Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1176 How can you have this on you?

Chapter 1176 How can you have this on you?

Zhou Yunchen was honest for a while, but only for a while, and soon became dishonest again.

Shen Congwen had nothing to do with him, so he reached out and patted him: "Go take a shower first."

Zhou Yunchen naturally wanted to drag her to be shameless for a while, Shen Congwen really had no choice but to coax him and deal with it...

After a long time, Zhou Yunchen finally woke up from the wine. He slumped on the chair, rolled up his tie, and lazily patted Shen Congwen: "Hey, I'm going to take a shower."

Shen Congwen's voice was slightly hoarse: "Go and talk to Dodo in a while."

Zhou Yunchen put the tie aside, chuckled: "What are you talking about, she is already a big girl, and we can't control many things anymore, besides, Chen Ming knows the basics of people, I think the current situation is good."

Shen Congwen leaned on the sofa, his brows and eyes were moist, looking a bit attractive.

He leaned over and kissed her lips again, and then said in a hoarse voice: "Leave them alone, you might as well take care of your husband in this time."

He probably hasn't been close to her for a long time. After thinking about it, he dragged her into the bathroom together...

On the other side, Song Jiaren was standing on the balcony, touching her lips for a long time without regaining consciousness.

This night, because Chen Ming came over, she could hardly fall asleep, so she simply went to the nursery to look after the children.Shen Congwen gave birth to a son, named Zhou Mu, who looked more like Zhou Yunchen, very good-looking, but Song Jiaren privately felt that he was more like herself.

In the nursery, the nanny was very conscientious and was still awake. She was watching the children sleep. When she saw Song Jiaren come in, she called Miss Song very politely. Her eyes were full of light. She knew that Song Jiaren was a big star.

Song Jiaren was quite easy-going at home, so she asked the nanny to go to bed first.

The aunt refused, "How can this work? This is my job. Besides, Ms. Song may not be able to bring children when she is young."

Song Jiaren smiled: "Xiao Mu is asleep right now, I'll just stay with you."

Aunt just left.

Song Jiaren leaned over to look at the child, and could smell the milky scent on the child when she got close, which was very nice. After a while, she couldn't help pinching the little boy's face, and kissed it .

She doesn't like children that much, but seeing Xiao Mu'an's quiet look now, she still wants to have a child... With whom, she doesn't want to, but she still thinks of Chen Ming.

Frowning: Is it not good-looking to have a child with Chen Ming? Look at her sister-in-law's genes, and the genes of the two of the Bo family. She has also seen Bo Xin and Bo An'an. They are surprisingly beautiful.

The more you look at it, the more cute you think the child is.

Of course, it's because Song Jiaren doesn't take care of children so much that she thinks they're cute, and she doesn't think so if she takes care of them a lot. She's bored by herself, so she just spends the night here...

Early the next morning, she was going to make an announcement, and while yawning, she went back to her room, and happened to meet Zhou Yunchen coming out.

Radiant and energetic.

Song Jiaren called out obediently, and Zhou Yunchen smiled, "You took care of Xiaomu for a night? Why don't you leave Chen Ming here? Young people should not be too restrained when they are in love."

Song Jiaren is not stupid, she heard his teasing, so she hummed softly: "Brother, you have to be restrained, after all, your current body is not yours alone, Wang Jingyao is still counting on you to work for him."

Zhou Yunchen glanced, "Girls should be more stable."

He straightened his clothes: "Your sister-in-law will be embarrassed to hear that."

Song Jiaren wrinkled her nose, ignored him and went into the room by herself, and she smiled softly after closing the door.

In fact, living with her elder brother and sister-in-law is very good. Shen Congwen's growth determines that her character is very good. Sometimes she regards Shen Congwen more as her second brother than her sister-in-law. Of course, Zhou Yunchen must never let Zhou Yunchen know about this, otherwise Most likely want to kill her.

However, his dark mind thought that she didn't know why Shen Congwen was married and had children, and he used to wear skirts, but recently he wears trousers and shirts at home. I wonder who would like it .

Song Jiaren scolded her brother for being perverted in her heart, and then went to change her clothes. When she went downstairs, she found Chen Ming in the restaurant downstairs, having breakfast with Zhou Yunchen.

Song Jiaren was startled for a moment, and walked over slowly.

Chen Ming got up and opened the chair for her, and then sat down to discuss business with Zhou Yunchen. His attitude was quite familiar, as if it was normal to appear here, but fortunately, they were talking about business, so it wouldn't be too abrupt.

At this moment, the servant brought her breakfast, because she is a female star, she ate very little, just a cup of oatmeal, which was a bit frustrating. Whenever Song Jiaren ate low-fat food, she felt a little envious of Gu Anxi, after eating so much, why is she still so skinny?

Fortunately, she got used to it.

When she was digging bite by bite with a wooden spoon, Chen Ming looked over and asked her in a low voice, "Aren't you going to eat something else?"

The breakfast on the dining table is very rich, don't girls like food?

At this time, Zhou Yunchen laughed, "She wants to lose weight, and she is afraid that she won't look good on camera."

Chen Ming was not an autocratic person, he respected Song Jiaren's work, and didn't say anything, just looked at her again... He couldn't understand giving up his appetite for his career.

But at this moment, he remembered that they hadn't eaten together a few times. The last time they ate vegetarian hot pot together, she burned her hands.

As soon as he mentioned that matter, he thought of the people at the hot pot restaurant that day.

Song Jiaren was fine, and later that person was also released. He went to the prison to release him himself, and after interrogation, he released him without any problems...

Chen Ming was in a daze, and now Zhou Yunchen was talking to him again, so he responded.

When Song Jiaren was about to go out, he immediately grabbed his coat and chased after him: "I'll see you off."

"I have a driver." Song Jiaren glanced sideways at him: "You came here this morning to see me off?"

Chen Ming grabbed her arm, a little forcefully: "I have something to come here, Mr. Zhou called me and asked me to come here."

After speaking, he opened the car door with one hand and stuffed her in.Song Jiaren fell on the back of the chair, a little dissatisfied: "Chen Ming, what are you doing?"

He got into the car from the other side, and after he sat down, he fastened his seat belt and looked at her, "Didn't we agree last night?"

"What did you say?" Song Jiaren's face was a little hot, and she also put on her seat belt: "I didn't say anything."

At this time, it is best for a mature man not to be a bully. Chen Ming only smiled lightly, then picked up a document and weighed it, "Your notice is ten o'clock, go with me to a place first, and I will send it to you." A file."

Song Jiaren looked at him.

He smiled: "It was given to Dr. Lu by Mr. Wang."

Song Jiaren leaned on the back of the chair, lowered her head and played with her delicate fingernails: "What does it have to do with me, why should I go with you?"

Chen Ming sat without moving for a long time, holding the steering wheel with both hands for a while, "beautiful."

She hummed and looked up involuntarily.

Chen Ming said softly: "We are all very busy, aren't we? I, a man like me, can't give up my job to let my wife support me. Similarly, if you like to do this, I can't force you to go home, so we have a lot of time." There are not many, so sometimes I can only take time to spend with you, and there are not many times when we are free at the same time."

When he said that, Song Jiaren was in a daze, and it took her a long time to murmur: "But I haven't said that we want to be together."

Chen Ming turned sideways and asked her seriously: "Then let me ask you now, do you want to be with me?"

Song Jiaren pursed her lower lip without making a sound. She slowly leaned back on the chair, and it took her a long time to say: "Aren't you going to send the materials?"

Chen Ming stared at her for a long time, finally moved away, and started the car.

Later, he didn't ask her the previous question again. Even though he is a single-celled creature, he can understand that Song Jiaren's temper is not to deny but to admit... For a while, he felt a little excited, but he still firmly suppressed it. Stay silent.

On the other hand, Song Jiaren was playing with her mobile phone all the time, and she only said softly after the car drove to the street: "There is a breakfast shop ahead, buy you some porridge, their blood rice porridge is quite good."

Chen Ming smiled: "Okay, but you won't lose weight?"

She hummed softly: "Suddenly I don't think it's that important anymore."

He didn't say anything else, he just stopped the car at the entrance of the breakfast shop in front, and said softly when he unfastened his seat belt, "Take the car and wait for me."

Song Jiaren looked at him.

Chen Ming took the wallet and got out of the car.

After he left, Song Jiaren found that his mobile phone was in the central control, and his coat was also placed on the back of the chair.

Song Jiaren happened to be wearing a skirt, and she was a little cold with the air conditioner on in the car, so she pulled his coat over to cover her body to cover her legs... At this moment, a small thing slipped out of his pocket.

Song Jiaren was surprised, bent down and picked it up to have a look.

Small square package, thin.

She was stunned and didn't recover for a while.

Chen could he have this on him?

Just at this moment, Chen Ming came back, opened the door and handed the porridge to her, but at the same time, he saw the thing in her hand.

The four eyes met, and the air froze.

After all, men are thick-skinned. Chen Ming quickly took the little thing and put it in his pocket, with a calm expression: "I happened to meet someone promoting it on the street yesterday, so let me go."

Song Jiaren forgot to breathe: "Well, you don't have a girlfriend, what are you doing with this?"

He fastened his seat belt, and then asked back with a smile: "Then tell me what I do?"

Song Jiaren's face was a little hot, so she didn't ask any more questions, and held his coat with one hand and opened the porridge with the other to drink.Chen Ming looked at his coat draped over her lap, his gaze sank, and he said nothing in the end.

Later, the atmosphere was obviously different from before. It seemed that something had pierced the layer of paper, and the air became restless.

After all, one is in his early thirties, and the other is almost thirty...

Fortunately, the car arrived at Lu Heng's house in less than half an hour. Zhou Yunchen held the documents and turned his head: "Wait for me in the car."

Song Jiaren got out of the car, "I'll go in too."

He looked at her without objection.

The two went in together, and unexpectedly found that they were not the only guests today, there was also a person sitting in the living room, this person was known to both Chen Ming and Song Jiaren, and it was Gu Anxi's uncle Wang Kefu.

After a while, Wang Kefu had no choice but to go back to Jiangcheng to fight. He missed Bo Xichen's private plane and had to leave in about half an hour. This was the time when he couldn't part with each other, and a rough guy like Chen Ming could smell it as soon as he entered A different feeling in the air.

Wang Kefu is also a husky, he can meet acquaintances when he comes to this kind of place! ?

On the contrary, Lu Heng is very calm. He has adapted to the prosthesis for more than half a year. He usually wears pants and shoes and there is nothing wrong with it. He walks very stably. Of course, he has paid unimaginable hardships for ordinary people.

Today Wang Kefu came to visit his old friend, and he was fascinated by seeing him again, but he didn't dare to reveal these dark thoughts any more. He just chatted politely and decently, and handed over the gift he brought from Jiangcheng to Lu Heng's two 'sons'.

Because it was for the two children, Lu Heng didn't refuse. He was different from before.

In the past, Lu Heng was arrogant, like Wang Kefu and others would never sit and chat in his home, but now Lu Heng has a very peaceful feeling all over his body, which makes Wang Kefu feel a little familiar... for a long time Just then I remembered, isn't this the inner taste of Anxi's husband, Bo Xichen?

He looked Lu Heng up and down, and finally found...

The little fairy descended from the mortal world.

All the things in the past have suddenly... been discouraged.

The little fairy has descended to the mortal world.

While chatting, he even stopped thinking about it... Lu Heng didn't take it seriously, he was like treating an old friend from afar, neither liked nor disliked much.

Suddenly, Wang Kefu also felt that it was meaningless, everything was just because of his too much entanglement.

He felt that Jiangcheng was his destination, and maybe he really wanted to start a career.

What about a good-looking appearance?

Just like Shen Wanqing, he was very precious before, but now...he saw her in Beicheng two days ago, she was still young and beautiful, but he didn't feel tempted at all, the only thing he cared about was He and his wife's son.

Wang Kefu left...

When he left, he said to Lu Heng, "Dr. Lu, I'm sorry to bother you."

Maybe, if he didn't find Lu Heng back then, Lu Heng wouldn't be what he is today, maybe he's still intact.

Lu Heng looked at him quietly without saying a word.

Wang Kefu let out another long breath before saying hoarsely, "I'm leaving."

He finally left. Lu Heng stood and watched for a while, then turned to Chen Ming and said, "Sorry, I've been waiting for a long time."

The old man Chen Ming also noticed something, but he didn't tell the truth, he just said softly: "President Wang has changed a lot."

Lu Heng sat down, twisted the teacup with his slender fingers, and smiled: "The situation has changed, and the mind must change accordingly."

Just like him, Lu Heng, a year ago... he was a very proud person, and he was still looking for the girls he met in France, but a year later, he is now like this...

(End of this chapter)

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