Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1185 This is a deliberate attempt to get angry with him

Chapter 1185 This is a deliberate attempt to get angry with him

He didn't go upstairs immediately, but sat on the sofa.

He sat down, the sofa sank deeply, the servant smelled the alcohol on his body, and asked very considerately: "Sir, do you want to make hangover soup?"

Wang Jingyao leaned against the back of the sofa, raised his head, seemed to regain his senses after a while, and waved his hand: "No, you go to rest first."

The servant hesitated for a moment, but went down first.

Wang Jingyao was left leaning there alone, blocking the light with his hands.

It was obviously just a hazy yellow light, but he found it dazzling.

He lay quietly, thinking that his wife was really fighting him now——

It's fine for her to get angry and mess around, but she didn't. Instead, she wants to be a good wife and a qualified mother in his ideal. She wants to continue her music career. She doesn't intervene in Xiaoyue's growth and future. She seems to have compromised.

However, it is also a compromise.

Unwilling and unwilling!

For a moment, Wang Jingyao couldn't tell whether he was too strict with her, or this kind of blessing was what she wanted. He sat there for a long time, until it was very late at night, and he thought of going back to his room.

When he reached the middle of the stairs, exactly on the hour, the clock rang and he realized that he had been back for two hours.

And Lin Hua must have not fallen asleep two hours ago, but she was able to hold her breath and never came down to look for him.

Wang Jingyao let out a long breath, feeling a little heavier.

When he arrived at the master bedroom, the light was turned off, and before he didn't come back, she would leave a light for him even when he fell asleep. After a long time, he got used to it, so he hadn't turned back for a while when faced with such darkness. god.

When he got used to it, he passed through the living room and saw Lin Hua lying on the bed. He breathed a sigh of relief, and without turning on the light, he reached out to unbutton his shirt. Halfway through, he walked to the bed, leaned over and said softly, "Sleep!" caught?"

Lin Hua was indeed asleep, but now she woke up, and when she opened her eyes, she saw him standing in front of the bed in the dark. She was in a daze, and sat up subconsciously: "Are you back?"

Probably because she didn't wake up, so she looked cuter than when she was awake. Wang Jingyao held her shoulder passionately for a while...

After a long time, everything was cold.

Wang Jingyao went to take a shower, Lin Hua turned on the light, she went to the bathroom of the guest room to rinse, and turned around.

He had already finished washing, and he was sitting in the living room smoking a cigarette in a white bathrobe, reading a military magazine in one hand, his fingers going up and down red from time to time.

Lin Hua covered her collar and said softly, "You have to work tomorrow, why are you still awake?"

Wang Jingyao put down the magazine in his hand and looked at her while smoking: "Why did you go to the guest room to take a shower?"

"It's too crowded for two people." She said softly, and then sat down at the dressing table to apply skin care products.

Lin Hua is very good at maintenance. No matter how tired or sleepy she is, she will do all the steps. When she is doing maintenance, Wang Jingyao has been smoking on the sofa...

They are very close, but their hearts seem to be far away, even though they are a close couple.

After she finished taking care of her, he said softly, "Come and sit for a while."

Lin Hua pulled back the quilt: "I'm a little tired."

Wang Jingyao watched her lie down, and watched her silently for a while before pinching out the cigarette, and then lay down.

Same bed dream.

Until early in the morning, she was gone when he woke up.

Wang Jingyao got up and went to the bathroom and the dressing room to take a look, but she wasn't there... He shaved and looked in the mirror while washing, and suddenly had an idea.

Did Lin Hua treat this place as a prison?

In her heart, does she still love him?

As soon as he was dazed, the razor in his hand had nowhere to go, and there was a bloodstain on his chin...

(End of this chapter)

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