Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1177 Finally, Getting Married

Chapter 1177 Finally, Getting Married

Lu Heng didn't want to think about those things anymore, looked at the document in Chen Ming's hand, and raised his eyes: "This is it?"

Only then did Chen Ming think about the business, "Mr. Wang asked me to bring you the documents."

As he spoke, he handed over the documents.

Lu Heng stretched out his hand to take it, looked down, and said in a low voice: "That's my job, why should Mr. Wang be so polite, besides, he has already opened up about my father's affairs."

He wanted to put the document back, but Chen Ming said: "Mr. Wang has confessed that if Dr. Lu doesn't accept it, I won't go back to do business, and I won't go back."

Lu Heng smiled wryly: "He said that? Mr. Wang is indeed not an ordinary person."

After speaking, he looked at Song Jiaren at the side again, and whispered, "Mr. Zhou is not an ordinary person either."

He thought for a while and then said: "I heard that Mr. Zhou and Gu Anxi grew up together. It can be seen that Mr. Gu Yuntian is very good at teaching children."

Song Jiaren didn't like to hear these words, and snorted softly: "In terms of cunning, who can compare to Gu Anxi, and only her old brother can control her, oh, and Bo Xichen's masculinity."

What he said... Chen Ming touched his nose and suppressed a smile.

Lu Heng had heard enough, he was also good-looking, and he hadn't seen Gu Anxi flocking to him before.

Probably seeing what he was thinking, Song Jiaren smiled but didn't smile; "I figured it out, Gu Anxi doesn't just like a good-looking man. She probably likes Bo Xichen's one, and she's not very good at aesthetics." transfer."

Lu Heng had a toothache from hearing this and didn't want to listen any more.

Song Jiaren was very proud and took a look at Chen Ming.

The main reason is that she hates Gu Anxi, but she is often pissed off to death. She doesn't dare to provoke Bo Xichen, and she dares not to provoke her elder brother and sister-in-law. Brother... just like Lu Heng said, he is not an ordinary person, and he eats her up in every way. It's going to die, sister-in-law... Song Jiaren feels that she lives at the bottom, and now she finally caught a slap, and she was in a great mood.

Chen Ming only thought she was childish and ridiculous, and when he went out, he reached out and touched her little head: "Why, Dr. Lu is very happy when he is so angry?"

Song Jiaren cast a sidelong glance at him: "This kind of fun is not something you can experience."

Chen Ming opened the car door to let her get in, and then smiled: "You are more and more like Anxi, don't you dislike her temperament?"

"Now I think it's not bad. I'm happy when I'm mad at others." Song Jiaren sat in the car and smiled at him.

At this time, Chen Ming suddenly leaned over and leaned very close to her, so close that she had no choice but to lean back on the chair, her eyes were a little wide open, but her voice was soft: "Don't come here."

"Afraid of me?" He murmured, "Did we agree last night?"

She didn't make a sound, but looked up at him with a somewhat fragile expression.

At this time, Chen Ming smiled softly again, stretched out his hand to gently stroke her long hair and pushed it aside, exposing her entire face, then gently moved his fingers down, across the bridge of her straight nose, and gently pressed on her lips.

His voice was a little hoarse: "Did I tell you that you are beautiful?"

Song Jiaren's lips moved slightly: "Did I ever tell you that you are greasy?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he lowered his head and kissed her lips as if he couldn't bear it any longer.

Song Jiaren struggled for a while, but couldn't break free, so she had to let him kiss.

After a long, long time, he finally let go of her, his voice was unbelievably hoarse: "Okay, I'll send you to catch an announcement."

Song Jiaren bit her lower lip, her lips were brightly colored.

Chen Ming still pressed her forehead, and said in a hoarse voice, "Why do I feel that I have taken advantage of it?"

She didn't make a sound, but gently put her head on his shoulder... Chen Ming's body froze.

What kind of feeling is that, that is, what you have always wanted but didn't dare to want, suddenly turns into a big meal and appears in front of you. At that moment, you feel unbelievable and overwhelmed.

Chen Ming didn't say anything, just reached out and stroked her hair lightly. After a long time, Song Jiaren said softly, "I want to live in a bigger house, raise two cats, and want a small garden."

He said yes.

She took a breath: "I can pay for it."

He smiled softly, "That's fine, I will be responsible for working for you for the rest of my life."

"I may not be so busy in the future, you can take me with you when you are on a business trip." She said softly again: "But if I have a child, I will stay at home to take care of the child, and will not run around with the child."

Her growth may be incomplete, and she has a relationship like moths to a flame, but she will learn to forget, learn to love her man, and learn to be a good mother. She doesn't believe that Gu Anxi can do it. She couldn't do it. Didn't that little kid just give birth to two children, and she looked like an adult, as if she was a generation older than her.

Song Jiaren was very unconvinced.

Who can't have a baby?

Chen Ming listened, he was dizzy...

That day he sent her to make an announcement, went to work by himself, went to her work place at night and took her back to his apartment, so naturally his feelings were not as good as before.

When he went to Siyuan to do errands again, Gu Anxi, who got wind of it, naturally made fun of him. Chen Ming scratched his hair, feeling extremely happy: "Hurry up, I want to finish the matter before the end of the year."

In fact, he has already prepared the house. He has done a big event this time on a business trip, and the higher-ups rewarded him with a small villa, which may be a little small, only about [-] square meters. Sell ​​them all, and scrape together the money to buy a larger one of about [-] square meters, which should be almost the same.

When he said that, Gu Anxi was very happy for him. In fact, she was even happier that Song Jiaren could come out.

They are not together, Chen Ming may be able to live a stable and ordinary life, but Song Jiaren may not be able to meet her lover again, she is a little emotional...

After Chen Ming left, Gu Anxi went to see the two children.

The children are very obedient, and they will sleep obediently after eating. She accompanied her for a while and slowly got up and walked to an empty courtyard.

The courtyard, located in the north corner of Siyuan, has not been lived in for a long, long time, and it looks empty, but the inside is cleaned cleanly, the windows are bright and clean, and even the green plants that the owner liked during his lifetime are well maintained, which shows that it is often Someone came to take care of it.

Gu Anxi lit a stick of incense, looked up at the black and white photo, gently inserted the incense, and said in a low voice, "Is it okay there?"

She smiled wryly again: "Do you think I'm too cruel?"

The surrounding area was empty, as if someone would come from the door at any time, holding medicine in his hand, and staring at her indifferently: "You should apply some medicine."

Gu Anxi lowered his eyes: "I went to see him too, he will be like that for the rest of his life."

This is the teacher's choice.

Gu Anxi stood for a long time before walking out of the courtyard, gently closing the door behind him.

She looked up, Song Jiaren was getting married, and there would be one less person who cared about him from now on. However, it doesn't matter if you don't remember, or if you don't remember, he will always be the youngest son of the Bo family, the younger brother of Papa Bo, That's all.

She walked a few more steps, and saw Mr. Bo and Mrs. Bo standing there, and Mrs. Bo was holding a tribute in her hand.

Gu Anxi went over and said softly, "Is today the memorial day?"

Mrs. Bo shook her hand: "How did you come here before your confinement?"

She said and sighed: "Today is Fickle's birthday. The old man and I came here to offer incense to him."

Gu Anxi was silent.

Mrs. Bo patted her hand, and said softly, "Since you've been here, go back and rest. It's not in vain for you to call him second uncle."

What she said was to discard the title of master, and Mrs. Bo also deliberately erased the disgraceful past of Boqing. The old man beside him was quite moved when he heard it, his old eyes were wide open, and he was pitiful.

How should I put it, Boqing is his second brother after all, and he didn't bother and helped Boqing when he was messing around, so when he mentioned this matter, he was old and shameless.

Gu Anxi was quite obedient, nodded and went back first.

About half an hour later, old man Bo came over, and Gu Anxi was watching TV with his legs crossed.

The old man rubbed his nose and rubbed against her, "Anxi."

Gu Anxi looked at him sideways: "What's wrong?"

Old Man Bo sighed softly: "It's hard for you to still think about that boy Bo Qing." '

Gu Anxi's body froze, and it took him a long time to say: "It's not because I'm worried, but because I heard that Song Jiaren is getting married, so I went to see him."

Mr. Bo nodded his old face, and said softly, "I've also heard that there have been a lot of happy events recently. It's rare that the big brother and Xiao Lin's affairs are getting closer. I heard that Old Antique in Jiangcheng also agreed. I don't know how he agreed. of."

Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "Probably there is no other way, besides, it's really good to have someone like Lin Shuang on my second uncle's terms. What else can he dislike?"

Mr. Bo agreed very much: "Yeah, she looks much better than Brother Kegui's previous wife." '

He looked around again, and then whispered: "That woman is not easy to mess with at first glance, she has a serious face all day long, and your mother Bo is also fierce, but she is good-looking. As long as it is well maintained, it is no wonder that Nian Yao listens to her in everything."

Gu Anxi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Aren't you afraid of being heard?"

Mr. Bo's eyes were as wide as copper bells, "Why aren't you afraid? Isn't there you, Anxi?"

He coughed lightly: "I was really shocked when I saw you outside just now, you dare to go to such a place."

Fickleness is a taboo in the Bo family, and he dare not go there lightly, for fear of offending the tigress in Nian Yao's family.

When Gu Anxi heard this, he said amusedly: "You dare not go because you have a guilty conscience and have done too many bad things before." '

After finishing speaking, old man Bo tremblingly took out something from his trouser pocket. When Gu Anxi saw it, it turned out to be a pair of small purple jade bottles. They were the most precious things of the old man. She couldn't even touch them before. No, I put it next to my pillow when I sleep at night.

At this moment, it turned out that Ken took it out.

(End of this chapter)

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