Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1179 Uncle Chapter Is Here 2

Chapter 1179 Uncle is back 2

Gu Anxi was taken aback, and immediately turned her head, looked at him slyly, and said softly, "I'm preparing a wedding gift for Chen Ming and the others."

As soon as Bo Xichen reached out his hand to take it, he rummaged through it for a long time, "What's inside?"

Gu Anxi didn't dare to say what it was, so he jumped on him with his backhand, "Uncle, why did you come back all of a sudden?"

He held her with one hand, and then whispered: "To give you a surprise."

She groaned, and put her face in the crescent of his neck, feeling very warm there.

Today's weather is a bit cold, she has always been afraid of the cold, it would be best if he came back now...

"Aren't you leaving?" She raised her head and asked him.

Bo Xichen smiled: "Yes, I'm not leaving."

She smiled foolishly again, put her arms around his neck for a long time before murmuring: "Have you ever visited the baby?"They've grown so big again. '

He looked down at her, put her on the sofa, and pressed his forehead against his hoarse voice: "I haven't had time to see it yet."

She groaned, blushing for some reason.

Bo Xichen smiled lightly again, and gently pinched her face with his fingers, "Let's go see together now?"

She pushed his shoulder: "but you get up."

However, Bo Xichen did not move, and looked at her with a slightly deeper gaze.

As thick-skinned as Gu Anxi felt a little embarrassed, he put his little hand on his shoulder: "Don't you want to watch the child?"

Bo Xichen lowered his head and blocked all her words...

She tightened her little finger, bawdy.

Do you want to do this...

Fortunately, Uncle Bo finally managed to be sensible, and soon let her go, tidied her clothes, and walked to the nursery together.

Mrs. Bo was taking care of two babies, although she only raised her eyes when she saw her son coming back.

Bo Xichen rubbed his nose and silently glanced at his little wife.

Gu Anxi suppressed a smile, let out a cry, and hugged him from behind.

Bo Xichen held her hand while talking softly to his mother, and at the end Gu Anxi yawned on his back: "You won't let Mommy Bo go when Papa Bo comes back." '

Bo Xichen patted her hand angrily and amusedly: "You think everyone is as tired as you."

When he said this, Gu Anxi looked at him with a strange look——

Obviously he was the one who was tired of it, and he still relied on her, but she would still give him a little face in front of Bo's mother, and she just glanced at him without making a sound.

Mrs. Bo didn't know about them. On the one hand, she was thinking about Bo Nianyao, and on the other hand, she also knew that her son missed the little boy very much, so she wisely left first.

There were only young couples who were mothers left. Bo Xichen picked up Bo An'an and kissed him, and asked the little girl very tenderly, "Do you miss Dad?"

The little Bo An'an could understand it, and only knew how to smile, which was cute and cute.

Bo Xichen looked at it for a long time before he said to Gu Anxi, "The temperament is very similar to yours."

Gu Anxi came to him, hugged his waist and whispered, "She's still so young, how can you tell?"

Bo Xichen put Bo An'an down, and then gently hugged his little wife, and kissed her on the back of the sofa beside her. She was a little shy... She grabbed his shirt with her small hands.

After a while, Bo Xichen laughed by himself, patted her lightly, and lowered his head to coax her a few words: "I'll take a shower first."

Gu Anxi's little face was blushing, and he said bluntly, "Hey, that's not what I meant."

He flicked her little head lightly: "then what do you think I mean?"

She stammered and refused to speak.

Bo Xichen smiled lightly again, and leaned into her ear: "Let's eat first."

He pinched her face again, always feeling that she was more stable as a little mother before, and finally felt like an old married couple, but only now did he realize that she was still the same little girl as before.

He was so full that he couldn't tell, he went to take a shower, changed his clothes, came out, and while wiping his hair, he asked her, "Is there anything going on at home recently?"

Gu Anxi was sitting on the sofa writing something, his face was still a little hot at the moment, and he said softly: "No, what's the matter, if there is something, I will tell you usually."

He sat beside her, pulled her into his arms, closed his eyes and meditated: "Then do you miss me?"

Gu Anxi's face became very hot all of a sudden, and he put his hand flat on his heart, and said in a low voice, "Yes."

He looked down at her.

She got down on her stomach and lowered her voice: "Uncle, aren't you leaving?"

He murmured: "If you don't leave, you will stay."

She bit her lip, leaned her small body towards him again, and then simply put her arms around his neck.

He understands why she is like this, because he is almost the busiest in the late stage of her pregnancy, and he can only see her for two or three days at most in a month, and she will be lonely even when she is young.

Kissed her hair, and said: "I won't leave in the future."

"Take me away later." She mumbled her voice.

He just laughed, picked her up, and held her in his arms like a child. She was a little embarrassed... But Professor Bo taught her well, like treating a child...

After all, it's different. Young couples who have become parents have to worry about their children no matter how long they haven't seen each other.

At least, Bo Xichen can now understand his father's restraint etiquette. He thinks that he is probably a conservative man. Unlike Bo Nianyao, he is much luckier. Now he has elders in charge of his affairs, and Anxi is in charge of the company. But Bo Nianyao was alone at that time, not only was he busy with other things, but he also had an oil bottle to take care of...

In the middle of the night, Bo Xichen's heart was touched and he couldn't sleep for a while. After seeing the two children, he went outside to smoke.

After smoking, I couldn't help feeling a little empty, so I went to my father's study.

Bo Nianyao was still awake and was writing in the study.

When he looked up and saw his son coming, he smiled: "I haven't come back for so long, why don't you stay with Anxi?"

"She's gone to sleep." Bo Xichen was wearing a white shirt and black trousers. The shirt was not tucked in, looking a little casual. He also rarely put a cigarette on his lips, walked into the study and sat on the sofa.

Bo Nianyao looked at his son and smiled: "Look at your current appearance, you look like the head of the family. After all, you are a father."

Bo Xichen smiled lightly: "It's been a long time since I came back for a long stay, and I'm not used to it for a while."

Bo Nianyao continued to write with his head down, calmly: "It's good to be outside, and you don't have to be as restrained as before. Those who know it are you who are restrained, but those who don't know think that I abused my son... You are now a father anyway. .”

Bo Xichen smiled again: "It's not necessarily bad to be more polite."

Bo Nianyao glanced at him: "Then you want to show off your prestige as a father in front of your son in the future?"

When he said this, Bo Xichen imagined for a moment, then shook his head: "That's not true."

(End of this chapter)

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