Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1168 As long as you say one sentence, I will die and live immediately

Chapter 1168 As long as you say a word, I will come back to life immediately

After the words fell, Gu Anxi walked into the hall.

Everyone was stunned, and Bo Xichen subconsciously went over and grabbed her shoulder: "It's cold outside, why did you come out?"

Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "It's okay, it's not paper."

After giving birth, she felt much better.

Bo Xichen didn't say anything more, and helped her to sit down.

At this moment, Wang Kefu realized that he had been fooled——

This brat Anxi is really too bad. At that time, he gave him the shares, so to speak, to prevent Gu Xiufen. It turned out that such a big conspiracy was buried. Thanks to his gratitude at the time, he almost regarded her as a female Bodhisattva. Now that I have confessed, I don't know that this little brat is calculating every step of the way, even his relatives will not be spared.

Wang Kefu wanted to jump and tear his face, but he found that he didn't have any confidence.

His mouth moved, and he retreated again.

Seeing that the second son was disobedient and the eldest son was disobedient, Mr. Wang was so angry that he was about to spurt out a mouthful of old blood. Under extreme anger, his blood pressure rose and he collapsed. Naturally, he was sent to the hospital .

Fortunately, Bo Xichen was there in time, so it was not a big deal, but the old man was so stimulated all of a sudden, so he couldn't bear it, his health deteriorated a lot, and he had to stay in the hospital for a few days.

In the aisle of the hospital, Wang Kefu almost knelt down to the old man, earnestly said: "Brother, you have also seen the condition of the old man. Now, now, as long as you say a word, the old man will immediately come back to life."

Gu Anxi also came, and rolled his eyes: "The old man is not dead yet."

Wang Kefu pointed at her and couldn't say a word after pointing for a long time, but his chubby face turned the color of a pig's liver with anger.

Wang Kegui protected Gu Anxi: "Boss, if you have anything, come to me, don't treat Anxi like this, she just gave birth."

It was okay if he didn't protect him, but when he protected Wang Kefu, he cried and cried, "How can she give birth to a child, she clearly has two eyes, she is precious, she is so powerful, she sold our whole family We don’t even know about it, you’re trusting her blindly now, and when you find out you’ve been fooled, you won’t even have time to cry.”

this moment.Gu Anxi looked at Wang Kefu, and said lightly: "It's not impossible to go back, uncle, are you willing to give half of the shares to the second uncle?"

This remark made Wang Kefu questionable.

He faltered, he stammered, he hesitated again and again, and after a long time he refused to answer, and he dared not answer.

Gu Anxi just smiled: "Look, uncle, you don't want to share what you got, so let's talk about reality, now almost all of Wang's company is in uncle's hands, you can't afford it." Are you looking for someone else when the responsibility comes? Isn't it shameful to say it?"

Wang Kegui suddenly looked towards Gu Anxi with shock and surprise in his eyes.

In the past, when all the shares were given to the boss, although he was puzzled, he really didn't figure it out. He just felt that Anxi was really on guard against Xiufen. After all, Xiufen did something bad at the time, but now he is the boss. When he said this, he realized that Anxi's thoughts were much deeper than what they thought, taking three steps at a time, each step laying the groundwork for the future... To be honest, he felt a little scary.

He also worked as Mr. Wang in the Wang family for so many years, but in the end, compared with the scheming of a little girl, he turned out to be so simple and stupid.

The surprise in his eyes was naturally seen by Gu Anxi, and she coughed lightly: "Second Uncle can disbelieve me, or doubt me, but does Second Uncle also suspect Lin Shuang? Do you think it's another conspiracy between Lin Shuang and me?" ? If you can go back to Jiangcheng as much as possible, live the same life as before, and then find a second Gu Xiufen."

As she spoke, she looked a little angry, turned around and left.

Really, who doesn't have a temper yet.

At this moment, Wang Keru appeared in due course.

These days, Gu Yuntian's legs are not very good, mainly because of the weather changes, so she can only go to Anxi's place for two hours a day to take care of her husband, and most of the time to take care of her husband. Fortunately, Mrs. Bo is very considerate. .

However, when she was about to come here early this morning, she heard that her old father had come to Beicheng and was sent to the hospital in anger. When she rushed over, she happened to hear such a conversation.

Wang Keru is also a woman, and at the same time, the two brothers of the Wang family grew up together, so she knows the temper of those two guys thoroughly.

She came over, stopped Gu Anxi, and scolded with a smile: "This dog has a temper just like your old man."

Gu Anxi pretended to be angry: "Second Uncle doesn't believe me, I'm so full of plans for him, he still doubts me, it's fine to doubt me, even Lin Shuang also suspects it, why don't it make people feel cold, I advise him to go back and forget it .”

Wang Keru knew her more or less, so he echoed and said very gently to Wang Kegui: "I also knew what happened to you back then, Lin Shuang... the past was also very difficult. If the second brother is not firm, it is better to give up now. Save yourself the pain."

Wang Kegui couldn't argue with a hundred words.

Now he really felt the strength of Gu Anxi, and he really grasped his heart firmly, and he was not allowed to have the slightest hesitation.

He couldn't say anything, Wang Keru saw his expression, and was unwilling to let him go, so he stepped up: "Second brother, I advise you to give up. You gave up Lin Shuang for the sake of harmony in the family. Now you are younger There's no need to make the family unhappy and bring Anxi's reputation into ruin."

(End of this chapter)

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