Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1162 Twins!

Chapter 1162 Twins!

Wang Kegui was startled, and after a while he said in a hoarse voice: "How is this good?"

After all, it can be in the collection room, which means that it is Mr. Bo's favorite thing, and he is disturbed by it.

Old Man Bo hummed softly: "What are you afraid of? It's just a book. I still can't make the decision?"

He looked at Wang Kegui's restrained look, and put the book in his hand: "It's just a book, it looks like it scares you."

Wang Kegui lowered his head and stroked the cover of the book, murmuring: "But for me, this book is precious."

The old man clicked his tongue twice, "You look promising, I see that you are not young anymore, and you are also a good person. Your personality is as shy as a little girl, not like that brat Anxi's personality."

Wang Kegui was taken aback, and subconsciously asked, "What's wrong with Anxi?"

The old man clicked his tongue a few more times: "You don't know? How about you confessing your love to our family Xi Chen, you are so disgusting and shameless, it's rare that you have to learn it."

Wang Kegui was stunned.

Mr. Bo looked at him with eyes that he hadn't seen the world, and then said earnestly: "Is Xiao Lin a girl after all? It's been a long time since you guys did that. If you don't take the initiative, why don't you let Xiao Lin take the initiative?" I'm sticking to you."

Mr. Bo hummed softly: "Think about your family, I may not want to marry Xiao Lin just because I see it."

Wang Kegui hesitated for a moment before saying, "I...haven't come to Beicheng?"

At this moment, old man Bo opened his eyes wide and looked him up and down, "I can't tell."

He smiled and asked, "How long are you going to stay?"

Wang Kegui hesitated again, and then said softly, "Two years at most, half a year at least, is it convenient if I don't know?"

"It's convenient, it's convenient, why is it inconvenient." Mr. Bo was overjoyed, jumping up and down.

When he realized something was wrong, he became steady again: "Well, Xiao Wang, you can stay at home with peace of mind. It happens that Anxi is pregnant and you are her close relative so you can take care of her here."

Wang Kegui naturally said yes, and asked about Anxi's situation. The old man dragged him to count carefully, revealing all the things about his son, and Wang Kegui heard a few vertical lines on his forehead.

Finally, Mr. Bo let him go, stretched his body, and was satisfied: "Okay, then let's talk about it."

He is also loyal, knowing that Wang Kegui likes those rare books in his collection, he specially selected a few more to give away. Wang Kegui was uneasy, but Mr. Bo wanted prestige all he wanted, and he couldn't make people feel that he couldn't control his son's things.

With half push and half resignation, Wang Kegui still accepted it.

When they went out, it was almost evening, and Lin Shuang had already left first, Wang Kegui was somewhat melancholy.Old Man Bo laughed at him: "Let me tell you, take the initiative, no, a good opportunity wasted."

Wang Kegui remained silent.

Afterwards, Mr. Bo caught Gu Anxi and said softly, "Your uncle is really thin-skinned, like a little girl."

Gu Anxi looked at the old man and remembered that his second uncle suddenly stopped leaving. This didn't seem like the second uncle's style. Thinking about it carefully, it should be the shameless old man who taught him bad things. She didn't say anything, but Lin Shuang came over later When he was in love, he inadvertently called Shang Wang Kegui, and kindly relieved his pain of lovesickness.

However, Lin Shuang only comes once a week, and the time spent together is only about an hour, but this is much better than not seeing any news for more than ten years... But this progress, in Gu Anxi's opinion, is like running a house with children Like wine, she was amused in her heart. When talking about it with Mrs. Bo, Mrs. Bo also thought that the second uncle of the Wang family was quite pure.

Day by day, in early summer, Gu Anxi was almost six or seven months pregnant. She was indeed twins, so her body was a bit heavy. Uncle Bo came back about every two weeks, and he would try to leave after two nights, but Nianyao's father suffered a lot. I rarely come back, but fortunately the project is coming to an end...

When the summer was coming to an end, one evening Gu Anxi was sitting in front of the desk reading documents, Lin Shuang was sitting drinking tea, and Wang Kegui was sitting on the other side reading a book. In the quiet space, there was only the sound of gently turning pages.

After reading the document, Gu Anxi was about to speak, but suddenly stopped, and then frowned.

Lin Shuang asked nervously, "What's wrong?"

Gu Anxi put his hands on his lower abdomen and forced a smile: "Probably... it's about to give birth."

Although Lin Shuang is over forty years old, she has never been married, let alone gave birth, and she was in chaos for a while, but Wang Kegui is a person who has experienced it, so she immediately put down the book in her hand and walked over quickly, hugging Gu Anxi with one arm and a half While confessing to Lin Shuang: "Go and inform the family, drive the car here, and go directly to the hospital."

Lin Shuang nodded, and quickly went out to find someone.

Wang Kegui asked Gu Anxi in a low voice: "Can you go? If you can't, uncle will take you."

Gu Anxi got up and wanted to leave, but it really hurt.

Wang Kegui bent down, tried it out, and held her up when he felt it was safe, and walked quickly to the door.

Lin Shuang over there was also very reliable, she had already called someone and the car came, and Mrs. Bo almost ran over to help them get into the car...

Everything is flustered, but it is reassuring.

The car arrived at Yunxi Hospital, where there was the best doctor. Because the baby was half a month early, Bo Nianyao and Bo Xichen rushed to Beicheng temporarily. When they arrived at the hospital, the baby had already been born.

A man and a woman, two wrinkled and cute little dumpling.

It was time for Gu Anxi to wake up. Bo Xichen was watching over the bed. She blinked lightly and called Uncle.

He stuck to the side of the bed and asked her in a low voice if she was still in pain. She shook her head, and then leaned gently on his shoulder, neither talking nor looking at the child.

Bo Xichen didn't bother her either, he knew she was acting like a baby.

After a long time, Gu Anxi asked in a low voice, "Where's the child?"

Bo Xichen turned sideways and took the children out of the baby carriage in turn, and placed them in front of her one by one, as if showing off, "Brother and sister."

Gu Anxi looked around, and then said rather awkwardly: "Why...they are exactly the same."

Bo Xichen couldn't help laughing: "It will be different when it grows older."

Afterwards, he watched the two children with her, and looked at the children without saying a word...

Mrs. Bo came in from the outside, and smiled when she saw it: "Xi Chen, look at how promising you are."

Seeing that Gu Anxi woke up, she immediately went over to take care of her, while complaining about her son's inconsiderateness, Bo Xichen smiled and said, "I'll just do these things."

'As you should. Mrs. Bo beamed: "You men don't understand the pain of a woman giving birth, so it's natural that you should take care of it."

After finishing speaking, he also longed for the two little babies, and couldn't get enough of them, and secretly thought in his heart——

These two little guys still look more like Anxi, but children will change, and boys will probably look like Xichen when they grow up, but they are as beautiful as anyone else.

This gene... Mrs. Bo can't wait to show off her precious grandchildren in front of relatives and friends.

Gu Anxi was mostly taken care of by Bo Xichen during the few days he was hospitalized, but he still took care of some things when he was in the hospital. After returning to Siyuan four days later, he did not go to the hospital. He stayed at home for the remaining four days to spend time with his wife and child.

Because there were two more children, Mrs. Bo couldn't live there anymore, and the Orchid Court had a nursery installed, so she moved there as soon as she got home. Gu Anxi gave birth to a child, but her health improved. After being discharged from the hospital, she was able to run and jump, and her body recovered very quickly. After a few days, her waist was only a little thicker than before, but she always felt fat...

After feeding the baby that day, she took advantage of the unbuttoned clothes to look in the mirror. It seemed that she felt that she was fat. She measured it with her hand and found that there was about six centimeters more. She pinched the flesh on her face again. Muttering to himself: "It seems to be really fat." '

At this moment, the door opened, and Bo Xichen came in.

He also heard her words, so he smiled: "Where is the fat?"

Then he put his arms around her waist.

It is indeed a bit rounder than before, with some flesh, but it is just right now, and it was too thin in the past.

He hugged her, buried his head in the hollow of her shoulder, and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm going back to Jiangcheng in a few days, do you want to go with me?"

Gu Anxi was a little shy, he hid for a while but couldn't dodge, he smiled lowly but it didn't matter.

Gu Anxi bit her lip, hesitated before asking: "Didn't you say you'll be back in a month or so?"

He hummed: "It's almost over."

She remained silent, turned around and hugged him after a while, buried her little face in his heart and said softly: "Then I won't go, I'll wait for you at home."

Bo Xichen lowered his head, his heart was boiling hot, he wanted to say something but felt that saying anything at this time would spoil the atmosphere.

Naturally, their previous relationship was also very good, but this kind of charm is different now.

Anxi used to be a girl or a little like a child, but now that they are parents, the feeling is different from the past, and there are different touching things when you savor it carefully...

It's a pity that this is a touching time, the elder brother peed his pants and started crying, and then the younger sister also peed her pants, and the two children cried together with a loud voice.

Gu Anxi howled, lay on Bo Xichen's body, and called Uncle.

He also smiled, and gently helped her tidy up her clothes... At this time, Mrs. Bo had come over, quickly changed the diapers, washed the diapers for the two little ones, and put them on fragrantly. went back.

At this time, Bo Xichen happened to go out, and his eyebrows and eyes were still charming just now.

Mrs. Bo hugged her younger sister, looked up at her son, and felt an indescribable softness in her heart.

As a mother, seeing her son happy, how could she not be happy from the bottom of her heart?

But she naturally wouldn't show it, and just said with a smile: "Hurry up and hug brother, no one will cry in a while."

Bo Xichen bent down, picked up the little guy easily, and kissed it.

Mrs. Bo said at the side: "It's been a few days, let's go back to Jiangcheng after finishing the name."

(End of this chapter)

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