Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1188 Bo Xichen!I haven't been happy for a long time

Chapter 1188 Bo Xichen!I haven't been happy for a long time

Lin Hua naturally knew that Wang Jingchuan said this for Wang Jingyao, so she gave the fish carefully without saying anything.It tasted so good that she ate a few extra chopsticks.

Gu Anxi watched eagerly, and then gave his uncle a comprehending look. Bo Xichen held the teacup and just smiled lightly.

Old brother Wang was overjoyed, and slowly let go of his restraints, and began to take good care of his wife.

He is a very arrogant person, and he is afraid of being rejected in public, because he has no face.But Lin Hua didn't care about face no matter how angry she was with him, and she didn't say much at the moment, showing other people the jokes about husband and wife.

After a meal, it was a joy.

What I didn't expect was that when I checked out, I met Chen Ming and Song Jiaren. Song Jiaren's eyes turned red when she saw Gu Anxi, and she wanted to find Gu Anxi desperately. Chen Ming quickly pulled her into his arms and half embraced her.

Song Jiaren didn't care about her star status at this moment, she was still waving her hands and feet, screaming to smash Gu Anxi to pieces.

Gu Anxi was very guilty, hugged his head like a mouse, dragged Uncle Bo and ran away.

When they arrived at the parking lot, Bo Xichen got into the car and slowly put on his seat belt, then he looked at his little wife: "Tell me, what gift did you give that day?"

"Essential oil." Gu Anxi said timidly, "It's just ordinary essential oil."

Holding the steering wheel in his hands, Bo Xichen looked sideways at her, with a faint smile in his eyes: "Really? That must be pretty good."

"Of course it is." Gu Anxi played with his fingernails and said stinkingly: "The things I send out are not bad."

Uncle Bo suddenly stretched out his hand and lightly touched her soft face, his voice hoarse: "Since it's such a good thing, I think you should keep some, why don't we use it too?"

Gu Anxi was frightened, and stammered, "That...that, why are you so overwhelmed?"

"Isn't it good?" Bo Xichen stroked the steering wheel with his palm, and laughed softly, "I'm very happy to see Chen Ming, and I want to be happy too."

After speaking, Professor Bo said shamelessly, "I haven't been happy for a long time."

Gu Anxi said with disgust: "Uncle, you have become greasy since you got married, full of the smell of a middle-aged man."

"In his early thirties, he's a middle-aged man." As he spoke, he even hugged her, put her on his lap, and then repaired her once.

After the beating was over, Gu Anxi rubbed her ass, "It's really beating, I also... didn't make a big mistake, and besides, I've become a mother, and you said that after I became a mother, you would stop beating me."

She is full of accusations.

Bo Xichen was angry and funny: "Did I say such a thing? Besides, you said I was greasy, why don't you take me to punish you?"

Gu Anxi poked her mouth up: "You know that you hit me, I was wrong everywhere, it seems like I have done meritorious deeds today, if it weren't for my old brother and sister Lin Hua, would they be able to reconcile?"

Uncle Bo sneered: "What do they call reconciliation?"

"Why didn't you call me? It's so good that I posted it." Gu Anxi said in a low voice, "Uncle, you just don't recognize that I'm good."

Bo Xichen was immediately out of breath. He leaned on the back of the chair, thought for a while and said, "What you said just now, I heard that you gave your old brother a new idea."

Gu Anxi looked at him stupidly.

He looked at her, and felt that this child had been stupid for three years, how smart she was before, but now she can't even see her old brother's basic routines.

So he touched her little face and sighed: "Their conflict is Xiaoyue's education. Your elder brother probably wants to have more children. Lin Hua will be busy then and the younger children will naturally have no time to care about the older ones."

Gu Anxi patted his head, and said slowly: "He is such a chicken thief."

Bo Xichen took her hand and said very gently: "Don't get involved in the affairs of their husband and wife anymore. Mr. Wang has the final say on whether to have a baby or not. Anxi, Lin Hua is a natural person, and she has the right to decide for herself. things."

Gu Anxi said oh, be obedient, and after a while she whispered again: "Uncle, do you think I'm taking too much care?"

He shook his head and smiled, "I know you have always felt sorry for Mr. Wang because of Feng Sheng's affairs, so you want to make up for him as much as possible, but you thought you would know without him."

Gu Anxi didn't express any surprise. This was something that was easy to understand. She just leaned on the back of the chair and remained silent for a while before saying, "Uncle, is our relationship going too smoothly? Do you feel that life is lacking?" What, some regrets?"

"Fool." He knocked on her little head, then started the car, and whispered while driving, "Is there anything wrong with this?"

He shook her hand and said softly, "Anxi, I feel fine."

He is not a man who... pays attention to other women, and generally does not pay much attention to other women. He is always passionate about his little wife, just like his father is to his mother.

Gu Anxi felt a little embarrassed, glanced at him, and then pursed her lips.

Bo Xichen smiled slightly and drove the car home...

In the restaurant on the other side, Song Jiaren was still grinning when Gu Anxi ran away. Wang Jingyao patted his trousers, smiled and said to Chen Ming: "Zhou Yunchen's girl is more and more like Anxi now. Chen Ming, will you be in the middle of the night?" meeting……"

He made an expression, which made Chen Ming feel embarrassed.

There was so much commotion on his wedding day that everyone in the office knew about it, and everyone called him the next day to congratulate him.

Congratulations, Song Jiaren caught blood on his back, but he was wronged, he really can't be blamed for this, he...was powerless, who knew Anxi would do such a thing? .

Now that Anxi ran away, he had to suffer again at night.

Song Jiaren had to restrain herself a little in front of Wang Jingyao, but she didn't show any politeness. She always felt that Wang Jingyao and Gu Anxi were the same idiots. She looked at Lin Hua who was beside Wang Jingyao.

She sympathizes with her!

It must be very hard to live with such a calculating person surnamed Wang, must he be eaten to death?

Song Jiaren left after finishing watching.

Chen Ming greeted Wang Jingyao with a wry smile, and followed him.

Wang Jingyao looked sideways at Lin Hua, and said with a teasing smile, "Newlyweds, that's it, they can't be separated for a moment."

He paused, and then said, "We had such a good time before."

Lin Hua stared at the direction Song Jiaren left, thoughtfully: "She seems to be sympathizing with me."

"How could it be." Old brother Wang said haha: "What is your status, how can you need a little girl to sympathize with me? Am I worse than Chen Ming?"

Wang Jingyao still has this bit of self-confidence. Although he is more than ten years older than Chen Ming, his experience and masculine charm are only more than less, and he also has a way of dealing with women.

Lin Hua glanced at him, and said straightforwardly, "She probably thinks that you are scheming and I will suffer, so she sympathizes with me."

After she finished speaking, she went downstairs first, followed by Wang Jingyao, quite dissatisfied: "Where am I so clever?"

He got into the car and turned sideways: "Lin Hua, don't be like that little bastard who has no conscience all day long."

His attitude at this time was the same as usual, not full of careful flattery, nor deliberately deep, for some reason Lin Hua's nose was sour, with an indescribable feeling.

"Jing Yao." She called him softly.

Wang Jingyao originally loved her more, but his heart melted after such a call, and he only hated Jing Chuan and Lao Zhao, the old bastards who didn't know each other and still stayed in the car.

Wang Jingchuan said in his heart: Mr. Wang has to rely on his conscience, I dare not even look at it.It also automatically covers your ears and lets you play.

Lao Zhao also collapsed: Can he still work as a driver, can he still do it?

Old brother Wang was very anxious, and Lao Zhao was driving so fast that it took only [-] minutes to arrive in what should have been a half-hour drive.

Wang Jingyao turned sideways: "What's wrong?"

Lin Hua sniffed, "It's nothing."

He smiled: "People who become mothers just like to be sad."

(End of this chapter)

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