Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1157 Oh, it's younger siblings!

Chapter 1157 Oh, it's younger siblings!

When he smiled like this, Wang Kefu also smiled foolishly, licking his face: "Dr. Lu, I was just...on the spur of the moment, mainly because Anxi's child is really good, it doesn't matter if I suffer some grievances, but that child is not good. "

Lu Heng smiled lightly.

Wang Kefu added: "I have to see her later."

Lu Heng didn't say anything, and Lu Xueman on the side snorted softly: "I don't even think about who caused my son to be like this, but you still have the nerve to come here and sell this good boy."

Wang Kefu was unhappy when he heard this, "You mother-in-law has some conscience, if it weren't for Anxi Lu Heng, would he be here alive and kicking?"

Lu Xueman became even more angry——

Yes, she is in her early fifties, but she still looks young. No one has ever called her a woman, as if she is an old woman. She stared at Wang Kefu, as if she wanted to tear him apart.

Wang Kefu probably noticed it, he smiled, and said in an exasperated tone on purpose, "Why, you don't admit it."

Lu Xueman suppressed herself desperately, and said angrily, "Get out of here."

Wang Kefu chuckled, "When I'm willing to look at you here, if it wasn't for visiting Dr. Lu, I wouldn't bother to look at you. Let me tell you a truth. When I'm old, I don't know how to use red and green things all day long." , taking good care of our Dr. Lu is a serious matter."

Of course, Lu Xueman found someone to beat him before he finished speaking.

After the person left and the door was closed, Lu Xueman became furious: "Lu Heng, don't associate with this kind of person in the future, it's so rough."

Lu Heng leaned against the head of the bed, a little weak, but there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "What's wrong with him?"

When it was over, he took a book beside him and flipped through it casually: "I think it's pretty good."

Lu Xueman froze her expression.

For a long time, she asked Lu Heng almost in disbelief: "Before, didn't you hate this kind of person the most? You said you should not associate with this kind of person."

Lu Heng smiled lightly: "Mom, I'm not the Lu Heng I used to be. I used to be really bored looking at him, but now I find it quite interesting."

Lu Xueman immediately supported the armrest of the sofa beside her, as if she couldn't bear such a heavy blow.

Nothing compares to Lu Heng saying that he is no longer the previous Lu Heng.

On the other side, Wang Kefu was beaten out. He lost face in front of the nurse, pretended to straighten his clothes, and then asked about Gu Anxi's ward.

When he passed by, Gu Anxi was still resting, Mrs. Wang had already left, and Mrs. Bo was alone. When she saw Wang Kefu, who killed a thousand knives and shameless, Mrs. Bo couldn't laugh or cry for a while: "How is this accurate?" Came to the hospital?"

Wang Kefu was a little afraid of her, he scratched his hair and said uncomfortably, "I have something to do, too. Unfortunately, I heard that Anxi was not feeling well, so I came here to have a look."

He poked his head: "Are you okay now?"

Madam Bo saw that he looked really concerned, so she led him to sit down, "I'll be fine now, I was too tired before."

Wang Kefu was worried, and he didn't have the heart to sit down. He walked to the bed and looked at it, and then said, "It looks like I'm tired."

He added: "Just now I have already scolded Lu Xueman's ungrateful wife. This woman is absolutely dead. I have never seen her be so unreasonable."

Mrs. Bo smiled: "So you came to see Lu Heng."

This time, Wang Kefu's old face turned red, "I didn't come to see it on purpose, but just by the way, by the way."

Mrs. Bo just smiled, but didn't laugh at him anymore.

Wang Kefu didn't leave the hospital bed either, he just guarded the surroundings like a crib, staring at Gu Anxi's little face, while talking to himself: "You can talk about Anxi, although he can be adopted, But the more I look at it now, the more cute it looks like my own flesh and blood."

He looked up at Mrs. Bo, and smiled: "What a wonderful baby."

Mrs. Bo was amused in her heart, but she agreed with him on the face: "It's better to go with it."

These words made Wang Ke Fule go to heaven. He rubbed his hands together: "That's right, I also feel that the more I look, the more I look like people from our Wang family."

Seeing his sincerity, Mrs. Bo had a good impression of him, and she said something for a while, after all, Wang Kefu came from Jiangcheng secretly, and he had to hurry back today or the old man would have to break his leg. So after waiting for an hour, I was ready to go back first.

Before leaving, he was still worried, thought about it again, and went downstairs to buy a lot of food. That attitude really loved Anxi as his own daughter.

When it was over, Mrs. Bo sent him out, and at this moment, he bumped into someone who also came to visit Anxi.

This person is none other than Lin Shuang.

When Wang Kefu saw it, his eyes went straight.

Isn't this the first love of his eldest son?I haven't seen anyone in Jiangcheng for a while, Wen Kegui, he is always silent like a gourd, unexpectedly seeing him here now.

Wang Kefu was clear about Fengyue, and he understood it with a soft hum.

Lin Shuang purposely got close to the stupid Kegui when she first came to Jiangcheng, but this woman is also clever, and she took away Guigui's soul without doing anything, but it doesn't count that she destroyed the precious marriage, after all Gu Xiufen's woman is very vicious, and she really can't blame others when she got to that stage.

Now that Lin Shuang appeared here, it was conceivable that all of this was arranged by this brat Anxi.

Wang Kefu gritted his teeth: This brat is really good!

Well done and capable!

(End of this chapter)

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