Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1152 For the love of others, she also pays for it

Chapter 1152 For the love of others, she also pays for it

Gu Anxi was wearing a white coat and was about to go to the ward when she saw Chen Ming rushing to the emergency room with Song Jiaren in his arms, she stopped and called to Chen Ming who didn't notice her: "What's wrong? "

Chen Ming paused, and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Gu Anxi: "Her hand was burned."

'Let me see. ’ Gu Anxi went over to check, but Song Jiaren was awkward, not willing to show her.

Gu Anxi was not angry, and just took a look at it: "Extracutaneous burns, just go to the emergency department to have a look. If you are worried, go to Director Hao, he started this department, and his skills are very good."

Chen Ming was dubious: "Isn't it?"

Gu Anxi coughed lightly: "Are you questioning my words?"

Chen Ming immediately shut up: "How dare you."

After speaking, he was about to carry Song Jiaren to the emergency room. Gu Anxi could see that Song Jiaren was in pain, so he didn't say much.

She could tell that it was quite hot.

Watching them leave, she took the assistant nurse to the ward, and took the medical record from the nurse as she walked, which was Lu Heng's film.She looked at it and said softly, "It's not very good."

"Do you need an operation?" The nurse asked immediately.

Gu Anxi glanced at her and smiled: "Why, my heart hurts?"

She walked into the elevator, put the copy in her pocket and looked up at the red numbers, "Dr. Lu is indeed very good-looking."

The little nurse blushed and was shy. It took a long time before she was willing to say: "Dr. Lu is very good-looking, but he is too cold and not easy to get along with."

Gu Anxi smiled and said nothing more.

When the elevator reached the top floor, as soon as it stopped to open the door, I saw Lu Xueman standing at the door with an anxious expression on his face.

When she saw Gu Anxi, her eyes lit up immediately, and she walked forward: "Anxi, you are finally here."

Because of Mrs. Bo, Gu Anxi really didn't like this Mrs. Lu in front of her, but she was a doctor and the other party was a family member of a patient, so on the surface she had to do business.

As she walked, she asked, "How is Lu Heng doing now?"

Lu Xueman wiped away tears: "I still have a fever. Director Hao has already used several medicines, but it still can't go down. This is what to do."

Gu Anxi paused, and suddenly asked, "Did you ask Dr. Jiang to come over and show him?"

"Xiao Jiang?" Lu Xueman was stunned, and then murmured, "Why did she come here?"

Gu Anxi didn't say anything more, and walked quickly towards the ward, and the little nurse followed behind and said hurriedly: "Doctor Gu, please slow down, you are pregnant now."

"It's okay." Gu Anxi's voice fell, and he had already reached the door of the ward.She pushed open the door directly.

Lu Heng's fever has not subsided, and his body is a little weak. It is very pitiful to lie there in a semi-conscious state. What is even more pitiful is that there are two children squatting on both sides of his ward... They look quite similar to Lu Heng, and they feel like two children. Same as son.

Gu Anxi guessed that it was Lu Ze's son, so he couldn't help but sighed secretly, turned his head and said to the nurse, "Take the two of them to my office to play."

The two boys shook their heads, but they refused, so they stayed by Lu Heng's bed tightly and did not leave.

At this moment, Lu Xueman came over, explaining with a complicated expression: "Lu Heng is playing outside with them in the snow, that's why it happened, they are relying on it now because they are afraid of being abandoned..."

In her heart, she resented Lu Ze's son raised outside more or less, so she was very blunt: "He was born to be a debt collector."

The two children are too young to understand what a debt collector is, but it's definitely not a good thing for this grandma to be so fierce. They all kept their heads down in silence, one or two clung to Lu Heng tightly.

Lu Xueman sneered: "Anxi, you see, these two brats are very bad, I can't do anything to them because I love Lu Heng, they won't listen to a word I say."

When she said this, the eyes of the two children were timid, similar to the hurt eyes of small animals.

Gu Anxi glanced at Lu Xueman, and said lightly: "Then Lu Heng is not here, you just send them away, or just throw them outside, or throw them in the orphanage, it's fine, there is no need to come like this Scaring them back and forth like a gossip."

Lu Xueman froze.

Then she was about to jump almost immediately. From the past to the present, she has met countless people. No one has ever dared to call her a gossip in front of her face!

She was so angry that she wanted to turn her back on him but she was worried about Lu Heng, so her snow-white face turned purple with anger.

Gu Anxi looked at her lightly, took the thermometer and put it under Lu Heng's armpit. A little guy cleverly helped Lu Heng raise his arm. Gu Anxi smiled and said, "That's good."

Lu Xueman stared at her, and wanted to say something, but Gu Anxi didn't raise her head: "Mrs. Lu, shouldn't Lu Heng's leg be healed now? Get rid of these two, and Lu Heng's leg will be healed." ?”

For a while, Lu Xueman couldn't refute.

She knew that the little girl in front of her was capable, and her son liked her before, and he might still like her now... She was a little unwilling, but now that Gu Anxi talked to her like this, she felt unprecedented pressure, so Not even a fart.

She didn't make a sound, and Gu Anxi didn't make a sound. After a while, she took out the thermometer and took a look.

Nearly forty degrees.

At this moment, Director Hao came over, and when he saw Gu Anxi arrived, he came over and asked, "How is it?"

"The temperature is very high." Gu Anxi said, and then lightly patted Lu Heng's face.

Lu Heng slowly opened his eyes, looking at her with unclear focus... Gu Anxi leaned over and said a few words to him, and he looked straight at her without much emotion in his eyes.

Lu Xueman on the side was extremely nervous, she took a step forward and asked in a tight voice: "What's the matter, this fever will never go away, what should I do?"

She thought for a while, then complained again: "Do you want to invite Professor Bo back, can you two do it?"

Gu Anxi walked to the end of the bed, lifted the cover, and carefully inspected Lu Heng's legs.

She was careful not to hurt him, even though she knew that most of that leg was... gone.

Lu Heng almost woke up, he lay there quietly, he could feel Gu Anxi checking his leg, an almost empty leg... just like the hole in his eyes.

Director Hao also leaned over and said in a low voice, "How's it going?"

Gu Anxi carefully put down the bed cover and said in a low voice, "Go to the operating room and clean it up."

After speaking, she looked at Lu Xueman.

Lu Xueman was stunned for a moment, then asked anxiously: "What do you mean by cleaning it up? Can it reduce the fever?"

"It's a minor operation. The inflammation is a bit serious. That area may need to be cleaned." Gu Anxi's voice was a little hoarse: "I will give him anesthesia."

Lu Xueman's eyes were red, but she still remembered that she was a lady, so she just wiped the corners of her eyes with a tissue, " you want to invite Professor Bo back?"

"He's in Jiangcheng. When he comes back, Lu Heng's leg may be lost, as well as his think it through." Gu Anxi said lightly.

Director Hao on the side was frightened, and Lu Xueman was even more frightened. He looked at Gu Anxi with wide eyes: "No... it's so serious, it's just an inflammation."

"It's a common inflammation, but it's very serious. How long did it take for him to come back with a fever?" Gu Anxi said without any emotion: "Sent to the hospital, he had a fever for at least three days, and he stayed in the hospital for a few more days... Can he recover?" It is a miracle that he survived until now, and I hope his brain will be fine after the operation."

Lu Xueman was even more frightened, tightened her clothes, and insisted after a while, "I want Professor Bo to come back, and I definitely want him to come back to perform this operation on Lu Heng. I don't believe you."

At this moment, she forgot that she was a noble lady, and pointed to the two boys and said, "Hurry up and hug your brother, and don't allow him to go to the operating room, she wants to harm him."

The two children looked at each other, and finally did not move, they just looked at Gu Anxi.

In his eyes, there is actually dependence.

This made Lu Xueman so angry that the Lu family provided them with food and clothing, but they didn't listen to her, and instead believed in an outsider. Furious, Madam Lu blurted out: "Do you want to stay on the streets?"

Gu Anxi said coldly: "Come on, it's not you who took them in."

talking.She straightened up and looked at Director Hao: "Get ready for the operating room."

Director Hao was also a little worried: "Is your body... able to do it?"

No matter how small the operation is, it takes two to three hours.

Gu Anxi looked at Lu Heng, and said softly, "I have to do this operation. It's too late for my uncle. Fortunately, I'm in Beicheng, otherwise...the consequences would be disastrous."

Director Hao is also ashamed.

At this moment, Lu Xueman started to make trouble again. She really didn't want to hand over the rest of her son's life to Gu Anxi. This girl has always been evil, and if she did something wrong, Lu Heng would really be finished, and then she would be left alone. Man, how can it be good?

This time, Lu Xueman broke her face and made a fuss. She disagreed with Gu Anxi's operation. Gu Anxi looked directly at Director Hao: "Give her a tranquilizer and lock her up until I leave the operating room."

Director Hao's forehead was dripping with sweat——

This, this is not good?

Gu Anxi's voice became stern: "Hurry up and go."

Director Hao immediately winked at the two nurses, and then there was a bit of chaos in the ward... They also knew that it would be a big deal, but they couldn't help it. Besides, Dr. Gu would take care of it if it got too big. with.

So, the magnificent Mrs. Lu was making troubles, so she was solved and carried to the sofa beside her, Gu Anxi let out a long breath, "Okay, now take Mr. Lu to the examination room. "

The nurse looked at Lu Xueman, hesitated again and again: "Just lock it here? What if..."

"Let people watch, don't let her go out." Gu Anxi's voice was slightly lower: "She probably has persecution paranoia now."

He even wanted Lu Heng's life.

Director Hao was a little scared at this time. He had neglected his duty and misjudged Lu Heng's injury. What he wanted to say, Gu Anxi just said softly, "Surgery first."

She checked carefully before the operation, and Lu Heng was very cooperative, but at the same time he seemed to be in a pool of stagnant water.After Gu Anxi got the film, he only glanced at it, and then went to show it to Lu Heng himself.

Lu Heng looked at her quietly.

Gu Anxi smiled slightly: "Do you think that life and death are a matter of life, and there is no need to live or not?"

Lu Heng didn't make a sound, because his throat was so hot that he couldn't speak, he just watched her quietly.

Gu Anxi smiled again, "That's right, it's meaningless now, the pride from childhood is gone, and life is meaningless, but you're not at a loss, what you hate the most is that Lu Ze raised him outside. There are quite a few sons... Now you have three good things and two bad things, and your mother has already ordered those two little boys to be thrown out."

She clicked her tongue a few times: "In this weather, it's freezing outside. It's okay if you have a conscience and throw it in an orphanage. If you're more ruthless, you just throw it on the main road. Wouldn't you starve to death? ... But you I don't think so much, you hate them so much, it's good to be with you."

Lu Heng stared at her, and quietly clenched one hand into a fist.

Although he knew vaguely that she was provoking him on purpose, he still couldn't help being angry and had the urge to strangle her to death.

Gu Anxi patted his haggard face, and said calmly: "If you don't want them to live on the street, you can live on. No one will care about their life and death, and don't expect me... I don't have such good intentions."

After finishing speaking, she asked the nurse to push him to the operating room, and went to change the surgical gown by herself. Director Hao also came to the operation together. Gu Anxi explained it in detail before the operation, and Director Hao was a little puzzled.

Gu Anxi hesitated before saying: "In case I fall behind, you can catch up."

She gave a set of data to Director Hao, "Look at this, Professor Bo should have let you know."

Director Hao nodded, unavoidably worried: "Are you really good at it?"Otherwise, I will go, and you will watch from the sidelines. '

Gu Anxi stood and put on gloves, and the nurse helped her put on the mask again. She looked at Director Hao and said softly, "Let me come ahead, be safe."

The operation time was not long or short, more than three hours, and Gu Anxi couldn't bear it when it was about to end. After all, she was less than three months pregnant, and she was pampered and pampered for a while... Director Hao was very considerate and found it all at once, " Do you want me to replace you?"

"Well, it's finally finished." Gu Anxi said softly, "I'm watching from the sidelines." '

I don't know why, Director Hao has mixed feelings in his heart, and some don't know what it feels like.

In fact, Anxi has done her best to Lu Heng, she can not be on the operating table, after all Lu Heng's condition is dangerous now, and the second is...she is doing her best.

Many people know that Lu Heng likes Gu Anxi, but many people don't know that Gu Anxi also paid a price for being liked... Maybe she is sorry for disturbing other people's lives, although she never said it, although she never said it. She doesn't take it seriously, but her heart is gentle.

Director Hao's eyes were a little hot, and he whispered: "I will definitely handle it well."

Gu Anxi nodded.

I used to sit and rest, but after sitting for less than 5 minutes, the little nurse outside the door came in and said in a low voice: "Mrs. Lu woke up, his bodyguard released her, and now she is coming towards the operating room. "

Gu Anxi closed his eyes slightly: "Let all the security guards from the hospital come over."

She paused: "I'll go out and have a look."

The nurse refused: "Your body does not allow it, you should stay here."

Gu Anxi insisted: "Why don't you let her make a fuss in the operating room."

The little nurse still hesitated, but Gu Anxi insisted, "Okay, leave this to Director Hao, and I'll go out."

She was a little tired, and her complexion was not very good, she said a few words to Director Hao and went out.

After walking out of the operating room, Lu Xueman over there came with bodyguards...


(End of this chapter)

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