Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1154 What's the deal?It's a girl who got him

Chapter 1154 What's the deal?It's a girl who got him

Everyone in the ward looked over and saw Wang Jingyao and Wang Jingchuan coming over at a glance.

As soon as he saw Gu Anxi, he blamed him: "Are you in trouble again?"

As soon as Lu Xueman heard it, she immediately said: "Mr. Wang, Gu Anxi actually used unpublished materials on Lu Heng, and Professor Bo, I always thought he was a person who followed the rules, but unexpectedly..."

"Can't think of anything?" Wang Jingyao smiled, sat on the edge of the hospital bed and asked lightly.

Lu Xueman's expression froze for a moment, and after a while she said a little uncomfortably: "I just didn't expect it to be such a black heart."

"Since you think it's not good, just wait for Xi Chen to come back tomorrow and take it out. I think you think Lu Heng's extra [-] centimeters of legs are superfluous?" Wang Jingyao said mockingly.

This time, Lu Xueman's face froze completely. She didn't expect Wang Jingyao to say such words, so she didn't answer the words for a long time. Fortunately, Bo Nianyao didn't have a foolish heart to marry her so hard. If he married her, how could there be an excellent Xichen, and without Xichen, how could that little brat be by his side?

So, everything was arranged and it couldn't have been more suitable.

At this time, Wang Jingyao looked at Gu Anxi and asked with concern, "What's going on?"

Gu Anxi shook his head: "Fortunately, it's much better now."

Wang Jingyao tugged her ear lovingly: "It's much easier for you to speak easily now. You didn't know that you scared your sister-in-law. She is inconvenient. She called several times to urge me to come and see you. No, you will It's half way through."

Wang Jingchuan on the side naturally echoed: "Yes, yes, Mr. Wang came here after leaving behind a thousand people, and now Mr. Zhou is presiding over the meeting."

After finishing speaking, the door opened again, and it was Zhou Yunchen who came in.

Wang Jingyao was a little furious: "Yun Chen, why are you here, aren't you presiding over the meeting?"

"I called Congwen several times. It's not convenient for her. Let me come and take a look." Zhou Yunchen was so angry that Wang Jingyao wanted to throw him out.

This Zhou Yunchen is too bad, relying on his pity to not do anything to him, just do whatever he wants, it's really disgusting.

Zhou Yunchen acted as if he was his own brother, and said heartfelt words... The old lady and Mrs. Bo looked at each other and fell silent.

Lu Xueman on the side was even more unhappy. Seeing that Gu Anxi was so favored among these big shots, everyone seemed to regard her as a treasure. She felt uncomfortable, and she couldn't find a chance to find justice for her son. It was extremely uncomfortable.

Wang Jingyao seemed to see her thoughts, turned around, and smiled faintly: "Anxi has done this for Lu Heng's operation, Madam Lu, you still feel sorry for Lu Heng, and I have nothing to say, Madam Lu As long as you care about your son carefully, it won't be like this."

Lu Xueman's mouth moved, but in the end she still had no chance to say anything.

Wang Jingyao patted his trouser legs, "People should know how to be grateful, don't they?"

Lu Xueman didn't speak for a while, and it took her a long time to make a hoarse voice: "Lu Heng has liked her for many years... I have been looking for her for a long time, and now..."

"Anxi didn't feel sorry for him." Wang Jingyao coughed lightly: "If you like it, you have to be responded to..."

The old man still likes Anxi, and wants to pursue a true love and marry her, but Anxi only likes Xichen, and it's meaningless to marry her back by force, and it's not the feeling he likes anymore.

Naturally, he didn't dare to say these outrageous words in front of the old lady, otherwise the old lady would beat him to death. Wang Jingyao accepted it as soon as he saw it, took another look at Lu Xueman, and then asked Wang Jingchuan to invite him out .

Really, his precious girl is raising her body, can anyone really come in?

Wang Jingchuan's speaking skills are naturally amazing, a few gentle words coaxed Lu Xueman out, and when he reached the door, he naturally said something very sincere: "Mr. Wang made it very clear, Mrs. Lu is still Can't see the situation."

Lu Xueman was stunned for a while, and then said in a hoarse voice: "Shouldn't Gu Anxi explain this matter?"

"Mr. Gu's confession is to save Dr. Lu's half of his leg. What do you want from her? Besides, Mr. Gu is very interested in medical research recently. A genius like her may one day be able to research the most suitable for Lu. The doctor's mechanical leg, at that time, is it too late for Mrs. Lu to thank her?"

Lu Xueman heard the hope, and asked anxiously: "Really?"

She hesitated again: "No, this is not something that happens overnight."

Wang Jingchuan smiled all over his face: "You still don't believe my words?"Take good care of Dr. Lu and wait for the good news! '

Lu Xueman left in doubt.

When Wang Jingchuan returned to the ward, Gu Anxi was talking to Zhou Yunchen, "By the way, the beauty's hand was burned. Chen Ming sent her here, and I didn't take care of it. You can ask."

Zhou Yunchen frowned: "Is it burnt?"

Gu Anxi leaned against the bed and nodded: "Yes, it's quite serious."

Zhou Yunchen naturally made a phone call right away. At this moment, Wang Jingyao coughed lightly, approached Gu Anxi and whispered, "I'm not in good health and still meddle in other people's business, just want to watch the fun, right?"

Gu Anxi coughed lightly, and sighed: "I really can't hide anything from you, brother."

Wang Jingyao pinched her face: "Who am I? As soon as you curl your tail, I'll know where you little bastard is going."

As he said that, he got up: "Okay, I have to go to the office. I finally slipped out and didn't let me take a good rest. I originally planned to go back early to accompany your sister-in-law when you have nothing to do here."

He looked at Zhou Yunchen with some complaints, and then dropped a sentence: "It's not easy to be the boss."

At the moment, I didn't care about Zhou Yunchen anymore. After talking to the old lady and Mrs. Bo, he took Wang Jingchuan away first. In fact, although he was complaining, he was not considerate. Song Jia's hand was burned, and Zhou Yunchen, the brother, naturally wanted to Those who went to visit would have to interrogate Chen Ming and Song Jiaren about their personal affairs, so half a day would not be enough.

After going out, Old Brother Wang smiled silently.

Wang Jingchuan laughed and said, "Chen Ming really did, did he really deal with Mr. Zhou's sister?"

"Tch, does he look like a good-for-nothing to you?" Wang Jingyao snorted softly, "It's clear that the girls got him done."

Secretary-General Wang clapped his hands and smiled: "You are really clever."

This word caught my ears, so Old Brother Wang was naturally coaxed into being happy, so he didn't mention it when he went to the office.

In the ward, Zhou Yunchen hung up the phone and looked at Gu Anxi.

(End of this chapter)

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