Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1153 Chapter 1153 Take a look, take care of yourself!

Chapter 1153 Chapter 1153 Take a look, take care of yourself!

Gu Anxi was indeed a little tired, and reached out to take off the mask: "The operation will end soon, you will only disturb if you go in now."

Lu Xueman suffered a lot. At this time, eight strong bodyguards stood behind him, and they were full of confidence and wanted to save his son. He took two steps forward: "What if I ask to see my son now? Who knows you are Not to hurt him."

After she finished speaking, a doctor came out behind her. She was so old-fashioned that she didn't know where Lu Xueman got it. Anyway, in Gu Anxi's eyes, it was a bit shabby.

She was tired, leaning against the wall beside her, with a half-smile on her face: "Lu Heng's leg was only saved by implanting a new type of fiber. Does this person know this kind of non-existing material? Do you know its properties? How about going in?"

Lu Xueman's face froze, and she murmured after a while: "It turned out to be unpublished medical materials, Gu Anxi, you and Bo Xichen are two unscrupulous doctors, our Lu family is not as good as you."

Gu Anxi was speechless, and rolled his eyes: "Who can compare to the Lu family when it comes to poison?"

She was a little impatient, and asked the nurse on the side: "Where is the security guard, why hasn't he come yet?"

The nurse's legs were also shaking, afraid that Lu Xueman would go in on impulse. You must know that the operating room is sterile, and Lu Xueman didn't understand anything, so she would drag her son to their hospital after killing her son.

She swallowed, "It should be soon."

Gu Anxi glanced at her from the side, then raised his hand, and there was a blade as thin as a cicada's wing in his hand, the silver light was cold.

Lu Xueman took a step back and took a breath: "What do you think, so many people want to kill me?"

Gu Anxi raised his hand slightly, and the blade just brushed against Lu Xueman's ear.

A bloodstain appeared, and Lu Xueman hardly felt any pain.

But after a few seconds, she screamed.

It's bleeding, it's bleeding.

Did her ears fall off?

She made a sound like killing a pig, and Gu Anxi rolled her eyes again: "Look, my life is much more important than my son's life, and a little injury will make me cry."

Lu Xueman reached out to touch her ear, but the ear was still there, with only a shallow bloodstain, bleeding a little.

But she had no doubts that if Gu Anxi wanted her life, it would only be in a matter of seconds, because there was a knife stuck in the wall... This little girl is so cruel, she is simply inhuman.

She cursed in her heart, but her legs were weak...

At this moment, Baoquan finally came over, four or fifty people came all at once, and dragged Lu Xueman away halfway, Lu Xueman was a little stunned...

Gu Anxi leaned against the wall, turned his head to the nurse and said, "Go over and ask how Director Hao is doing?"

The nurse was dissatisfied: "You only plan for Mr. Lu, but his mother still misunderstood you like this. I have never seen such a person."

Gu Anxi smiled: "It's just that she was spoiled. Now she's doing nothing but doing a little work. Look, she's terribly frightening."

One sentence made the little nurse laugh again, she supported Gu Anxi, "Then you wait here, I will come out after asking, and I will help you to rest later."

Gu Anxi nodded.

As soon as the little nurse let go, she felt something was wrong. She turned around and Gu Anxi's body fell limply. She was frightened, and immediately supported her. The movement was too fast and her arm was torn, which hurt a lot, but she endured it. Slowly put Gu Anxi down, and at the same time shouted: "Come quickly, Dr. Gu has fainted, call the obstetrician."

Gu Anxi didn't completely faint either. She leaned on the nurse's shoulder and smiled helplessly: "What is it called obstetrics? It's just that the blood sugar is a little low. Just give me some normal saline."

The little nurse pursed her lips, wanting to laugh and cry, but hurts.

Because Gu Anxi was not feeling well, Mrs. Bo and Mr. Bo rushed over in a short time. Naturally, they were very distressed. Mr. Bo was not afraid of being numb, and obediently loved the pain as a baby. He served tea and water, and was very attentive.

Not only them, Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang also came over. Seeing the old man of the Bo family like this, the old man laughed to death in his heart, and he was a little shameless. It's too spineless for a man to treat him like this.

The old lady came over to look after the child in a serious manner, and together with Mrs. Bo, they studied how to nourish and how to maintain their health, and then brought out Lin Hua's tricks and explained them to Mrs. Bo in detail. She also listened patiently. After she finished, Mrs. Bo smiled, "I didn't know that raising a child now is very different from before."

The old lady also smiled, "Yes, it's quite different from before."

Then he put on a face and said to Gu Anxi: "Look at you kid..."

Before she finished speaking, Lu Xueman saw that her son was fine, and knew that Mrs. Wang was here, so she came to complain. She felt that she had confidence in her heart, and her son lost more than half of his leg after he performed a feat last time. No matter what happened today, Gu Anxi was ignorant of it, so why don't she seize the opportunity and talk about it properly?

People came in, before they had time to drink tea and talk, the old lady spoke again.

Of course, the old lady saw this magnificent beauty from the corner of her eyes, and she knew about this young lady who had an affair with Bo Nianyao when she was young. After all, the Bo family is the largest family in Beicheng. However, she heard that This Mrs. Lu was not very quiet. She liked to play luminous poker with Bo Nianyao when she was in Jiangcheng. Lin Yun didn't say anything, but she was trying to find Anxi bad luck all day long, and it made Anxi so tired.

The old lady has a temper and a detached position, she can say whatever she wants.

Of course, these words were directed at her cub, bluntly and venomously: "I said you child, that Lu Heng is alive or not, whether that leg was sawed off in half or all, you and Xi Chen fuck those What do you want to do, let me tell you, the safest way is to saw off all of them, so that no one will trouble you in the future, saying nonsense that has not been published, and you will get a lot of benefits, a lot of nonsense, and others will delay it by themselves Why are you in such a hurry, you only want to save the dying and heal the wounded, and you have brought out eight bodyguards to show off. You, a little doctor, can fight with others, you can fight well, no, just lie here in disgrace, if you meet a If you are sensible, you may still be grateful to you for saving the suffering with your child, and if you meet a fool or an ignorant person, she will still have the cheek to trouble you, and maybe she will even sue you!"

The old lady is worthy of being an old lady, Mr. Jiang is very hot, these words are impeccable, slapping Lu Xueman in the face, making her face slap, blushing and turning pale, unexpectedly she can't say a word.

At this moment, Wang Jingyao's voice sounded from the door: "The old lady is talking about who is going to sue?"

(End of this chapter)

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