Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1163 Call Bo Xin and Bo Anan

Chapter 1163 Call Bo Xin and Bo Anan

Bo Xichen lowered his head, looked at his son, and then at Mrs. Bo, "I'll discuss it with Anxi tonight."

Mrs. Bo just smiled, looked inside, and took the two children back to the nursery in a playful way.

Mr. Bo was waiting there, and Wang Kegui, who was spending time at Bo's house, was also an expert at taking care of the children, changing diapers and putting the children to sleep was extremely quick.

Here, Gu Anxi didn't come out until the people left.

Bo Xichen helped her to sit on the sofa, and Gu Anxi leaned on his shoulder, "Have you decided on a name?"

Bo Xichen thought for a moment, "Bo Yang and Bo Yue."

Gu Anxi frowned, with a look of disgust: "Good soil." '

Bo Xichen looked at her, what do you think should be her name?

Gu Anxi looked at him, and then said solemnly, "Let's call Bo Xin and Bo Gan."

After she finished speaking, she stared at him blissfully. Bo Xichen didn't speak at first. After a while, he reached for a magazine on the side, flipped through it a few times, and asked her in a low voice, "Dear?"

She groaned, expressing her confusion, and he smiled lightly, "Isn't it your heart?"

Gu Anxi was embarrassed to say any more, and hugged him with his backhand.

It's a coquettish.

Bo Xichen put down the magazine and wrapped his arms around her waist with one hand, feeling that her waist was as slender as before.

He said hoarsely: "They are all mothers, and they are still acting like a baby, and they still want to compete with their children."

It's really funny in his heart, she even used the child's name to compete for favor, it's really a child.

Suddenly, Bo Xichen's heart skipped a beat. He thought of seeing her in the fall of the year before last, and remembered how she was sitting in the aisle when he called her a child.

She was very young then, and of course she is very young now, just as clingy.

Bo Xichen remembered the past and smiled slightly. Gu Anxi looked at him: "Uncle, what are you laughing at?"

Bo Xichen lowered his head, and suddenly said in a hoarse voice: "Anxi, call me Xichen in private from now on, huh?"

Gu Anxi bit her lip, shook her head and laughed for a while: "Sorry, I can't scream."

He also couldn't help laughing, thinking that maybe she was not used to her at such a young age.

Afterwards, he didn't say anything else, he just hugged her and thought about the names of the children seriously. It wasn't until the evening when Gu Anxi was about to fall asleep in his arms that he asked softly, "Bo Liang?" Star and thin beam moon?"

Gu Anxi wrinkled his little nose: "You are determined to let the children learn astronomy, and the moon is bright and the moon is Xingyue. Uncle, you can't get out?"

After a while she thought about it: "It doesn't matter, the little girl has to be called Bo An'an."

Bo Xichen stretched out his hand to touch her little head, and said jokingly, "You're also in trouble with your sweetheart." '

Then, he thought for a while: "Bo Xin and Bo An'an."

The elder brother worked harder to protect his younger sister An An.

"It's not bad, but it's a bit ordinary." Gu Anxi looked at him suspiciously, and then asked: "Uncle, I thought you were quite educated, but you are not. If you knew this, why don't you ask my uncle to name you?" , In the past six months, he has done nothing but studied knowledge."

When Bo Xichen thought of the second uncle of the Wang family, it was also funny, and he said calmly, "Then is his knowledge useful?"

Gu Anxi knew what he was asking, so she glanced at him: "It's so easy, you think everyone is as shameless as you."

Professor Bo looked pensive: "I thought we hit it off before."

Gu Anxi: ...

He looked at her, "Are you angry?"

However, this kind of anger is also touching... It seems that it has been a long, long time since I have been alone like this, not because she is pregnant, but because he is too busy.

The time is just right, but only for a short time...

At this moment, Lin Shuang happened to come over. First, she came to visit adults and children. On the other hand, she came to sign some documents. She came to Siyuan very diligently. She came once a week. She knew more or less, she was more or less selfish.

There are some things that the secretary can obviously do for her, but she always goes there by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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