Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1183 She Sleeps In The Guest Room Alone

Chapter 1183 She Sleeps In The Guest Room Alone

In desperation, Wang Jingyao's voice was a little harsh, and Lin Hua froze for a moment.

She looked at Wang Jingyao wrongly, her eyes were a little watery, but she just glanced at him quietly, and then hugged Xiao Wangyue up.

Wang Jingyao was a little anxious, "What are you doing?"

Lin Hua said softly, "It's better to let him sleep alone."

"You're talking angry." He wanted to put his hand on her shoulder to comfort her, but Lin Hua avoided it and hugged his son out of bed: "I'll take him back to the nursery."

Wang Jingyao was a little angry: "Lin Hua is in the middle of the night, don't be self-willed."

She didn't say anything, just hugged her son and left without looking back.

The door closed gently, as if it had been stabbed in Wang Jingyao's heart. He slowly lay down unhappily and waited for Lin Hua to come back and talk to her properly. Husband and wife still need to communicate, and he will convince her .

He, and his mother, have grown up like this for several generations in the Wang family, so there's nothing wrong with it, is there?

But he lay down and waited for a long time, but Lin Hua didn't show up.

Wang Jingyao closed his eyes and meditated, finally couldn't bear it anymore, lifted the quilt and got out of bed and went to the nursery, he went to see his son under the dim light, but there was little Wang Yue in the empty little bed.

"It's really getting worse." He murmured, and then searched on the second floor, bedroom by bedroom. The door of the last bedroom was locked. He pushed it, but there was no movement inside. .

"Lin Hua." He leaned his head against the door and said softly, "You just ignored me because of this little thing?"

Lin Hua didn't speak inside, Wang Jingyao leaned against the door panel and listened quietly for a while, making sure that she would not come out to open the door, so he went back to the bedroom first.

Nuo Da's bedroom was empty, he couldn't fall asleep when he was in a bad mood, so he sat on the sofa in the living room, poured himself a glass of red wine, and poured a glass of foreign wine after feeling uncomfortable.

However, the more you drink, the worse your mood will be.

Holding the cup, Wang Jingyao introspected for a while in the middle of the night.

His ex-wife was very nice and virtuous, and had no demands on him.But he didn't treat her very well, he was always very busy, the young couple got farther and farther apart, and there was actually no common topic.

Then she left without giving him a chance to make amends.

But Lin Hua was different from her, Lin Hua didn't have no demands on him, she would ask him to come back early and not allow him to drink too much, and also not allow him to hook up outside, although he himself didn't have such thoughts.

Wang Jingyao suddenly felt that the wine in the glass was tasteless, so he put it down and ran downstairs to wake up the servants, asking for the key.

Seeing the gentleman like this, the servant was terrified, and immediately went to find the key and returned it to him, watching his face carefully.Wang Jingyao was not one to provoke anger, so he said softly, "It's okay, you go to bed first."

After speaking, he took the key and went upstairs. In fact, he still hesitated before opening the door. Reason told him to let Lin Hua let her buffer tonight and let her have a private space, but he was tormented in his heart. See her right away.So, he opened the door anyway.

The door opened, and it was dark inside. It took him a few seconds to adapt to the light inside and find her accurately.

Lin Hua lay sideways on the luxurious big bed, holding little Wang Yue in her arms.

Wang Yue always sleeps flat and peacefully, but now he curls up into a small ball in his mother's arms, and his small palms are pressed against his mother's body. Although he can't see it, Wang Jingyao can almost imagine it. How cute are those little pink paws.

Although Wang Jingyao was stern, he was always a mortal, and his heart softened when he saw this scene. He watched it silently for a while, and finally returned to his bedroom without saying anything.

As soon as he left, Lin Hua opened his eyes.

She was indeed asleep before, but after being married for so long, she would wake up quickly when he occasionally came back late, maybe she was waiting for him subconsciously.

She was obviously awake when he came over just now, but she didn't know why she pretended to be asleep, maybe it was because she didn't want to face it now.She was a little tired, this kind of tiredness was not facing him, but her own powerlessness in his family.

She wants to raise Wang Yue with her own hands, and wants Wang Yue to be with her at night. She, a mother, can coax him and comfort him when he cries. She can hug him when he falls, instead of just being told every time he hurts. Him: How can a boy cry?

Lin Hua's heart ached, and she hugged her son tightly.

Early the next morning, she woke up and took good care of Xiao Wangyue. She made milk powder and changed the diapers herself. Xiao Wangyue expressed her satisfaction and smiled, but the poor little guy didn't know Such a good day may only be one day.

Lin Hua reluctantly sent the child back. When she finished and went back to the master bedroom, Wang Jingyao had already woken up and was gone. She washed up and changed into a long light purple wool dress before slowly going downstairs. Her face was a little pale. .

When she went downstairs, she paused on the stairs, watching Wang Jingyao sitting at the dining table reading the newspaper.

Still the same as before, the crisp white shirt and black trousers looked very handsome.

She couldn't help but think that he was actually very attractive to little girls outside like this...

Probably Lin Hua's strange gaze caught his attention. Wang Jingyao looked up at her, and then said flatly, "Sit down and have breakfast, what do you want to eat?"

His tone was as calm as if nothing happened last night, and Lin Hua couldn't say anything, she just stroked her skirt and sat down, "I want to eat fried bacon."

Unexpectedly, he put down the newspaper in his hand, and gently patted the back of her neck: "I'll do it for you."

She wouldn't be surprised if it was normal, but she was still a little stressed this morning, Lin Hua pursed her lower lip: "Just let auntie do it."

Wang Jingyao's eyes were deep: "Angry with me and even refusing to eat what I cook?"

He bent down and kissed her forehead: "Don't lose your temper, I'll take you and Xiaoyue out for a day in a few days."

Lin Hua lowered his head, and he smiled again: "I've already coaxed you, aren't you happy?"

"No." Lin Hua said hoarsely, "I'm not unhappy."

It's just that some things don't match his ideas, and these things are not non-existent. Lin Hua knew in her heart that she could either endure it or relax, but at present she has no way to relax, especially knowing that Wang Yue In the future, he will follow his old path.

Wang Jingyao seemed to understand her mood, but didn't say anything else, and went directly to the kitchen to make her breakfast.

Lin Hua listened to the voice coming from the kitchen, and thought silently: He is indeed very good to her, he is willing to coax her with his aloof status, he is also very considerate at ordinary times, and he will give gifts every festival... He is indeed the pick in a thousand miles. She is already a good husband, what else is she dissatisfied with?

She expressed doubts, but she knew clearly in her heart what point she could not accept.

Seeing her expression, the servant said softly, "Ma'am, let me pour you a glass of milk first. The master told you to warm it."

Lin Hua smiled slightly: "Okay."

Just as he was talking, Wang Jingyao came over, holding a cup of bacon rolls on a small plate in his hand, rolled with bean sprouts and enoki mushrooms and fried until golden, it looked delicious.

He sat down, put the plate in front of her, and said with a smile: "This is a [-]-point effort by me. I will praise you after eating it."

Lin Hua smiled again and started to eat breakfast.

What he cooked was indeed delicious, and Lin Hua ate almost all of it. Wang Jingyao smiled: "What do you want to eat tomorrow, tell me in advance, and I will make it for you."

Lin Hua couldn't bear this kind of goodness.

She lowered her eyes and took a sip of milk: "No need to do it specially."

He jokingly said: "The blessing that others can't even want."

Lin Hua smiled lightly, and looking at her smile, he always felt that his wife was a lot stranger to him, and he didn't know how many times she had said thank you to him this morning.

He was dissatisfied in his heart, but he didn't show it. After saying a few more words, he was ready to go to the office.

Lin Hua said softly, "Jing Yao."

(End of this chapter)

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