Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1192 I Have a Boyfriend

Chapter 1192 I Have a Boyfriend (4000 words)

Chu Ci's heart felt like a dense needle poking, but there was a slight smile on his face: "Why didn't you notify me?"

After saying this, he was in a trance for a while.

It's been several years, and I haven't had much contact, not to mention him, even my family. Only one year, I received a postcard from her in England, which was a maple leaf, and she didn't appear on the scene.

Chu Ci was there at the time, and his father had received the postcard, and happily showed it to everyone, but his mother burned it on the spot.

Chu Ci still remembered that feeling, which was exactly the same as when his mother committed suicide by taking medicine.That time when he saw the postcard was burned, he knew that his mother not only didn't miss Yanyan, but also hated her in her heart.She burned it to make him stop thinking about it, it was as simple and cruel as that.

Chu Ci didn't respond at the time, he couldn't react, as soon as he reacted, his mother might take out the medicine in the next second, and his son could only give up his most precious things for her to live.

In the past few years, he also thought about finding someone to watch Chu Yan, or even going over to see Chu Yan once in a while, but in the end he still didn't do that, and he didn't even have the qualifications to restrain her.

Chu Ci regained her senses, and looked at Chu Yan again: "Go home and sit down when you have time."

Chu Yan didn't say polite words to him, but smiled: "Okay."

This time, Chu Ci was a little stunned, never expecting her to be so straightforward.

Chu Yan smiled again: "I will bring my boyfriend back."

Gu Anxi squirted out a mouthful of water, which just hit Wang Qin's little face, and she quickly took out a tissue: "I'm sorry, not much, just a little, right?" '

Wang Qin couldn't laugh or cry: "Only a little bit."

Then the two stared at Chu Ci, watching the joke.

Wow, Chu Yan is really promising, she has a boyfriend, Chu Ci's expression is so wonderful, like a husband whose wife is cheating on her.

Gu Anxi wished he could take a picture of it and show it to Uncle Bo, and he called it a pity in his heart.

Chu Ci also knew that others were watching, so he should restrain his expression, but he didn't want to restrain himself at this moment, and said in a slightly cold voice, "Congratulations then."

Chu Yan's voice was soft: "Thank you, Mr. Chu."

Chu Ci's face became even uglier, and she returned to her seat without saying hello. After a while, the secretary went to pay the bill, and Chu Ci left directly after finishing.

Gu Anxi wowed, and deliberately said to Chu Yan: "You are so unmannered, it's a good thing you didn't follow him back then."

Chu Yan just smiled, and then continued to eat.

She was very calm, so calm that even Gu Anxi and Wang Qin couldn't figure out whether Yan really didn't have any feelings for Chu Ci. It stands to reason that if there is no love, there should be a little bit of hatred, but no, Chu Yan is clean. clean.

Suddenly Gu Anxi had a sore nose.

It's good, Yanyan came back clean, and she let go of those bad things, not to mention forgetting them.She asked softly, "Do you really have a boyfriend?"

Chu Yan smiled: "Yes, yes. I will live with him after returning to China."

The spoon in Wang Qin's hand fell off, along with his jaw.

She stammered: "Living together?"

Chu Yan groaned.

At this time, Wang Qin's mouth opened again, "Over there, isn't there the star Bai Xun over there?" '

He he he walked towards them...

Chu Yan said calmly: "My boyfriend." '

Ah... Wang Qin dropped his jaw again.

Bai Xun probably came here for an appointment, and sat down calmly to greet Gu Anxi and Wang Qin. Gu Anxi knew him well, and she frowned as she saw the couple.

She always felt that something was wrong, the two of them really didn't seem to have a spark of passionate collision, if you say they look like an old couple, they don't have the smell...

If it is said that she has a delicate mind, no one can match it, so it is not like Wang Qin who only cares about holding her chin——

So handsome and good-looking, he goes well with Chu Yan.

Bai Xun is very easy to get along with. I heard that his family background is very good and he is very well-educated. There are few clean male stars in the industry. However, Bai Xun is... an artist in Chu Ci's company, in other words, he is Chu Ci It's his boss.

Wang Qin's gaze became indescribable: Can this woman who robbed Chu Ci be okay?

Gu Anxi kicked her, thinking she was busy.

Feeling aggrieved, Wang Qin secretly glanced at Gu Anxi.

Chu Yan was quite frank: "We are in a trial marriage."

"Oh." Wang Qin looked at Gu Anxi while oh.

Gu Anxi rolled his eyes: "Why are you looking at me? Ask them if it's okay."

Wang Qin choked: "What's the matter, Anxi, you speak too bluntly." '

"Where are you going?" Gu Anxi glared at her, then looked at Bai Xun with a smile: "Seriously? '

"Seriously." Bai Xun smiled lightly: "If Chu Yan thinks it is suitable, we can get married at any time."

Gu Anxi touched his chin: "It doesn't sound too impulsive."

Of course, she would not interfere in other people's affairs, she just had dinner with them and left with Wang Qin in her hand.

Sitting in the car, Wang Qin complained: "Anxi, you don't even bother to take a look at Chu Yan's lifelong events."

Gu Anxi tugged at her ear: "Isn't it better that you are a living god?"

"It's all a lie, okay?" Wang Qin yelled, "It's not like you don't know, but you still let me lie to you. Every time you have to put on a Taoist robe to lie to people at a critical moment, Fang Ming thinks it's very interesting. Anxi, you killed me. '

Gu Anxi smiled.

After a while, she took the notebook from the side and opened it, her fingers moved rapidly, Wang Qin didn't know, "What are you doing?"

"Check Bai Xun." Gu Anxi said in a low voice, and after a while she said softly, "I found it."

She said word by word: "Two years ago, Bai Xun got leukemia and had a bone marrow transplant in England."

Wang Qin was stunned: "He has had this disease before, and he can't tell it at all." '

Gu Anxi stared at her, then softly uttered the next words: "The donor, Chu Yan."

Wang Qin jumped up all of a sudden, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, she yelled: "How could this happen? How could they be together in this kind of relationship? Isn't Bai Xun doing the trick of repaying favors, then? Why did Chu Yan accept it? No wonder you said there was no flirting between them, it turned out to be the case."

Gu Anxi closed the notebook, and immediately confessed in a low voice: "No one is allowed to say this, including Fang Ming."

Wang Qin snorted, be good.

But no matter how much she promised, it was useless. When she arrived at Fang Ming's place at night and suffered some flesh and blood, she recruited all Gu Anxi's words. Not interested, I left it behind after hearing it, and didn't pick it up until one day.

Over there, Bai Xun took Chu Yan out of the restaurant to bid farewell to Gu Anxi and the others. He turned around after they left, "I'll take you back."

He put her luggage in the trunk and opened the door for her to get in.

After Chu Yan got into the car, he closed the car door and went around by himself. When he was fastening the seat belt, he paused and then leaned over to kiss her on the forehead. Chu Yan was taken aback but did not avoid it.

Bai Xun smiled brightly: "Go home."

He is two years younger than her, very popular, red to purple, the most expensive traffic of the entertainment star founded by Chu Ci, the company probably doesn't know about his dating.

Chu Yan... only knew that he was a celebrity, but never thought that he belonged to the Chu Ci Company, and Bai Xun had never thought that Chu Yan was from the Chu family.

In this way, they got together by accident.

After the car drove for about 10 minutes, he said softly, "I have an announcement to catch up in a while, so you have a good rest alone."

Chu Yan suddenly asked him: "We don't live together, do we?"

Bai Xun was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "I may not have a lot of time at home, most of the time I stay in hotels."

Chu Yan didn't say anything more, and she didn't seem to care much about it.

Bai Xun took her to his apartment, and she hurriedly left after settling down...

After he left, Chu Yan had time to take a good look at the apartment. The apartment belonged to Bai Xun, and it was about [-] square meters.

The following life proved that what Bai Xun said was indeed the truth. He almost never came back. When he came back, he just changed his clothes and continued to work. Chu Yan was afraid that his body would not be able to bear it, and then complained that the boss was a vampire. .

Bai Xun just smiled and didn't say anything.

After resting at home for two days, Chu Yan set up her own company in the city center.

When she settled down in her office and opened the blinds at the window, she suddenly found that it was very close to Chu Ci's company...

So close, if you take a telescope from here, you can directly see Chu Ci's office.

She smiled, and just before she got ready to work, her phone rang. She thought it was Bai Xun picking it up and saw it was Chu Ci.

She had deleted Chu Ci's phone number a long time ago, but she still remembered the number she had dialed for more than ten years. She didn't understand why he called her at this time, but she still answered the phone: "Hello."

Chu Ci said softly there, "Have you settled down?"

Chu Yan hummed.

Chu Ci was silent for a moment before saying, "Live with your boyfriend?"

Chu Yan's breathing was stagnant, and after a while she said calmly, "Yes, we live together."

Over there, Chu Ci took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, lit it, and took a long puff before saying, "If you have time, let's have a meal together."

Chu Yan said hoarsely: "Okay."

"Next Saturday, it's Dad's birthday, so I'll take my boyfriend home for dinner." Chu Ci said calmly, "I told my parents that you're back, and they know you have a boyfriend, so I want to see you." See."

Chu Yan suddenly said, "If I had a boyfriend, would you still let me go home?"

After asking this question, Chu Ci was silent for a while.

After a long time, he said hoarsely, "See if you want to go home."

Chu Yan suddenly interrupted him: "Since we know everything, there is no need to go back, I think... she is also relieved."

Chu Ci's voice suddenly became severe: "You mean you won't go back in the future?"

This is almost a face-to-face quarrel, making it difficult for both parties. They used to be the closest people.

She calls him brother, and she always likes to lie in his arms and play games when he reads, and he always takes her with him when he goes out to film. She is like his pendant and takes her with him wherever he goes. They have had good times for many years, But now it's like two hedgehogs with thorns, let's see who hurts more.

It was Chu Yan who broke the deadlock first: "It's not interesting to go on like that, Mr. Chu, the reason why I am willing to tell you about my recent situation is my greatest kindness to the Chu family. I have a boyfriend, you...she, You don’t have to think about it anymore, and everyone can live their own lives in the future.”

Her voice was a little hoarse: "Sorry, I made you uncomfortable when I came back."

After speaking, she hung up the phone.

Chu Ci quietly listened to the sound of hanging up the phone, and after a while, she threw the phone on the sofa.

He stood there, looking out.

For several years, he was always alone, looking forward to coming back alone, and afraid of coming back alone, afraid that she would cry, be sad and be bullied when she came back. Sometimes he thought that she was actually quite well in England.

She came back, and he knew how happy he was when he saw her, but he could only desperately suppress himself not to be too happy, otherwise he would frighten her and make her afraid to go home.

But now she told him that she had a boyfriend, which made them all feel at ease.

Does she mean that she has found a new family, and she will never get entangled with him in the future?

Chu Ci smiled, coldly and somewhat mockingly.

At this moment, the door opened, and his secretary came in: "Mr. Chu, Bai Xun is back."

Chu Ci turned her head, and there was a bit of warmth in her eyes.

Bai Xun was the first artist he signed after setting up the company. After several years of popularity, he was the company's most profitable artist.Besides, there is a distant relationship between them... the kind that is far, far away, and they don't move around much.

Also because of this relationship, they get along more casually, and Bai Xun always regards his office as his own place, lying on the sofa as soon as he arrives, and let out a long breath: "It's too fucking busy, Mr. Chu like this again Go down and die."

Chu Ci hooked her lips and smiled: "Want to take a vacation?"

"I think so, I want to accompany my girlfriend." Bai Xun said half-truthfully.

Chu Ci didn't believe it, "I want to take a vacation, maybe next year."

Bai Xun protested: "I am a patient."

"You have recovered from your illness, and you are now stronger than a cow." Chu Ci said impersonally, "The person who donated bone marrow to you is probably a strong man."

Bai Xun complained: "You didn't visit me during my surgery, I'm your cash cow after all."

"There is no need to waste too much effort on a cash cow that may hang at any time." Chu Ci was as cold-blooded as ever.

Bai Xun was injured, so he got up immediately: "Okay, I'm leaving."

But Chu Ci stopped him: "I called you here, I have a book for you to read, it was taken next month."

"Would this be too tight? What a big book?" Bai Xun took the script from Secretary Yin's hand, and after a glance, he was stunned.

It is the "Sea Island" written by Gu Mingzhu.A good book written based on Mr. Chu's personal experience.

Bai Xun asked subconsciously: "Who will play the heroine? Could it be Chu Yan herself?"

After saying the name, the corner of his mouth slightly hooked...

(End of this chapter)

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