Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1170 Come and play countless times

Chapter 1170 Playing back and forth countless times

After hearing this, Wang Kegui immediately turned around and looked at his brother quietly.

There was a brief moment of confusion in his eyes, but he quickly recovered his decisive attitude, and his voice was also low: "I've thought it through, I can't miss it again."

Wang Kefu has always been serious on his cynical face, he thought for a while, and suddenly smiled: "Okay, our Wang family is all good, one is better than the other, but it goes without saying back then, now it is rare and awesome. Get it, dare to confront the old man."

Wang Kegui was quite speechless, and a little bit bitter, if he could, why would he be angry with the master when he was sick?

In the final analysis, I just don't want to let that person down again.

When he entered the ward, Mr. Wang was already lying down. Although he hadn't had an operation, he wasn't on an IV drip, and his face was pale...a rare appearance for Wang Kegui.

He walked over and sat down in front of the hospital bed. Mr. Wang was very weak. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at him: "You have really made up your mind. You don't want your family anymore, but you want that woman?"

Wang Kegui's Adam's apple loosened, and a moment later he whispered, "Dad, don't talk about that woman. Her name is Lin Shuang. She is a woman I like but have let down. I plan to spend the rest of my life with her."

Mr. Wang sneered: "Like it and let it down? You also know that you let her down, so you want to live with her, but what do you use to live with her after you leave the Wang family, to teach? How many thousands of dollars a month? I Seeing that her current consumption is not low, it doesn't mean that she will look down on you after spending a year and a half together, so how do you deal with yourself?"

Wang Kegui was silent for a moment and said softly, "Lin Shuang is not such a materialistic person."

Mr. Wang sneered even worse: "Isn't it? Hehe, I don't know. I'm afraid that if you make a wrong step, it will be too late for you to regret it later. I'm putting my words here today. As a father You won’t be biased, how you treated Keru back then will treat you now, in a word, if you insist on staying in Beicheng to teach, then you will never return to the Wang family.”

Wang Kegui hesitated for a moment, raised his eyes and asked softly, "Dad, have you made up your mind?"

"Do you look like I haven't thought about it?" Mr. Wang sneered again, then turned his face away and didn't want to pay attention to this son anymore, as if he was just raising this son for nothing.

Wang Kefu also entered, and said at this moment: "Dad, you really need to think about it."

The old man was so angry: "Is there anything I haven't thought about?"I don't need someone to die for me, but he... I don't know that life is worse than a pig and a dog in the future, and women only know how powerful they are when they don't want him. '

When the old man talked about Xingqi, he pulled his eldest son as if he had met a bosom friend: "Look at it, he doesn't have the ability to lead a good life for a woman, and he will be separated within half a year."

At this moment, Wang Kefu slapped his thigh and shouted, "That's bad."

The old man turned his eyebrows coldly and said, "He yelled."

Wang Kefu was dejected, "I have to talk to you about this matter, old man. I really didn't mean to anger you this time. It's all a coincidence."

The old man grumbled in his heart, his eyes were like knives.

Wang Kefu lowered his head even further: "Didn't I take Lu Heng's 50 billion yuan a while ago, and Anxi gave me the shares again, and I felt uneasy, thinking that I should leave some of this for Kegui, so... so I just I gave [-] million to Kegui, so Dad, [-] million, he bought a house with [-] million, and the rest is enough for him to never return to our Wang family, so have you thought it through clearly?"

Mr. Wang's face was livid, he stared at his elder son intently, and only after a while did he say a word: "Ke Fu, you are really capable."

Wang Kefu laughed dryly, but at this moment he knew he was protecting his second son, and made Wang Kegui leave first with a wink.

Wang Kegui hesitated for a while, and received a signal from Wang Keru again, so he had to leave first.

After he left, Wang Keru said to Gu Anxi: "Go back and rest first, for those who haven't confinement, the weather is getting cold again."

She gently straightened her daughter's coat, and then she couldn't help smiling, "Look at you straightening your second uncle up, as if you lost your soul, let you pinch and flatten it, he didn't have the guts before, young I'm not impulsive at all times, but now I don't want anything because of Lin Shuang."

Gu Anxi also laughed: "Not good?"

Wang Keru glanced at her: "Okay, yes, so good that your second uncle's old house is on fire."

Gu Anxi still laughed, and then hugged her mother and said softly, "Second uncle is not perfect, but it would be too wronged for someone like Gu Xiufen to live together."

Wang Keru patted her on the back, hummed, and then softly told her to go back first.

When Gu Anxi left, Wang Keru entered the ward. As soon as he saw her coming in, Wang Kefu immediately got excited: "Ke Ru, quickly tell me about your journey, so as to persuade our dad to let you go back."

Wang Keru sat down and calmed down: "What's the point of persuasion, the second brother is determined now! You can see that he was not so obsessed when he was young, and he can't be pulled back. You can only accept it."

Mr. Wang said with a cold old face, "You are kind, not only did you not persuade him, but you also indulged him. That kid Anxi learned from you well, and he plotted against us from top to bottom in the Wang family. "

No, not once, but many times back and forth.

Seeing him like this, Wang Keru smiled, and helped tidy up the quilt again, then looked thoughtful: "Anxi is indeed a bit more serious."

As soon as she let go, the old man also heaved a sigh of relief, as if he had met a bosom friend, "That's right, she has seven more holes in her heart than Pangxian. Treat yourself like a fool to your age and stay in Beicheng for half a year just to chase a woman."

The old man snorted angrily: "Isn't it just a woman? With your second brother's conditions, you can't find a young and beautiful one."

As he said that, he admitted reluctantly: "Lin Shuang is stronger than ordinary women, but he is not so obsessed with it. Men take women too seriously, what's the matter?" '

Following his father's dog temper, Wang Keru scolded Wang Kegui well, and even Gu Anxi was followed by a few words, and Mr. Wang let out a sigh of relief, feeling much more comfortable. "However, it's not that I disagree, it's just that the value has changed. Besides, the family also needs him. If he says throw it away, he throws it away. He wants to live his own life. How can this work? You don't have the temper and ability of your elder brother. Know……"

The old man had been strong all his life, but now he was extremely fragile.

The Wang family is also second to none in Jiangcheng, but they are trapped in the embarrassment of having no successors.

Although Kegui is not a general, he is enough to guard the family, so the old man will never let him go. He wants to teach, so he would rather not have this son.

He was silent so suddenly, Wang Keru looked at his elder brother.

Wang Kefu swallowed sharply before he was about to speak, but Wang Keru had already spoken: "Dad, brother is not that useless, at least he hasn't closed down the company in the past six months... Otherwise, I'll take Yuntian to , Let Yuntian help manage the company."

The old man glanced at her and said softly: "It's not that I don't know about Yun Tian's body, so don't let him worry about it."

Wang Keru gave Wang Kefu a wink, and Wang Kefu immediately said: "Dad, I will work hard if this is the case. If you believe me once, you will forgive me if I do well... It is not easy for him. He has been with you all these years. You and your mother can also see how Gu Xiufen is doing, and seeing people in their forties, it's not good to have happiness once."

Mr. Wang stared at him: "Have you changed your mind?"

Wang Kefu rubbed his nose and said in a distasteful tone: "I've played with it all these years, and there are quite a few women, so there's nothing I can't let go of now... Kegui is different from me, he has something he cherishes in his heart, so... Come on, I won’t play anymore, it’s actually not interesting, I’ve played everything I should have played.”

(End of this chapter)

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