Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1191 Chu Yanzhang is Here

Chapter 1191 Chu Yan is Back

He went to the old lady's place early in the morning, and was scolded by the old lady for a while, saying that he was too spoiled by his wife. At Wang Yue's current age, the Wang family's children and grandchildren had already boarded in the school, and the management was completely closed, but his The son is still playing with mud in the yard, because he is used to his wife.

In terms of Xiao Wangyue's education, the old lady is much stricter than him. There is Lin Hua among him, but the old lady does not. quite difficult...

Brother Wang finished his distraction, and then perfunctory his secretary-general: "Okay, let's make an appointment for that little bastard, by the way, let her bring her little friend with her today, it's good to clean up the dust." what."

He was full of plans, and he wanted the little bastard to talk softly to the old lady. His old brother had had too many good times in the past few years, so he didn't dare to say those words to Lin Hua easily, mainly because he was full of words back then. , Said that Xiaoyue let her take care of it, can you backtrack now?

But who would have thought that he would not be able to conceive a child in four years! ! !

Wang Jingchuan also understood his urgency, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Just relax, Miss Anxi will think about your affairs. It's been a long time since they haven't seen each other today, so I don't think you should be in the middle. It seems a bit...inappropriate for you to talk about your personal affairs at the dinner table."

Brother Wang let out a long breath, "Forget it, let her have a day off."

Wang Jingchuan also heaved a sigh of relief and said nothing more.

At this moment, Gu Anxi was at Beicheng Airport, looking towards the exit with his small head stretched out.

She is waiting for Chu Yan.

It's been four years, and this bad boy has only come back once, and it's been more than two years since the last time we met.Gu Anxi misses her so much, and gets angry again, even if she refuses to play games with her.

Beside her is Wang Qin. Wang Qin is now married to Fang Ming, but they haven't had children yet.

Wang Qin was also very excited: "Anxi, do you think Yanyan will change when she comes back this time?"

"No matter how many years she will still have a baby face." Gu Anxi copied it in his pocket and smiled.

Wang Qin hummed, and agreed: "That's right, her face is really hard to change, it's a fixed baby face."

While they were talking, a girl in her 20s passed by them, then she fell back and took off her sunglasses: "Anxi, Wang Qin!"

Gu Anxi frowned, and was about to say that beauties should not strike up a conversation, but then his eyes widened.


It's Chu Yan.


I don't know anymore.

She hugged Chu Yan and pinched her face: "Where is your baby face, where is it hidden?"

Chu Yan smiled: "It's probably because the baby fat has faded, that's all."

Wang Qin yelled, "It's so beautiful."

Chu Yan used to have a baby face, but now she has a pointed chin and is very delicate. After all, she is [-] years old, but she looks very girlish.

Chu Yan smiled slightly, "It's okay."

Gu Anxi took the two of them into the car, and she didn't ask Chu Yan until she was about to start the car: "Aren't you leaving this time?"

"I'm not leaving." Chu Yan said with a smile, "I'm going to open a company in Beicheng, and the place has been chosen."

Wang Qin was very happy, looking at Gu Anxi.

Gu Anxi looked at the back sideways, and smiled: "Computer company, that line, I will help you when I have time."

After finishing speaking, the three girls looked at each other and smiled, as if they had returned to the feeling they had at Beicheng University.

Gu Anxi drove the car to the best restaurant in Beicheng, got out of the car, and the three of them went in together.

They all like to be lively, so they don’t need a private room, mainly because eating in a private room feels like a middle-aged man. For example, Old Brother Wang, Professor Bo, and Bureau Chen...

Gu Anxi likes to be popular, and it is so fun for everyone to eat together and bump into glasses.

But after she went in and sat down, Chu Yan's eyes paused for a moment, and then she smiled lightly: "It's a coincidence."

Gu Anxi and Wang Qin glanced at it strangely, and then understood, Gu Anxi rolled his eyes.

The fleeting years are unfavorable.

She ran into Chu Ci unexpectedly, what a fate Chu Yan and him are, they always run into each other.

She asked softly, "Do you want to change places?"

"No, it's not so hypocritical." Chu Yan smiled lightly, and sat down first.

She was so frank, Gu Anxi and Wang Qin also sat down together, and then Gu Anxi said: "The one who ate with him is his secretary, and it seems that he has been with him for two or three years."

Chu Yan didn't say anything, but Wang Qin looked over strangely.

In a white suit, she has a good figure and looks like a mature woman.

Chu Ci had dinner with her quietly, without saying a word, if Anxi hadn't said she was the secretary, she would have thought it was her girlfriend.

Originally, Chu Ci really didn't notice them, but Wang Qin, a magician, had direct and fierce eyes, which made Chu Ci frowned and raised his eyes instinctively.

At this glance, I saw Gu Anxi sitting there. He knew Wang Qin next to her, but a girl opposite had her back to him. Her hair was as long as her shoulders and longer. She was not tall but very thin from behind. small.

Chu Ci's heart moved, he somehow felt that this was... Chu Yan.

He didn't disturb her, he just walked over to Gu Anxi's table lightly, and smiled lightly: "Anxi, long time no see."

Then his eyes fell on the girl's face intentionally or unintentionally...

Chu Ci froze for a moment.

It's been four years, he hasn't seen Chu Yan for four years, she is now [-] years old, she has changed a lot, to the extent that he might not recognize her when walking on the street...but she still looks like this now To make him realize that she was only a child when he had her, in her twenties, very young.

As he thought about it, his heart tightened, and his voice was hoarse: "Yan Yan."

Chu Yan sat there and smiled slightly: "Mr. Chu."

This title almost made Gu Anxi laugh out loud, she quickly drank a saliva to cover it up, and exchanged a look with Wang Qin.

Wang Qin is also very good at that, Chu Yan can do it, a Mr. Chu called Chu Ci out of internal bleeding, but he screamed so well, who told Chu Ci to do those things before?

Wang Qin is quite conservative. She came from a small place, so she always felt that if Chu Ci couldn't hold on, she shouldn't touch Chu Yan. If she took advantage of it, she didn't want it. So now she doesn't think Chu Yan treats him too much.

Sure enough, Chu Ci obviously froze for a moment after hearing these three words, but fortunately he had some demeanor, and said in a low voice, "When did you come back?"

"Just got off the plane." Chu Yan didn't refuse to talk to him, but she just spoke lightly, as if she was just dealing with someone she knew. She didn't tell him to go away, she didn't tell him not to approach her, but Chu Ci was able to She felt that she was full of rejection, refusing his approach.

(End of this chapter)

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