lightly: "Are you and him together again?"

Song Jiaren sat in front of the makeup mirror: "What do you mean we are together again? He and I have never been together before."

As he said that, he wiped his face with an oil-absorbing tissue, and said to the makeup artist, "Let's get started."

The assistant didn't dare to say anything, but after a while she couldn't help but said: "Even if you indulge once in a while, you should avoid it. It's not good to spread the word."

The make-up artist coughed, obviously told by the little assistant... That's it.

What is an occasional indulgence?

Song Jiaren glared at the assistant, who was on the sidelines dryly, "You have to worry about the feelings of the fans."

"Whether love comes or not, love goes or not." Song Jiaren said a little waywardly.

Okay, be tough... The little assistant sighed.

Half an hour later, Song Jiaren changed into a black velvet dress and walked out of the dressing room. Immediately, seven or eight bodyguards followed at the door. When she arrived at the scene, she immediately took off her coat, and the little assistant took it.

The host, brand owners, and fans had already arrived. Song Jiaren stepped onto the stage gracefully, and when she was about to speak, her eyes froze.

Under the stage, Chen Ming was sitting among a group of little girls.

Song Jiaren gritted her teeth: Does he know that this brand meeting is...the launch of a new female sanitary napkin.What is he doing here as a big man?

While she was in a daze, the host CUE her several times... When she regained consciousness, the fans below all stared at her, and then their eyes fell on Chen Ming.

Song Jiaren is also a professional, and soon felt those suspicious eyes, so she took the microphone and said with a smile: "I found a man at the scene today, I want to interview him, did he come to investigate for his wife? "

After speaking, an assistant host handed the microphone to Chen Ming's mouth.

Chen Ming didn't speak immediately, but just stared at Song Jiaren.

The new year is just over, and the weather is still minus four or five degrees. Although it is indoors, it will never exceed 15 degrees, but she is only standing there working in such a thin skirt. For a while, he sighed. Enduring hardships, but still... a little distressed.

He himself was suffering, but from the bottom of his heart, he felt that a delicate woman like her should not suffer even a little bit of pain.

After a long time, he finally said, "Yes, I came to see for my wife."

The host is very good at enlivening the atmosphere: "At that time, we will invite this gentleman to come up, and our shopping guide will teach him how to use the new product."

Chen Ming's face turned red all of a sudden, and the host even teased a few words, and he suddenly felt like he had fallen into a wolf's den.

Song Jiaren glanced at him, then turned her head to her assistant and said, "Let him go first."

She didn't want to be on the social news, and her interaction on stage was photographed. It would be ugly if it was exposed in the future.

She ordered like this, but before the assistant had time to go, Chen Ming left with an excuse. The host smiled and said after finding out: "The gentleman is probably embarrassed, and now we ask Ms. Song to briefly introduce the new product to us... ..."

Song Jiaren smiled and said a few words, and then arranged a series of activities and some small games, and signed autographs for fans. The press conference was finally over. Originally, the high-level executives of the brand wanted to invite her She refused to eat, she was very tired, and now she just wants to have a good sleep.

Once back in the dressing room, she changed out of her clothes and put on her overcoat.

Only then did she feel a little warmth. The assistant walked out with her and said softly: "You really don't have dinner with the other party's senior management. will expand further.”

"I won't go for any treatment." Song Jiaren paused: "It's only the first day of the Chinese New Year? I want to rest."

The little assistant let out an oh, and obediently followed behind her.

Doing things with Ms. Song is tiring and not tiring. The main reason is that Ms. Song has made a lot of decisions herself. She doesn't need to pester her. Besides, no one dares to bully Ms. Song in her current status, so many things can be done as she pleases. But there are many, earn it if you want to earn it, and push it away if you don’t want to earn it.

Song Jiaren walked out of the building and was about to get into her nanny car when she saw Chen Ming leaning against the car.

She paused, he hasn't left yet?

Song Jiaren threw the bag to the assistant, walked over by herself, and looked at Chen Ming: "You don't need to work?"

Chen Ming said quite honestly: "I was supposed to be on duty in the general office, so I adjusted it with someone."

Song Jiaren took a step back, "You really want me to be responsible?"

Chen Ming didn't make a sound, she tilted her head again, and then smiled lightly: "Well, you go and tell my brother, if he agrees, I will agree."

Chen Ming took a deep look at her, "He already knows."

Song Jiaren frowned.

Chen Ming smiled again: "Last night, I met someone in the office and saw me carrying you back home. He probably wanted to flatter your brother, so he called and told me. Now I am in the whole office The hall probably knows that you spent the night with me last night."

Song Jiaren stared at him intently, wanting to kill him.

Chen Ming smiled innocently. After a while, he suddenly said, "Is it cold? I ordered hot pot, let's go eat together?"

She wanted to refuse, but she hesitated when thinking of hot pot... After a while, she reluctantly agreed: "I want to have dinner with you for the sake of hot pot, Chen Ming, don't be too affectionate."

"No, I won't be sentimental." He smiled lightly, and then opened the car door for her.

Song Jiaren stopped him: "Wait a minute, I'll talk to Tiantian."

She went to her car and said to the little assistant, "Go back by yourself. If you have a schedule, please let me know two days in advance. It's best not to have a schedule. I want to take a vacation recently."

The little assistant poked his head out of the car, looked at Chen Ming, and then stammered, "Are you eating with him?"

Song Jiaren didn't make a sound, she didn't dare to ask any more questions, and immediately asked the driver to drive.

After the car left, Song Jia returned to Chen Ming's car, and he opened the car door for her to let her get in the car.

She got in the car, and he got in the car himself. While driving, he seemed to ask unintentionally: "Are you cold just now? Can't you wear more when you are on stage? You need to wear so little. Those who sell sanitary napkins are not those who sell shower gel." .”

Song Jiaren got into the car and was wrapped in a coat, only then did she feel warmer.

She straightened her feet, breathed a sigh of relief and said, "What do you think, you will be happy only if you wear tight brand names?"

She paused: "Even if you go to sell milk, you have to dress like a female star."

Chen Ming snorted, holding the steering wheel with his slender fingers, and didn't talk to her for a short while, until the red light ahead, he said softly: "Are you going to be a female star all the time?"

"Otherwise, who will support me?" Song Jiaren asked back.

Chen Ming couldn't answer, he seemed to say that it was inappropriate to let Zhou Yunchen, and it was inappropriate to say that she had enough money to spend, and it was even more inappropriate to say that he raised her. He has more than 100 million yuan a year, which is probably not enough for her maintenance fee.

He also knew that his current behavior was sloppy and unsuitable in all aspects, but she was drunk and wanted to go home with him and rely on him, so he didn't want to let her go anymore.

Even if he lowered his self-esteem and blurred her sharpness, he didn't want to let her go.

He was silent all the time, but Song Jiaren looked sideways, and she muttered softly, "Look~"

"What are you looking at?" Chen Ming smiled, but instead of looking at her, he looked at the road ahead, "Or do you want me to say that I will support you?"

"No." Song Jiaren said angrily, and then ignored him.

She is obviously a little angry, and she also knows that she is angry, but she doesn't know why she is angry, why she is angry with him, obviously... He did nothing wrong, she was the one who came to his house shamelessly last night Yes, although she was drunk, she was not so obviously drunk.

He just cooperated from beginning to end.

Now, she was just asking for a meal, and she was afraid of being entangled... She knew in her heart that she was being unreasonable, and she also knew that she was self-willed and wanted him to express something.

She was angry, but she was actually angry with herself.

When the car arrived at the entrance of the well-known hot pot restaurant, she wanted to get out of the car, but she opened the door but the door did not move. She pursed her lips and looked sideways at Chen Ming: "What do you mean?"

Sitting, Chen Ming took off the safety belt unhurriedly, then reached out to take the cigarette case from the central control, took out a cigarette, and lit it...

Song Jiaren's face was tense: "I don't smoke second-hand smoke." '

He glanced at her, a little surprised, but then he put out the cigarette.

It may be difficult to speak.

After a while, he said hoarsely: "I can raise you, but maybe I can only let you live the life of an ordinary family. You don't have to worry about food and clothing, and you don't need to worry about the children."

He let go of all his self-esteem when he said this, after all, she hit him.

After Chen Ming finished speaking, his Adam's apple rolled, and then he smiled and reached out to open the car door for her: "Okay, let's eat."

Song Jiaren sat without moving, she asked softly, "You don't want to eat my answer?"

"Do you want to talk now?" He stared at her.

Song Jiaren's breathing was a little messy, she pursed her lips tightly, and did not make a sound.

Chen Ming smiled again, and said gently: "Let's eat first."

He jumped out of the car, walked around to her side, and waited for her to get off.

His car is super wild, and the chassis is a bit high. When she jumps off with his hand, she always feels something is wrong... Chen Ming seems to be different from before, but she can't tell what is different.

When the two walked into the store, the waiter led them into a seat. The business was so good that Chen Ming reserved this seat in advance.

Song Jiaren took off her coat and sat down, looked around, and said softly, "It's so busy, these people don't eat at home."

Chen Ming held the menu, lowered his head to order, and said, "Nowadays, many people eat at work or deliver food. Not many people know how to cook, but how many people know how to cook big meals?"

Song Jiaren propped her chin, "My brother will."

Chen Ming raised his eyes and looked at her.

She drank water: "What are you watching me do? My brother knows it. No matter how busy he is, he will cook for my sister-in-law."

"Got it." Chen Ming said softly.

Song Jiaren was even more surprised: "What do you know! What do you know?"

Chen Ming continued to order, and said casually, "I will learn it in the future."

Song Jiaren hesitated for a moment, really, who asked him to learn, it made her seem like he wanted to be his wife.

She complained in her heart, but her face was a little hot, and she quickly reached out to touch her face.

Chen Ming ordered the hot pot and handed it to the waiter. When he looked at her again, he asked strangely, "Is it very hot?"

He looked at the sweater on her body, "The sweater is not thick either."

Song Jiaren quietly turned pale, before she was about to say something, her cell phone rang, and she took it out to see that it was Zhou Yunchen calling.

Zhou Yunchen drank too much and didn't go to the office today. He was sitting on the sofa in the villa and making a phone call: "Beauty, where are you?"

Song Jiaren was naturally guilty, and coughed lightly: "I just participated in a brand event."

How could Zhou Yunchen not understand her thoughts, he sighed: "Brother asked where you are now."

Song Jiaren wanted to lie, but in the end she resigned to her fate: "I'm eating, vegetarian hot pot, brother, do you want to come?"

Zhou Yunchen smiled deeply: "Do you really want me to come? I'm afraid you will be unhappy if I really come."

Song Jiaren was leaning on the back of the chair, just about to speak, when the back of her hand was scalded by boiling water, and she screamed...

(End of this chapter)

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