Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1169 As long as you say one sentence, I will die immediately Chapter 1

Chapter 1169 As long as you say a word, I will immediately come back to life [-]

Wang Keru's words left Wang Kegui with nowhere to retreat.

If he went along, he would be giving up on Lin Shuang, which he was absolutely reluctant to give up, but if he went against it now, he would undoubtedly be standing with Gu Anxi... The Wang family may never go back .

Because with the old man's temper, he wouldn't let him go until he fell out.

At this time, Wang Kegui could be said to be caught in the battle between heaven and man... He knew that if he did not express his position at this time, he probably would not have any chance in the future.

He has seen Anxi's methods before, if he dares to turn against the water at this time, he will not have a good life in the future.

Because Lin Shuang trusted her and listened to her.

In desperation, Wang Kegui called his sister to stop: "Keru."

Wang Keru turned his head, looked at the pleading in his eyes, and smiled lightly: "Anxi is not angry with you."

Wang Kegui echoed: "I'm fine if I'm not angry... Speaking of it, I was thinking too much, and Anxi is also kind."

Although playing a bit bigger.

Wang Keru continued, "She just loves Lin Shuang."

Hitting a snake and hitting seven inches hit Wang Kegui's vital point, and he fell silent after hearing this.

Seeing his expression, Wang Keru stepped up and said, "Yes, Lin Shuang has changed her mind about you now, but if you don't stand firm with her now, what will she think? You feel that you can't bear to break up with the old man, but Lin Shuang Well, you made her wait for more than ten years, and you want her to wait for another ten or twenty years? At that time..."

At this time, Gu Anxi said quietly from the side: "At that time, sister Lin Shuang probably also had menopause, and she would not be able to have a son if she wanted to. Second uncle, you should think about it."

Wang Kegui was angry and funny, but even more sad.

Yes, he missed Lin Shuang, again and again, when the old man was lying there, he flinched, or he wanted to wait until the old man was better, he thought so, but Gu Anxi and Wang Keru knew that the old man The dog-tempered one, it's not that you can't wait, but that if you take a step back, the old man will take a step forward, and will only control it more severely.

At the beginning, if Wang Keru hadn't been with Gu Yuntian without hesitation, there would be no future.

At this time, Wang Kegui looked at Wang Keru, who had come here, and asked lightly, "Dad won't be offended, right?"

Wang Keru sneered: "Don't worry, he's fine, he's so easy to get angry, but he just wants to find a cow to help the family with work."

Wang Kegui slowly sat in the aisle, waiting quietly. After a long time, he raised his eyes and said suddenly: "I won't let Lin Shuang disappoint me again."

Wang Keru sat down and patted his elder brother on the shoulder: "It's right to think so. There is no reason for a man to hurt a woman. Look at the old man who treats us like this, but is he willing to be bullied by others?"

Wang Kegui laughed: "It seems not."

At this time, the door of the ward opened, and it was Wang Kefu who walked out, dejected.

He looked at Wang Kegui, and after being speechless for a while, he said softly, "Old | Er, the old man told you to go in, and I have something to ask you."

Wang Kegui looked at him straight, wanted to ask something but gave up in the end, the expression on his face was somewhat irresistible...

At this time, Wang Kefu stopped him again, "It's precious, have you thought about it yet?"

Wang Kegui paused.

Wang Kefu said lightly again: "Think about it, if you insist, the old man may not only not accept Xiao Lin, but you yourself the same as Keru back then."

(End of this chapter)

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