Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1182 Why, still unwilling to forgive me?

Chapter 1182 Why, still unwilling to forgive me?

Wang Jingyao looked at the situation and felt that it was almost done. Not only did he take away his own people, but he also took away Chen Ming's mother. Just kidding, he wanted to know what good things that little bastard did. I'm afraid the family is going to make a big joke out of it.

Naturally, Wang Jingyao would not do this kind of thing in person. Secretary-General Wang understood it with a wink, and even coaxed and deceived Chen Ming's mother out for supper. When looking at the super long RV, he caressed the seat and couldn't put it down, and exclaimed: "This car is really comfortable to sit in."

Wang Jingyao was also in the car, glanced at his wife, and then chatted with Chen Ming's mother: "If Chen Ming can conceive twins, I will give one as a gift."

What he said was obviously teasing his wife, Lin Hua. Lin Hua was not stupid, so she glanced at him when she heard it, and then fell silent.

Chen Ming's mother didn't know about their flirting like this, and she was still thinking: "I have three pairs of dragon and phoenix twins here, and Chen Ming's dead father has four pairs. The possibility of this car is quite high." ..."

When she said this, Lin Hua smiled lightly: "That's true."

Old brother Wang felt strange, touched his nose, "Not necessarily."

Lin Hua kept silent, and now Chen Ming's mother said a little worriedly: "I have to go back sooner, Chen Ming is a rough person who doesn't take good care of others, in case he gets hungry at night, he will eat supper."

Before she finished speaking, Wang Jingyao glanced at Wang Jingchuan.

Wang Jingchuan understood, and immediately slapped his thigh: "Farewell, old lady."

Chen Ming's mother was puzzled, so the Secretary-General said to her in detail: "Young couples, let them go. Chen Ming is in his thirties and finally married such a beautiful daughter-in-law. Can it be easy? You are kind, but don’t do anything wrong, young people nowadays value freedom and space..."

Chen Ming's mother is not stupid either. She understood when she said this, and after thinking about it, she said: "I understand the meaning, actually, I don't look at my son like other mothers and wish he could think about it [-] hours a day. Mom, I’m not that kind of person, I usually live with Chen Ming, but after they get married, I still live by myself, and I help take care of the child after they are born, and by the way, I even learned how to take care of the child.”

Chen Ming's mother said with some embarrassment: "When Chen Ming was a child, I took him very seriously, but now it's different. Children are very precious, and the method is different from the previous method. The teacher said it was scientific breeding."

Wang Jingchuan smiled and said, "Scientific feeding."

"Yes, yes, it's feeding. I forgot about it for a while." Chen Ming's mother said quickly.

Although she said so, she missed her son and daughter-in-law a little later, and she didn't know if Chen Ming was messing around, and there was no adult at home...

Fortunately, after a while, Secretary-General Wang distracted her and took her to a place, accompanied by many people.

Wang Jingyao was relieved of his work, so he took his wife home.

Once back, Lin Hua walked upstairs, Wang Jingyao smiled, took off his coat and went upstairs, "Lin Hua, why are you running, I won't eat you."

Lin Hua was angry with him these days and ignored him.

When she got to the bedroom, she tried to close the door but he stuck her foot. She glared at him: "You sleep in the study, don't be ashamed."

Wang Jingyao smiled cheekily: "I've been angry for so many days, it's time to calm down, right?"

Lin Hua glanced at him, then let him in anyway, and he put his arms around her shoulders as soon as he came in, "Don't be angry, you're still so willful now that you're a mother?"

As he said this, he thought quite proudly in his heart: He really spoiled her, it's good, it's good not to be afraid of him.

He was so shameless, Lin Hua let out a soft snort and went to take off her makeup to take a shower and go to bed.

Wang Jingyao chased after him thick-skinned.

In the dressing room, Lin Hua sat in front of the dressing table, took off her makeup, combed her hair carefully with a comb, and put it down.

She wore a smoky red dress tonight, which was very feminine, especially from the back, she didn't look like someone who had given birth at all.

Old brother Wang saw her eagerly, and gently hugged her from behind, and skillfully helped her pick off the pearl earrings around her ears and put them on the table, then put her arms around her and looked into the mirror together...

Before Lin Hua could speak, he became ashamed, and she quickly pushed him: "I haven't forgiven you yet."

"Forgiveness has nothing to do with this matter." He leaned on her shoulder and said with a low smile.

He has a high status, so he naturally puts on an air in front of others, and only shows his true temperament in private, bullying her to his heart's content by relying on his understanding of romance, fortunately, he was left out for a long time last time, so this time he didn't dare No matter how much it is too much... When the love is deep, the conflict between husband and wife will naturally resolve.

In the middle of the night, when Lin Hua got up, she was stopped by Wang Jingyao before she moved, and her voice was slightly hoarse: "Where are you going?"

"Go and see the child." She said softly.

He pulled her down and held her for a while before letting out a breath: "Let me go and see."

He always feels sorry for his wife, and he has to show it before reconciling, so he immediately put on his clothes to see Xiao Wangyue. Because he is a son, Wang Jingyao is very strict, and he is completely free-ranging.

Poor little Wang Yue is only half a year old, and his father asked him to be independent.

But what can he do independently now, independent bedwetting?

Brother Wang doesn't care, anyway, boys have to sleep by themselves.

Naturally, there was also a professional nanny watching. He went in and the nanny woke up too, but she didn't get up——

Mr. Wang doesn't like others to disturb him, the less presence at home the better.

Wang Jingyao went to see his son, but what he didn't expect was that little Wang Yue was awake, with big bright eyes, looking at his father cutely.

A six-month-old child already knows his parents and can speak simple pronunciations.

He immediately became excited when he saw Wang Jingyao, kicking his little feet hard, and calling his father indistinctly with his slobbering mouth.

Even though Wang Jingyao usually shouted to teach children to be strict, his heart was still soft at this moment.

The child Lin Hua gave him resembled him, with similar facial features and similarities everywhere.

He reached out, picked up his son and kissed him: "What is the little guy thinking?"

Xiao Wangyue sleeps a lot during the day, and no one cares about him now, so he can't wait for one.The small body was lying on his father's shoulders, screaming, Wang Jingyao didn't know what he was calling, but thought it was cute.

After thinking about it again, he carried his son back to the master bedroom.

Lin Hua hadn't slept yet, although she...was quite tired.

She was waiting for Wang Jingyao, but she didn't expect that he would bring her son back after a while. Lin Hua was actually a little surprised.

She is a woman and a soft mother. To be honest, she wants to take care of little Wang Yue personally, but Wang Jingyao is very persistent in this regard and insists on making boys independent.

Lin Hua suffered because no one told her about this matter, because she herself knew that the Wang family was a famous family. It had experienced many years of prosperity, and there was a tradition in raising children. Feeling breaks tradition.

Now that he brought her son over, she immediately sat up and took him, and said softly, "He's sleeping with us?"

Wang Jingyao smiled: "It's just one night, it's boring to watch this kid."

Lin Hua was a little disappointed, but she immediately lowered her eyes to coax her son and covered it up.

However, no matter who Wang Jingyao was, he could still tell that Lin Hua still wanted to be with his son every night, even if it meant putting the crib in their room.

But... He sighed in his heart, he really couldn't rely on her in this matter.

Xiao Wangyue has been six months old, and he just stopped drinking milk. Milk is naturally the best, but how can it match the taste of his mother? It has only been half a month since the little guy arrived in his mother's arms It's not going to work, and I rubbed against my mother's arms.

Lin Hua couldn't bear it, but she couldn't let herself go, she could only coax the little guy.

At this moment, Wang Jingyao lay down, glanced at the little guy and said softly, "He remembered again?"

Lin Hua hummed, and patted her son sideways, but Xiao Wang Yue was so happy, how could he fall asleep?

Wang Jingyao smiled: "Don't rely on this kid, a loving mother is a failure."

Lin Hua was a little unhappy: "For such a small child, if you treat him better, how can you be a loving mother and a loser?"

Wang Jingyao knew that she was upset, because of this matter, Lin Hua had never argued with him before, but he also knew how strong he was in this matter, and now the atmosphere was so good that he didn't want to quarrel with her, so he put his hands on the pillow. At the back of her head, she said softly, "You don't know how ruthless the old lady was when I was young."

"You are you, and your son is your son." Lin Hua finally couldn't help but say something: "Think about it for yourself, Xiaoyue and you are destined to take a different path in the future."

Wang Jingyao looked at her quietly and watched.

For some reason, Lin Hua was a little frightened by this look, her lips moved, but Wang Jingyao spoke first, in a deep voice: "Zhou Yunchen and I have an agreement, his family's Zhou Mu will not go this way. road."

Lin Hua sat up immediately, she looked at Wang Jingyao in disbelief, her voice trembling: "But obviously... as you said before, Wang Yue will not go the same way as you."

Wang Jingyao had no choice but to comfort his wife: "The situation is changing."

He sighed: "Zhou Yunchen is not willing to accept this hand."

Lin Hua understood instantly: "So, the son is the condition and the bargaining chip, right?"

She went on to say: "You yourself have endured this hardship and worked hard all your life. Do you want your son to be like you?"

Wang Jingyao stared at her.

After a long time, Lin Hua suppressed her voice: "So, I want to teach Wang Yue that you won't let me go. It turns out that you want to make him a unique assembly line product of the Wang family, and want him to become another Wang Jingyao when he grows up."

When she said this, she crossed the line, and Wang Jingyao's voice was a little low: "Lin Hua, pay attention to your words, do you know what you are talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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