Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1151 Not being a younger sister, but what?

Chapter 1151 Not being a younger sister, but what?

Song Jiaren screamed, and almost immediately, Chen Ming supported her, pushed away the person who bumped into him, then took a tissue to help her absorb the water stains on the back of her hand, and then said in a low voice, "Mr. Go for a rush."

Song Jiaren was so painful that sweat broke out on her forehead, she bit her lip and nodded.

Chen Ming immediately took her to the bathroom. She was trembling in pain because the water was scalding hot, and the back of her hand was red. Before helping her flush, Chen Ming said softly, "Hold on a little."

She hummed again, leaning half of her body on his shoulder.

In the past, it was not without pain. When practicing martial arts, it was even more painful. Maybe it is because I have lived an ordinary life now that I can no longer suffer pain.

She rested her head on his shoulder, letting him turn on the tap and stretch out her hand.

There was some pain, she instinctively flinched, but he pressed it lightly, hoarse: "Zen Ren."

Her eyes were reddened with grievance, but she felt at ease.

After rushing for about 5 minutes, Chen Ming whispered: "I have to go to the hospital."

"I don't want to go to the hospital." Song Jiaren wanted to withdraw her hand, but he held it down. He stared at her and said softly, "I have to go, I must be burned."

Song Jiaren stood up straight, still biting her lip, and shook her hands: 'Where's that person? '

Chen Ming said in a low voice, "I'll ask the manager to write down his ID number later, and I'll deal with it later. It's important to go to the hospital now."

After finishing speaking, he hesitated for a moment, and then hugged her horizontally without warning.

Song Jiaren was startled, and quickly put her arms around his neck: "Chen Ming, what are you doing?"

That hand even punched him a few times.

Chen Ming hoarse: "Send you to the hospital."

She hesitated for a moment, and then said softly, "You don't need to... hug it."

She added: "I'm a star anyway."

"Now that you are naked, no one can tell if you don't tell me." Chen Ming glanced at her, and carried her out directly.

Song Jiaren pursed her lips and stopped talking. After a while, she whispered again: "Then I don't look like a star...what do you look like?"

Chen Ming lowered his head and said in a rough voice, "Like my sister."

"Chen Ming, you are perverted." She yelled, 'Aren't you a pervert, have you ever treated your sister like this? '

He talked to her, she diverted her attention, so he kept talking to her, and when he got to the side of the car, he opened the car door with one hand and let her sit in, and said, "Or else. Why not be a sister?"

Song Jiaren couldn't say a word, and bit her lip after a while: "Whatever."

He smiled, turned around and opened the car door and got into the car by himself. Just as he was about to start the car, the manager of the restaurant rushed over. He was not stupid, he still knew who Chen Ming was, and hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Chen , We were negligent, we have registered that person's ID card, or should we hold him and wait for you?"

"No, let him go back first." Chen Ming said softly, "I can find him even if he ran to the edge of the sky."

Song Jiaren leaned on the back of the chair and looked at her hands, which still ached sharply.

She snorted softly: "Are you so capable, Team Chen?"

Chen Ming glanced at her, then at her hands, and said in a low voice, "Don't touch things randomly, be careful of infection."

After speaking, he started the car and drove towards Yunxi Hospital.

I never thought that I would meet Gu Anxi when I arrived at the hospital.

Gu Anxi didn't come here for an examination, but was dragged to the hospital. The main reason was that Lu Heng's leg injury was a little inflamed. Director Hao couldn't do anything for several days. When Gu Anxi came back, he asked her to come to the hospital to have a look. .

(End of this chapter)

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