Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1189 Zaza!I can still hug two for 3 years

Chapter 1189 Zaza!I can still hug two for three years

Lin Hua was most afraid of him like this. How could a married couple not know?

At this time, it meant that he was full of bad water and was planning something.

Lin Hua pursed her lower lip and was about to get out of the car, but Wang Jingyao held her back and said softly, "Still angry? That little bastard has come out to be our peacemaker. I'm still not relieved. I didn't see me at the table today. Wasn't it enough to please you last time?"

"This kind of face and blessing, anyone who wants it will take it." Lin Hua didn't follow his tricks, and got out of the car as soon as he broke free.

Wang Jingyao smiled and got out of the car, with his coat on his arm, and followed his wife all the way to the lobby. The servant saw them coming back and asked if he wanted supper. Wang Jingyao waved his hand: "Everyone, rest."

Seeing his expression, the servant knew that there was nothing serious about the couple's affairs, so he couldn't help being happy.

Lin Hua didn't want to talk to that old thing very much, so she went upstairs first, and Old Brother Wang immediately followed after his heart fluttered.

Upstairs, Lin Hua started getting clothes to take a shower, seeing him follow him shamelessly, she sneered, "You go to the guest room to wash."

I thought he would continue to be shameless, but I didn't expect him to actually agree: "All right, I'll go to the guest room to do the laundry."

As he spoke, he complained genuinely and falsely: "I found a daughter-in-law and now I can't even take a bath."

After finishing speaking, he still put down his coat, took his pajamas and went to the guest room.

Lin Hua watched him go out, her heart moved slightly, with an indescribable feeling. Later, when she came out of the shower, she was thinking about going to see Xiao Wang Yue, when she raised her eyes, she was stunned.

In the huge bedroom, there was an extra pink and blue crib, but the crib was empty, because the little guy was now lying happily on the sofa, kicking his calf vigorously and playing with his father.

Lin Hua's heart suddenly felt sore, and it took her a long time to say in a hoarse voice, "Why did you bring the cot here?"

Wang Jingyao was playing with the little guy, and said softly, "We will sleep with us from now on, you can hug your son all night if you want, but this little guy shouldn't get in the way of his father's affairs."

Lin Hua glared at him, then walked over there, she reached out and hugged the little guy to her heart.

Xiao Wangyue hugged her mother happily, yelling.

Lin Hua kissed him, then murmured, "Is it really possible?"

Wang Jingyao also felt uncomfortable, stood up and hugged his wife's waist from behind: "Of course it is true, when did I lie to you?"

"Have you cheated too many little girls?" Lin Hua lowered her eyes and said in a low voice.

The old brother smiled softly: "But you are not a little girl anymore."

He scratched his nose: "Don't cry, play with this kid for a while. I'm going to take a bath."

Only then did she realize that he hadn't taken a shower yet.

She stopped him: "Jing Yao."

Wang Jingyao turned to look at her: "What's wrong?"

Lin Hua said softly, "Jingyao, is it true? Will Xiaoyue really be taken by me in the future?"

He smiled, "When did I ever deceive someone, Lin Hua, don't even think about my identity."

Lin Hua no longer doubted, and hugged Xiao Wang Yue. She was in a very good mood. At this time, her feelings for Wang Jingyao reached a peak. She couldn't express her emotion in words. She felt that he was his concession to her.

So tonight, Lin Hua's tenderness was like water, and Wang Jingyao naturally enjoyed it very much.

At dawn, when I woke up, I reached out to reach my wife, but when I reached out, I felt a soft little thing. When I picked it up, it was his son.

Xiao Wangyue woke up, kicked his little feet vigorously, and showed his little body to his father.

Xiaozui made a muffled sound, indicating that he wanted to eat, and turned over on his stomach again, indicating that he wanted to change his pants.

Wang Jingyao slapped him on the butt, and scolded with a smile: "How can such a small person have so many thoughts?"

At this moment, Lin Hua was standing at the door, and said softly, "It's probably up to you."

Wang Jingyao just smiled: "Where did you follow me, it was you. You said you are not careful, how could you catch me, how did I marry you with so many women?"

Lin Hua felt that he was quite shameless: "At that time, Dr. Jiang wanted you to propose marriage. At that time, the time and place were favorable for you, so why did you kneel in front of me?"

Wang Jingyao also thought of such a past, couldn't help laughing, pulled his wife over and said in a low voice: "Isn't that a good feeling, do you want to continue?"

Lin Hua was speechless, how could he talk about everything?

She ignored him, put the prepared milk on the bedside table, quickly changed Xiao Wangyue's diaper, washed her hands before feeding the little guy milk.

Little Wang Yue was sitting in his mother's arms, holding the bottle in his two fat hands, drinking greedily, and staring straight ahead with his big eyes, Lin Hua couldn't get tired of looking at it even for a day.

She kissed the little guy, "Drink slowly."

Wang Jingyao got up, and smiled while tying the belt: "It's quite drinkable, it's 240, wait for Dad to go down and make you mashed potatoes."

Lin Hua raised her eyes: "You don't have a meeting in the morning. If you don't have time, let auntie do it, or I can do it later."

"No, I have to do it for Xiaoyue myself, otherwise his mother will be angry." Wang Jingyao touched his son's face, which was so chubby and cute.

Lin Huasuan's gaze was naturally gentle, and Old Brother Wang felt overwhelmed immediately, and whispered, "I'll be back early at night."

Lin Hua snorted.

Then she bit her lower lip: "Hello."

He looked at her.

Her face was a little red, and she said softly, "Last didn' you want to buy some?"

It took Wang Jingyao about three seconds to understand what his wife meant, he smiled, and then said, "I'll ask Jing Chuan to prepare more."

Lin Hua couldn't help scolding: "How can a man like him prepare this kind of thing? How will he look at me in the future?"

She paused: "I'll go buy it."

Brother Wang's eyes were deep, and then he smiled softly: "Women's family, where can I buy this, I'll go buy it."

As he spoke, he fastened his tie, leaned over, and kissed his wife.

Lin Hua stared at him with unconcealable emotion in his eyes. Wang Jingyao almost didn't want to leave. He leaned over to his wife's ear and murmured, "Now I really hate this position."

Lin Hua glanced at him, and then snorted softly, "You're just talking about it. Once you arrive in the office, you're all excited. What kind of conspiracy is so interesting."

The old brother smiled lowly: "How can you be interesting?"

Lin Hua is so simple, this shameless person, she looked at him: "Didn't you want to make mashed potatoes?"

Wang Jingyao smiled softly, and went out with all his clothes...

Two hours later, when a certain man was sitting in his office, his snow-white shirt was crisp and his trousers were ironed straight. He was holding a small box in his hand, and there were a bunch of other things on the table.

After studying for a while, he called Wang Jingchuan.

Secretary-General Wang blushed when he saw these things.

Hey, why did Mr. Wang get so much, can it be used up?

As the secretary-general, he still advised a few words, "You can pay attention to your health!"

"Okay, Lin Hua can still hold the two for three years." 'Brother Wang smiled.

Secretary-General Wang smiled wryly: "This is irrelevant. A noble person like Madam still belongs to art."

Wang Jingyao looked at him: "What does it mean to belong to art? She belongs to me, okay? My wife is Wang Jingyao."

He was used to being so domineering, and the secretary-general had nothing to do with him, so he waved his hand.

Wang Jingyao spoke again at this moment: "Jingchuan, bring the needle."

Secretary-General Wang was puzzled and patted his head: "Sir, what do you need the needle for?"

Wang Jingyao frowned, "Didn't you say that you have been hugging the two for three years? How can such an airtight person have children?"

At that moment, Wang Jingchuan was frightened and stammered: "Have you thought about it clearly? If you don't ask a woman for her consent to get her pregnant, that's playing hooligans. Is your identity suitable?"

Wang Jingyao glanced at him: "Whether it is suitable or not, she is my wife. Jing Chuan, you don't even know what happened to her and me, I think I should just have another one, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, there is no responsibility for that child. Lin Hua is just fine, as long as you don't get too spoiled."

At this time, Wang Jingchuan asked what the problem was: "If the madam knows..."

"It was an accident, she won't know." Wang Jingyao put down the things in his hand and said softly.

Wang Jingchuan was frightened by the look in his eyes, he hurried to find a needle, and watched the noble man pierce one by one... He looked at it, feeling like that.

He didn't see it, and he pretended not to know what happened anyway.

It took Wang Jingyao an hour to tie up all the piles, and he felt much better after he finished. He let out a long breath and waited to get off work.

After get off work, Wang Jingyao went downstairs in a hurry, returning home like an arrow.

In his pocket, there was a box of gadgets.

However, what made Old Brother Wang sad was that after four years, he failed to get Lin Hua pregnant.That pile of things has long been used up, and I keep buying new ties, and I will buy them again when I run out of ties.

And his precious son had been sleeping in their bedroom for four years, and sometimes in the middle of the night he would look at his son and stare at them as soon as he turned around... At that moment, Old Brother Wang's heart collapsed.

Do you still want siblings?

It was another afternoon, after Old Brother Wang finished tying the box, he held his chin and asked, "Jing Chuan, do you think I still have a chance?"

Wang Jingchuan knew that his boss's self-esteem had been thwarted, so he said softly, "Maybe it's because fate didn't come."

Brother Wang complained: "You don't even know that Wang Yue is almost five years old, and he will go to school soon, and he still sleeps in our room."

It is inconvenient when the child grows up.

Naturally, Wang Jingchuan knew his distress, coughed lightly, "It is indeed possible to separate."

Wang Jingyao rubbed his chin, thinking carefully, yes, it has been four years, now Lin Hua should not insist anymore, let Wang Yue sleep with them again, it is not good for the child to be independent.

How many times did his mother mention it, but he just pretended not to hear it.

Wang Jingyao got off work very early this day. After returning home, he saw little Wang Yue playing in the yard. He took off his coat and handed it to the servant. He squatted down and opened his arms: "Son, come here and give Dad a hug."

Wang Yue was very lively, and immediately came over and threw himself into his arms: "Dad, Dad."

"What are you doing?" He kissed his son.

Xiao Wang smiled sweetly, "I'm planting small potatoes, and when I grow up, Dad can make mashed potatoes for me."

The little boy spoke softly, which made his father feel even better. He pinched his little nose: "Little clever ghost. Dad, look at the potatoes you planted."

After finishing speaking, he picked him up and went to the small yard, which was a place where Xiao Wangyue could toss about casually. It was full of strange things, and usually he was the only one to take care of it, which was beyond Wang Jingyao's expectation. The little guy took care of the place quite well. Although it was not neat, there were still tomatoes growing out. He picked it up with his hand, wiped it and tasted it: "It's quite sweet."

Xiao Wangyue told him that it was cultivated by the method he read in the book, so it is very sandy and sweet, which cannot be eaten outside.

Wang Jingyao took another bite: "Really, I'll try it... Ouch, it's different from the ones outside."

Wang Yue smiled triumphantly: "I'm also planning to grow cucumbers for my mother and make a mask for her."

"Good boy." Wang Jingyao patted his little head: "Then keep busy, and someone will ask you to eat later." '

Xiao Wangyue's voice was crisp: "Good dad."

Wang Jingyao just smiled, but the smile disappeared when he turned around——

He walked upstairs quickly, Lin Hua was at home, probably just came back from outside and was changing in the locker room, he couldn't leave after opening the door, hugging her from behind...

After a long time, Lin Hua leaned on the sofa and complained: "You only care about yourself, what if you have something?"

"If you have one, give birth." Wang Jingyao lowered his head and patted his clothes. Seeing that they were in order, he smiled: "Could it be that the Wang family can't afford a child?"

Lin Hua closed her eyes and calmed down for a while, then murmured: "That's not what I mean, I mean it would be great to have Xiaoyue, and he might not be happy to have another child, and besides, I'm afraid I won't be able to take good care of her."

Over the years, she is indeed used to taking care of children.

Wang Jingyao thought about it carefully: "Don't be afraid, Xiaoyue has also gone to school, and you have energy. Besides, Xiaoyue also likes her sister. If you really have a sister, I think he will be the happiest."

Lin Hua smiled and said nothing.

Wang Jingyao also had a serious talk with her: "My son is five years old and is going to kindergarten, so don't sleep in the same room with us, in case it is not good to meet him."

Lin Hua glanced at him and thought for a while, "That's fine, boys need to be more independent."

Wang Jingyao never imagined that she would be so easy to talk, so he immediately pulled her over and kissed her again and again, treating her like a sweetheart.

In the evening, when Xiao Wangyue took a shower and climbed onto the bed of his parents, Lin Hua picked up his son, "Xiaoyue is a little adult, how about we sleep by ourselves in the future?"

Xiao Wangyue looked at his father and mother, and blinked lightly.

Wang Jingyao was amused: "What do you think, kid?"

Xiao Wangyue said in a low voice: "I've been waiting for this day for a long time, in fact, it's quite crowded for three people to sleep together."

After finishing speaking, he hugged the quilt coolly and climbed out of bed, "I'm sleeping in my own room."

He naturally has his own suite, which is also very suitable for children. Little Wang Yue ran away in one-piece clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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