Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1156 You can scold me, but you can't scold Anxi!

Chapter 1156 You can scold me, but you can't scold Anxi!

Almost immediately, Lu Heng narrowed his eyes: "Why are you here?"

The person who came in was none other than Wang Kefu.

Today's Wang Kefu is very simple, wearing a black down jacket instead of the usual exaggerated white suit, and he has lost a lot of weight. The Wang family's genes are very good. I can see it.

Wang Kefu held a high-end tonic in his hand, licked his face and smiled: "I heard that you are sick, come and have a look, I just caught the plane in the morning."

He thought he was playful: "Hey, it's just that without Anxi's good life, it's really inconvenient not to have a private plane."

Lu Heng was feeling better now, so he just dealt with him, feeling uncomfortable, and didn't bother to talk to him at all.

After a while, lightly: "Aren't you forgetful?"

The last time I was here in Beicheng, I was beaten with a black nose and a swollen face, yet I dared to come here.

When Wang Kefu heard this, he quickly said, "You really wronged me."

Lu Heng stared at him.

Wang Kefu put down his things, boldly sat down on the side of the bed, and then said seriously: "To be honest, after being baptized by this brat Anxi, I'm not saying I'm reborn, but I'm a new man. This time I'm here Not for anything else, just to see you, how can we say that we also got to know each other, right?"

Lu Heng snorted softly, his face was full of pride, he didn't even bother to be friends with this rich man, besides, Wang's mind was full of waste, and he couldn't speak a few words at all.

Seeing the indifference on this kid's face, Wang Kefu probably guessed that the other party looked down on him, so he said with some self-deprecation: "I know what you're thinking, but I'm a rough person, no better than you...but compared to For those snobbish people, I am sincere to Dr. Lu."

Seeing that he was starting to speak outrageously again, Lu Heng raised his eyes to look at him, and Wang Kefu's heart was bouncing around like a bunny.

Lu Heng said seriously: "President Wang misplaced his sincerity."

Wang Kefu was stunned for a moment, and he was annoyed again in his heart, so he licked his face and slapped Harazi to please, not only to please Lu Heng, but also to please Lu Heng's 'two eldest sons'.

Isn't there a saying, it's called Aiwujiwu.

The two children looked at him defensively, with rejection written on their small faces.

Lu Xueman, who just came back, said with a sneer, "Your Wang and Gu's family are really ridiculous. Lu Heng owes you something, and the ghosts of each one are still haunting you."

As soon as Wang Kefu heard it, he knew that the person surnamed Gu was talking about Anxi, and he immediately became a little unhappy. The woman surnamed Lu said that he didn't care, but talking about Anxi was going too far.

For a while, he was let go by Anxi lightly, took the shares again, and took away the staring star Gu Xiufen. unmarried man.

Therefore, he is very convinced of Gu Anxi, how can he hear this eighth woman saying that she is not good?

So, for the first time, Wang Kefu became stubborn like a man: "What's the matter, what's the matter, I have a high regard for Dr. Lu, but Anxi doesn't have it in our family. Anxi has high eyesight, and she can't just fall in love with anyone who likes her." Yes, if anyone can fall in love with it, at least from here to France, who is missing, really, the ghost is still lingering."

Lu Xueman was furious: "Didn't you pester Lu Heng?"

Wang Kefu chuckled: "Is this called entanglement? This is called love. If you want to talk about entanglement, Lu Heng is the one. Who caught it from Jiangcheng to Qingcheng at the end? You have to speak with conscience, I have never done it myself. I said that Dr. Lu is not good at all, but you are good, but the dirty water was poured on Anxi's head, you are worthy of being called Anxi, you know, she is the savior of our old Wang family, and the heart of the Bogu family Baby, she still has her elder brother, that kid Zhou Yunchen, and Min Xin covering her... Really, your sister is haunted."

As soon as the fire came out, Lu Xueman was so angry that his heart stopped, and Wang Kefu regretted it a little after he finished speaking, for fear that Lu Heng would be angry, but what he didn't expect was that when he raised his eyes, Lu Heng leaned against the bedside and smiled slightly ...

(End of this chapter)

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