Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1184 I've Coaxed You, Are You Still Angry?

Chapter 1184 I've Coaxed You, Are You Still Angry?

He wiped his lips, "What's wrong?"

Lin Hua looked into his eyes and said lightly, "I want to continue my music career."

Wang Jingyao wiped his lips slowly, and after a while he smiled lightly: "Why did you suddenly think of this?"

Without waiting for Lin Hua to speak, he added, "We'll talk about this when I come back tonight."

He raised his hand and looked at the time: "There will be an important meeting to be held in a while. There may be entertainment in the evening, try to come back as early as possible."

He leaned over and kissed his wife again: "Eat yourself first, good boy."

Lin Hua watched him leave, and sat quietly at the dining table. After a long time, she reached out and gently touched her face.My heart is a little tired.

They are no ordinary couple.

She even thought of his former wife, is she also so tired?

But Lin Hua didn't know that Wang Jingyao didn't coax his ex-wife before, that's why he loved and coaxed her so much. Except for his insistence, he gave her everything.

On this day, Wang Jingyao was in a very bad mood. He was feeling depressed all the time. Even sitting in the car, Wang Jingchuan felt it.

Wang Jingyao snorted softly, "Do I look like the kind of person who wrongs me?"

When he said this, there was still a bit of flirtatious expression between his eyebrows and eyes, Wang Jingchuan took a sneak peek and believed it.

But he was also puzzled, if he didn't sleep in the study, why would he be in a bad mood?

If not, what is the problem?

Self-proclaimed as Wang Jingyao's number one confidant, there are some things that others can't say but he can. Secretary-General Wang is indeed a wonderful person. After hesitating for a while, he asked with concern: "Is that why we take the time to go for a physical examination and ask the doctor to prescribe a medicine?" ?”

Wang Jingyao immediately recognized the smell, and frowned: "Jingchuan, what are you talking about?"

Wang Jingchuan chuckled, and thought silently: Don't be embarrassed, it's normal for a man in his 40s to have this and that problem, and besides, Lin Hua is only in his early thirties, so naturally...he has to keep up, otherwise this Are husbands and wives disharmonious?

Seeing him like that, Wang Jingyao snorted softly: "What nonsense, I'm fine."

Wang Jingchuan didn't dare to say any more, for fear of offending his boss.

When the two went to the office, they heard a big joke... Chen Ming's mother was sent back, and the villa couldn't be seen. It was like a battlefield. The people who went there spoke vividly and eloquently, which was refuted by Zhou Yunchen Yes, but this kind of interesting thing flies around like it has wings, and you can gag wherever you want, especially when the elders drink, and when they get drunk, they make jokes. Said Chen Ming was blessed.

Wang Jingyao was also sitting in the banquet, playing with a wine glass in his hand, and smiled lightly when he heard the words: Chen Ming is so lucky, that is clearly a prank played by that brat Anxi on him, and he played too much.

He was angry and funny, but he couldn't do anything to her, no matter what he did, it was just a child's nonsense.

He looked indifferent and not very interested, and everyone around could see it, so no one dared to provoke him. Wang Jingyao felt very boring in this dispensable entertainment, and went home at ten o'clock in the evening.

He said he would go back early, but it was still a little late. He even thought about whether to ask someone to relieve his boredom when he was in the car. He wanted to talk to Gu Anxi, and he always talked to this brat when he felt bored. She can always speak a word from her heart, and maybe she can give him a trick.

Although, she is also very damaged.

But in the end, he gave up.

That little bastard is also a mother, and the mother of two cubs, so what is he looking for in the middle of the night, he only has sister's affection for her, so it's hard to guarantee that Xi Chen will not be jealous, and he is also afraid that his wife will ask for it if she finds out. Think more.

Wang Jingyao thought about it and patted his head, feeling a bit difficult.

Wang Jingchuan was at the front, and said softly, "Going back to the villa now?"

Wang Jingyao didn't make a sound. A person like Wang Jingchuan guessed that there was indeed a problem between him and Lin Hua, so he said softly, "Didn't you always say before that your wife should be loved, and sometimes you will be unreasonable?" You should coax her more and let her go."

Wang Jingyao said softly: "I am willing, but some people don't want to appreciate it. They got into trouble with me because of a little thing last night. This morning I coaxed her quietly, but people are not only ungrateful but also Told me to continue my music career."

Wang Jingchuan helped Lin Hua as soon as he heard it: "Madam plays the cello very well, if you quit like this, it will be a loss to the music fans."

Wang Jingyao glanced at him: "Does she want to continue the music? This is because she wants to fight against me. I just revealed Wang Yue's future plans, and she got into a fight with me, and took her son to sleep in the guest room again." Locking the door, and being cold and violent to me again, Jing Chuan, you don’t even know that marrying a wife is like picking a good-looking ancestor to come back as a confessor, you can’t be beaten or scolded, you can’t talk, and everything has to go according to her Do you want to? Do you think I'm worth it?"

He was just complaining in front of a confidant like Wang Jingchuan, and others should never say such things. Even if he complained to the old lady at home, he would probably be scolded bloody by the old lady.

Hearing this, Wang Jingchuan smiled, "You are living in the midst of blessings and don't know the blessings. When you don't have them, you want to grab them, and when you have them, you find it troublesome. I think you are probably busy and don't know how to enjoy them."

This remark was actually a joke, but it really touched Wang Jingyao. After hearing this, Wang Jingyao fell silent and turned his head to look out of the car window.

It was pitch black outside.

After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice: "Is it true that all members of the Wang family are destined to be like this?"

His parents, in fact, are also like this. His mother came from a famous family and the door was broken when she was not married, but she chose the old gentleman who was still a poor boy at that time. Well, his mother is as strong as he is, and the old man spent his whole life fighting for her glory.

The Wang family is like this, it will not fall for a hundred years.

It's not that Wang Jingyao is nostalgic for this position, but he can't let go of it even if he's in one day.

He exchanged his son with Zhou Yunchen for 30 years.

Wang Jingyao felt bad, and Wang Jingchuan also saw it, so he didn't dare to disturb him.

After a long time, Wang Jingyao said in a low voice: "Jing Chuan, in fact, I am willing to make Lin Hua unhappy. She is the person I secretly vowed to treat her well when I got married. I can't say how vigorous my love for her is." After all, I am not a young man anymore, but Lin Hua is a good woman who deserves a lifetime of happiness, I even thought that I should exercise well after I retire, try not to look so old, and try to stay with her as long as possible."

What he said made Secretary Wang's nose sore, "Madam will understand your heart."

"With her temper, she probably can't do it anymore, and now she is only thinking about fighting against me." He said through gritted teeth.

That's right, he arranges his son's future, and she arranges herself, which is really great.

After all, Wang Jingyao went home obediently.

It was late at night when I got home, the hall had lights left, and some servants were sitting and dozing, and he stood up immediately after returning, saying, "Mr. is back." '

Wang Jingyao took off his coat and handed it to her, then looked up at the direction upstairs: "Where's the wife? Are you asleep? How is the young master now?"

He fully expected that Wang Hua would still fight against him today and would take Wang Yue to sleep in the guest room, but the servant said, "Madam stayed in her room all day today and didn't come out much, and didn't go to see the young master much."

Wang Jingyao frowned: "She didn't go to see it?"

"I only went to see it at noon. The young master cried and she wanted to hug him to comfort him, but he couldn't do it later, so I left it to a professional childcare teacher." The servant said.

Wang Jingyao's heart tightened when he heard it, and he felt very uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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