Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1178 Uncle, Chapter 1

Chapter 1178 Uncle, back 1

Gu Anxi stared straight at it.

The two treasures fell into her hands, accompanied by old man Bo's distressed voice: "Treat them well, I have been playing with them for decades, and Nian Yao has never even looked at them."

Gu Anxi withdrew his gaze and said softly, "Then how did you give it to me?"

Old Man Bo sighed softly: "You should go and see Boqing more when you have time. Firstly, he probably misses you too. Secondly, I really have no face to go."

He said, his already old face looked even older, "Because of his background, I have been avoiding him. I didn't teach him well. What's wrong with Nian Yao? When Nian Yao took care of him, he was still one and a half. big kid."

Gu Anxi looked at him and felt that he was really sad. He didn't know what to say for a while, so Mr. Bo sighed again: "Let's just leave it at that. I don't know if it's his luck or misfortune to be born into our Bo family."

Gu Anxi returned the bottle to Mr. Bo, and said softly, "I'll go and see it when I'm free."

At this moment, Mr. Bo seems to have lost sight of the things he loves, so he pushed them down a few times and finally accepted them.

When he went out, he looked sad for a while, closed the door and wiped away his old tears.

However, within 2 minutes, he wiped the baby in his arms and kissed him twice.

It's okay, that brat Anxi doesn't want, otherwise how will I live the rest of my life, my precious bottle.

When Gu Anxi was sitting in the living room, he was eating melon seeds while watching the old man's performance on the surveillance camera. He couldn't help laughing, smiling, and a little bit bitter...

Because of those who left.

In the afternoon, she took a nap and dreamed that she had returned to the darkness, dreamed that she was still lying in that bamboo forest, and dreamed a lot... When she woke up, there were tears in the corners of her eyes.

In the evening, she called Bo Xichen and he smiled slightly: "I probably went to Second Uncle's house to recall the past, and I will take you out to play when I come back."

Gu Anxi snorted, and then said, "But what about Bo Xin and Bo An'an?"

Bo Xichen thought for a while, and said in a low voice: "It can be stored in the refrigerator, and it will be fine if you go out for two or three days."

Gu Anxi: ...

She never thought that he would be like this, she thought he would take the child on a trip.Then she talked for a long time until she fell asleep...

When she woke up, she looked at the phone for two hours. She remembered that she only talked for an hour, so the uncle was listening to her and sleeping for the rest of the hour?

Her face was a little red, she got up and brushed her teeth...

The days passed day by day, and during the Mid-Autumn Festival, Bo Nianyao and Uncle Bo returned to Beicheng. It happened that Chen Ming and Song Jiaren's wedding was also held ahead of schedule.

When Bo Xichen came back, he didn't say hello in advance, and came back directly.

Gu Anxi was looking for treasures in his collection room, thinking about what to give as a gift.

Well, Song Jia's relationship is average, and she even has a bit of hatred for Feng Xi. Although Feng Xi and Feng Mian are doing well now, it was indeed Song Jia who blew Feng Xi up at the time, and she really didn't want to give her anything good.

After much deliberation, I finally found an incense burner. The matching incense was made by the world's top perfumer.

She has been afraid to use it, um, give this and let Chen Ming treat her.

Just thinking about it, Gu Anxi became very excited and happy, and packed the things with a smile.

After finishing it, I was relieved, and smiled secretly again.At this moment, a pair of arms wrapped around her waist, she was startled, and then patted the man's hand: "Uncle, you scared me to death."

Bo Xichen lowered his head, put his chin on her shoulder, and asked in a low voice, "What are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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