Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1181 Wedding gift!Uncle Bo protects the short

Chapter 1181 Wedding gift!Uncle Bo protects the short

Gu Anxi said ah ah a few times, blushing a little: "It's nothing, it's just fenugreek, very delicate."

Uncle Bo smiled: "Really, it seems that you carefully prepared it?"

Gu Anxi's face turned redder, and he ate breakfast silently while looking at Bo Xichen.

There was something in Uncle Bo's heart that he didn't know, so he just smiled slightly.

After breakfast, he went out to do some errands. As soon as he left, Gu Anxi jumped up and down, "Finally left."

Mrs. Bo laughed and scolded: "Look at your promising appearance. You wanted him back before, but now you are terrified of him coming back. Where is your usual fearlessness?"

Gu Anxi lowered his head and secretly said, "My uncle is getting stricter."

I don't know if it's her illusion, he seems to be quite used to being a father, so it feels different, she secretly thought.

Bo Nianyao and Mrs. Bo looked at each other, smiled slightly, and then sighed.

Anxi is still a child after all, still young, he is not as stable as Xichen, and his status changes quickly.

This day happened to be a good day for Chen Ming and Song Jiaren. As Zhou Yunchen's older sister, Gu Anxi had to go there early in the morning. She went to Zhou Yunchen's house, and the Zhou family was very busy.

Seeing her coming, Shen Congwen pulled her to Song Jiaren's room, and said with a smile: "The person you miss is here, now you can say a few words of affection."

Gu Anxi looked quite flattered: "Why have I become the person she misses so much?"

Song Jiaren also refused to admit it, and snorted softly: "That's right, she is not the person I miss."

As soon as she said that, Gu Anxi held her chin and deliberately angered her: "Do I know it's Chen Ming!"

Song Jiaren grinned at her, and Gu Anxi quickly said, "Don't forget that you are getting married today, and it's scary to have this expression with makeup on."

Song Jiaren rolled her eyes.

In the end, Shen Congwen knew what this sister-in-law was thinking, and said with a smile: "I'll go out first, and Chen Ming's motorcade should be coming."

Looking at the situation, Gu Anxi knew that this young lady was a little overwhelmed on her wedding day, and she happened to come here to be the counselor.She leaned on the sofa and asked straightforwardly: "When you get married today, you don't think about my second uncle Bo, right? Sister, what's wrong with Chen Ming, tall and mighty, I don't know how many women envy you. I looked at his last blind date and thought she was losing her mind."

Song Jiaren stared at her: "How can you exaggerate like that?"

"It's not an exaggeration." Gu Anxi smiled and said, "I made it clear, you should know it best, don't you?"

Song Jiaren has always been quite prudish, how could she hear this, so she reached out and wanted to pinch Gu Anxi, but Gu Anxi stepped aside and pressed her shoulder kindly: "The wedding dress is already well dressed, why bother?" chaos."

She added another sentence: "My heart is messed up enough, but no matter how messy my clothes are, how can I get married?"

The words made Song Jiaren a little sad, she glanced at Gu Anxi, and then said softly: "

You know my mind, don't you? "

Gu Anxi smiled softly: "It's still the second uncle, right?"

She lightly touched Song Jiaren's delicate face with her fingers, and said softly, "You should like Chen Ming in your heart, but Second Uncle...Second Uncle is indeed a man who attracts women, but he is gone, so I don't miss him anymore." It's not the fault of the person, you don't need to feel guilty."

After she finished speaking, Song Jiaren was stunned, and it took her a long time to keep her voice hoarse: "You really think so?"

"Otherwise?" Gu Anxi squinted at her: "Unless you lose your memory, you will immediately remember Second Uncle, isn't that normal?"

Song Jiaren breathed a sigh of relief. Recently, she really had thoughts, thinking that she and Chen Ming were going to get married soon, but she would occasionally think of that period of the past at night, and think of the days when she was in the dark and flirtatious. She grew up in Diablo, she didn't know if normal people would recall the past like this, she couldn't figure out whether she had more love and affection, and she couldn't ask others about it, even her elder brother and sister-in-law Not exported.

Only Gu Anxi, this little shameless person, could she ask awkwardly.

Sure enough, Gu Anxi really did not disappoint her... Song Jiaren thought through gritted teeth.

Gu Anxi was quite proud, so Song Jiaren asked her again: "Then tell me, do you still have Qin Siyuan in your heart?"

Gu Anxi was furious all of a sudden: "Song Jiaren is my brother-in-law."

'That doesn't change that you liked someone else. ’ Song Jiaren was sarcastic: "When they got married, you must have felt really bad, right?"

Gu Anxi really wanted to sew her mouth shut, so she thought about it carefully and endured it: "Only Chen Ming can bear your character."

She thought secretly in her heart: Chen Ming probably rebelled against sex.

After Song Jiaren's poisonous tongue was over, she felt much more at ease, and seeing Gu Anxi was much more pleasing to the eye.

Gu Anxi ignored her, she pushed Gu Anxi: "Okay, okay, you are already a mother, and you still care about me like this."

Gu Anxi snorted softly, and then pretended to be reserved and brought up his gift.

Song Jiaren was quite surprised: "You also prepared a gift?"

Gu Anxi snorted softly, quite proudly.

Song Jiaren wanted to open it, but Gu Anxi coughed lightly: "Be careful you broke it."

Song Jiaren took a look at her and carefully opened it, only to find that inside was a very delicate glass bottle with a very special shape, and it also came with two bottles of essential oils.

She stared straight at it for a long time before softly saying, "Is this too wasteful? Is this the work of famous artist Rang?"

One piece is worth millions, isn't it too extravagant for Gu Anxi to use this to get some essential oils?

Gu Anxi smiled: "Don't waste it, don't waste it, if you like it, you won't waste it."

Song Jiaren looked at her, satisfied, and didn't want to trouble Gu Anxi anymore... At this moment, Chen Ming brought a group of brothers over, and on the day of great joy, he was dressed in a handmade suit that made him look heroic.

And because of Zhou Yunchen's relationship, all the big and small people came to the office, and Zhou's house was particularly busy.

In such excitement, Gu Anxi took a step back and happened to stand next to Shen Congwen.

Shen Congwen was slightly taller than her, and he gently wrapped his arms around her shoulders, and whispered, "Thank you, Anxi."

Gu Anxi panicked in her heart, she was wondering if she should be a good person to the end and stop doing that?

But just as he was about to make a move, he saw Chen Ming swiping his palm, and carried the treasure down the stairs together with Song Jiaren...

Get married!

Gu An watched anxiously.

Shen Congwen saw that there was a difference in her expression, so he couldn't help but be concerned: "What's wrong with Anxi?"

Gu Anxi smiled dryly: "—No, nothing!"

What can there be, how dare to have anything, Chen Ming has taken away all the things, he looks very satisfied, and he is usually in the mood for romance now that he is used to it.

Sympathy for Song Jiaren!


I'm sorry, after today you probably don't have the heart to miss your second uncle... Thinking about it this way, Gu Anxi feels that he won't feel so guilty anymore, which is pretty good.

She had a big heart, and quickly put it down, and dragged Shen Congwen to join in the fun.

Chen Ming and Song Jiaren didn't have many family members, most of them were business friends of Zhou Yunchen and Chen Ming. Although Song Jiaren was an actress, she didn't like to socialize with her peers, so the media was not allowed for this wedding.

Chen Ming thought it was a good job, and his wife was very considerate.

However, at the wedding banquet at night, Gu Anxi tricked him into drinking a lot of alcohol, even Zhou Yunchen couldn't stand it anymore, this little brat made trouble on his own, and even made a fuss with Congwen. He deliberately dragged Congwen because he would have a falling out with Shen Congwen. fact, he knew it in his heart, but today it was true...maybe it was because of his depression, he played a little crazy.

When the atmosphere was particularly lively, the group went back to Chen Ming's residence and there was another commotion. When the atmosphere was particularly good, Chen's mother, who admired Gu Anxi very much, dug out the gift from Gu Anxi from somewhere, packed the essential oil on the bed, lit it and put it on the head of the bed, rubbing your hands: "This thing looks precious."

Gu Anxi stared straight at it, a little dumbfounded.

There were at least fifteen people in Chen Ming and Song Jiaren's wedding room.

Seeing Gu Anxi's happy expression, Chen's mother couldn't help being happy too: "It smells really good, after all, what Anxi sent is different."

Gu Anxi looked at her and sniffed her closely, crying in her heart——

How does this work?

At this moment, Wang Jingchuan, who was shrewd like an old dog, saw it and coughed lightly, "It's getting late, and the trouble is almost over, or let's break up and leave time for the young couple."

He looked at Chen's mother again, and said earnestly: "It's getting late, you should rest too!"

Mother Chen didn't doubt anything, and smiled: "Okay, let's not bother."

She glanced at her son again: "Be nicer to Dodo, if she has any complaints, I'll be the first to let you go."

Chen Ming's heart moved, and he was quite moved, because his mother called Song Jiaren by her nickname, which meant that she really wanted to love her as a daughter, so he nodded: "Of course my wife needs to be loved."

Chen's mother was very satisfied, she took everyone away, and wanted to make some supper for everyone.

Wang Jingyao has been talking to Zhou Yunchen downstairs, their identities are inconvenient to mess around like these children, and when they were talking about important things but saw them go downstairs, Wang Jingyao smiled: "I don't mean to play for a while, why are you so soon?" gone?"

Zhou Yunchen then cast his eyes on Gu Anxi's face, "Could it be Anxi and you did something wrong again?"

Gu Anxi almost jumped so high that he yelled, "I don't have it, don't wrong me."

At this moment, Bo Xichen got up and carried her, and said to Wang Jingyao and the others: "It's getting late, there are still two children at home, Anxi and I will go back first."

Wang Jingyao was a little disappointed, and snorted: "Really, who doesn't have a child yet."

He looked at Zhou Yunchen: "Don't we have any?"

Zhou Yunchen smiled: "There are two of them."

Two amazing!

Wang Jingyao rubbed his nose and didn't want to admit it. Well, it's amazing. These people don't know how envious the old gentlemen and old ladies are. What can be said is that Xichen is useful. His son can only do things, and the key is to contribute to the old Wang family. It's broken!

How did he break up?Obviously the one who gave birth to a son?

That night, he bullied Lin Hua and cried. When the atmosphere was good, he teased, "Am I broken?"

Lin Hua was so angry that she ignored him for several days!Alas, that little bastard had to mediate this matter, so Xichen took her away when she was obviously guilty just now, but he didn't stop her...

(End of this chapter)

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