Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1193 My Girlfriend Is Chu Yan4200 words

Chapter 1193 My Girlfriend Is Chu Yan4200 words

When Bai Xun said this, Chu Ci looked at him quietly: "You know?"

Bai Xun was young, two years younger than Chu Yan, he didn't think he would know about such a thing.

But Bai Xun shrugged: "I know. But I know some things, and you may not know some things."

Chu Ci frowned.

Bai Xun suddenly smiled brightly, and sat sideways on the back of the sofa and said a word briskly: "I forgot to tell you, my girlfriend is Chu Yan."

Chu Ci just thought he was talking nonsense, cast a glance at him, and then went about her own business.

Bai Xun's eyes were deep, knowing that he didn't believe it, so he didn't force himself to go back with his hands in his pockets: "I'm on vacation for two days."

Chu Ci stopped him: "It's my father's birthday the day after tomorrow, so go have a meal then."

Bai Xun stood still: "I'll take my girlfriend there."

Chu Ci was slightly displeased: "Stop joking."

Bai Xun immediately became serious: "Brother, I really have a girlfriend."

Chu Ci finally raised his eyes, and when he frowned, Bai Xun had already left.

When he left, Chu Ci took out a book from the drawer, it was the book written by Gu Mingzhu.

His hand caressed the cover, as if stroking those painful past events.

Chu Yan came back, she seemed to have no pain on her body, but he locked everything in this drawer...

Chu Ci let out a long breath.

As long as she's fine, that's fine.

Over there, Bai Xun drove back. He is a popular male star and usually has a lot of people following him. If he wants to go home, he has to drive around a few times to get rid of people.

When he got home, Chu Yan wasn't there, he called her and looked around, and finally confirmed that she was probably going to work for the company, so he fell down on the sofa by himself, turned on the TV and went to sleep in his clothes.

He was too tired, and his busy schedule meant that he could only sleep five or six hours a day, and his body would not be able to take it for a long time.

After sleeping like this, I slept for four or five hours, and it was almost dark when I woke up.

At the door, stood Chu Yan.

With the vegetables in her hand, she seemed surprised when she saw him, and then said, "You're back?"

He sat up and leaned against the back of the sofa with messy hair, making him look younger, like he was in his early 20s, very youthful.

Chu Yan put down the things in her hand, and he waved to her: "Come here."

Chu Yan went to sit beside him, and Bai Xun hugged her waist and chin and put it on her shoulder, "Cook something for me, I'm starving to death."

Chu Yan pulled his hand away and turned to look at him: "Then you haven't come back for so long?"

"Busy." He fell on the sofa and smiled, "I can rest for two days."

Chu Yan kicked him: "Then why don't you cook for me?"

He cooks better than her and knows a lot of dishes. It is largely because of this reason that Chu Yan agreed to be with him, but after he returned to China to be busy with his career, he rarely had the opportunity to be together.

Bai Xun was kicked by her and complained softly, "It's me again."

However, although he was two years younger, he was very accommodating to her, and quickly took the dishes to the kitchen vigorously. Chu Yan sat in the living room and watched him busy, and couldn't help smiling.

She gets along very well with Bai Xun, and he is very accommodating to her.

Sometimes, he would act like a baby to her, but more often he took care of her.

It's just that we spend very little time together...

When there was a break between meals, Chu Yan took out her notebook to work, and Bai Xun brought a glass of water to her. When she took it, he suddenly said: "There is an elder's birthday the day after tomorrow, why don't you come with me?"


Chu Yan was stunned for a moment.

Because Chu Changhe's birthday is the day after tomorrow... Every year before his birthday, the little Chu Yan would hold a cake and sing a birthday song to wish his father a happy birthday. Chu Changhe would say that his face is so cute.

Chu Yan lowered her eyes and thought bitterly: There will be no more chances in the future!

Bai Xun kept looking at her expression, then asked her softly, "What's wrong?"

Chu Yan shook her head: "Nothing! I just thought of something else."

"What's the matter?" Bai Xun asked her softly.

Chu Yan shook her head: "It's nothing, business."

Bai Xun lowered his head and pressed it against her forehead: "The day after tomorrow, it's decided."

Chu Yan thought for a while, and finally nodded.

Bai Xun laughed: "It seems that you will agree to my marriage proposal now."

Chu Yan kicked him: "Go and cook."

He went there immediately, complaining about her fierceness while cooking, and said that he would change her to a gentle little girl.

While doing her work, Chu Yan said coolly, "I have already said that I have a bad temper."

"Is it spoiled?" Bai Xun replied casually.

Chu Yan was in a trance again, and she didn't even know when her hands stopped——

Being spoiled... is not wrong, but after being spoiled, she stepped on it hard, fell from the clouds and fell into the mire again, and she lost even her home.

Chu Yan can't tell whether she has gained and lost these years, or lost and gained again. In short, the past is like a dream to her. Sometimes when she wakes up in the middle of the night, she thinks that she is still the ignorant teenager. But the tears on her face told her that all the cruelty happened in real life.

How many times, she couldn't help but want to return to that embrace, begging him to continue... wanting her shamelessly, but she was really ashamed when this kind of thought surfaced.

Chu Yan, you are no longer a member of that family. You don't even get the treatment of drinking a cup of your favorite milk tea. Why do you want to occupy someone else's son?

And she didn't allow herself to be that kind of person.

Chu Yan lowered her eyes quietly, unwilling to think about those anymore, and continued to work.

But she didn't know that at the door of the kitchen, Bai Xun folded his hands in front of him, watching her quietly.

Yes, he knows it all.

He knew about her and Chu Ci, and knew that she would never forget Chu Ci, so he let her come back when he came back.

If he wants to cure her heart disease, he must either be brave or stay with him.

As long as she is willing, he is willing to take care of her for the rest of his life. He will never let her down, never let her have a family and then lose it, and never let her face show a disappointed expression.

Half an hour later, Bai Xun brought the dishes to the table and took off his gloves: "Yanyan, it's time to eat."

Chu Yan put down her work, smelled the smell and said, "Let me see what is delicious."

"Isn't it the vegetables you bought?" He smiled and served her a bowl of soup.

Chu Yan took a sip: "It's so delicious."

Bai Xun smiled: "I'll do it for you if I have the chance."

He suddenly paused: "If you agree to the proposal, I won't be in the entertainment industry anymore, and you can support me by starting a small company or being the husband of the house."

"It's a good idea." Chu Yan snorted softly, "I don't keep a bad boy."

Bai Xun suddenly put down the chopsticks in his hand and held her face, he got closer and closer.

Chu Yan was surprised by his sudden enthusiasm, and put her hands in front of him: "Don't make trouble, let's eat."

He rubbed his face against hers, flattering her like a puppy: "Is my face not enough for soft food?"

Chu Yan turned her head unbearably, and smiled: "That's enough, can I find some more to raise you together?"

"Not good." He hugged her, resting his face on her neck: "Don't want others."

Chu Yan patted him: "Mr. Bai, you are 24 years old, don't act like a baby with me all day long."

But he didn't let her go, instead he picked her up, put her on the sofa before, removed the notebook with one hand, pushed her onto the sofa and kissed her...

"Hey." Chu Yan patted his shoulder lightly: "Why did you suddenly..."

Bai Xun didn't speak, just kissed her over and over again.

He is very gentle and delicate, Chu Yan does not dislike his kisses, and enjoys them most of the time.

At the end, he buried himself in her neck and gasped for breath, his voice hoarse: "Go to eat."

Chu Yan was helpless: "You..."

"24 years old, it's normal." He murmured, and then patted her: "You go to eat, and I'll go to the bathroom."

Chu Yan frowned.

Does he... have to be like this?

Bai Xun vigorously jumped off the sofa, walked a few steps and then turned around, saying viciously, "Why don't we try?"

Chu Yan threw him a few words: "Go to you."

Bai Xun smiled and showed his beautiful white teeth, and ran away.

Chu Yan tidied up her clothes and continued to eat, thinking silently while eating——

If he really had such a request, she probably wouldn't refuse.

She likes Bai Xun a lot, at least he is a reliable man, even though he is only 24 years old.

He is very popular, and many girls like him, and he will not have a call or message for several days, but she believes in him, and she doesn't think that he will have messy things in the big dye vat, and it's not that he is too much. Pure love, but Bai Xun gave her the impression that she is a restrained person, although sometimes it seems that it is not serious on the surface.

About 10 minutes later, Bai Xun came out.

Changed into a set of white sportswear, looking very sunny and handsome.

His appearance has always been very valuable.

He sat down, Chu Yan pinched his face: "It looks quite tender."

"Don't provoke a 24-year-old man." He glanced at her, then ate the meal like a storm, and dropped his chopsticks: "You wash the dishes."

Bai Xun can cook, but refuses to wash dishes.

Chu Yan nodded: "Okay, I'll wash."

He took the opportunity to ask again: "Don't work for a while, let's go out for a stroll. I will wear a hat and sunglasses and go shopping like an old couple."

Chu Yan propped her chin: "Old couples don't go to the bathroom."

Bai Xun was annoyed: "I respect women! Don't be ignorant!"

He turned her head around and bit her cheek hard before letting her go.

Chu Yan yelled twice: "Okay, okay, let me go, I can hardly breathe." '

He kissed her again and then let go.

When they let go, both of them looked like that... After all, they are young men and women, and it is impossible not to feel a little bit after getting along for a long time.

Chu Yan felt a little uncomfortable, coughed lightly: "I'm going to wash the dishes."

He nodded: "I'm going to smoke a cigarette."

Chu Yan stopped him: "Stop smoking, it's not good for your health."

"Only one. I usually smoke one when I feel unbearable. I have counted." When he got up, he hugged her and kissed her hair.

It was only at this time that Chu Yan felt that Bai Xun was a very mature man, not a 24-year-old boy who would act like a baby to her. For a moment, she couldn't tell which kind of him she liked.

She went to wash the dishes. On the other side, Bai Xun stood on the terrace and lit a cigarette.

He didn't smoke because she said it was bad for his health.

He always thought, in case, in case she chooses him in the end, he has to save his life to accompany her.

Accompany her to grow old, watch her hair turn white, from a little princess to an old princess.

He is willing to cook for her for a lifetime, but she has to wash the dishes for a lifetime. He will not spoil her as someone who loses herself like Chu Ci, because once he has to leave one day, she will not be sad for a long time...

Bai Xun put the cigarette on the railing and watched it burn quietly.

Chu Yan also finished washing the dishes, she came to see him, "I'm going to change clothes."

He hummed, and then said, "I have a similar set of women's styles in my closet, you can wear them."

Chu Yan groaned, and went to the cloakroom in his bedroom to look for it, and found it quickly.

She didn't go back to her room for a hug, so she changed directly at his place, and he came over after taking off half of her clothes.

Bai Xun looked at her quietly, she glanced at him and continued to change...

He asked her, "Why don't you bring your things here?"

Chu Yan put on her clothes and said softly, "I'm afraid you're not used to it."

He went over and hugged her waist without saying anything.

In fact, she changed clothes at his place, and she didn't avoid him when he came over, which meant that she really... wanted to live with him.Suddenly, he felt that maybe... In the end she would choose to be with him.

"Aren't you going to go shopping?" Chu Yan whispered.

He smiled, put on his hat and sunglasses, grabbed her hand and went out.

In the car, he asked her where she wanted to go.

Chu Yan thought for a while: "Let's go to Nanmen Street. I used to hang out there with Anxi Wangqin."

In fact, this often happened only once or twice. At that time, she was always with Chu Ci. After returning to Beicheng, she rarely had the chance to play with Anxi. Now she wanted to make up for it.

Although everyone is there, Wang Qin is married, and Anxi has two children. Everyone is from 20 to 26 years old. It is not possible to call them without any scruples. There are always too many worries.

Chu Yan thought to herself that Bai Xun might be the only one who could accompany her.

Bai Xun used his mobile phone to locate the location, and then drove over.

At this time, he looked like a standard boyfriend, not two years younger than her. When he started the car, he suddenly said, "Did you bring some change?"

Chu Yan hummed: "I have. I can still pay with my mobile phone."

He looked at the condition of the car and smiled happily: "I will repay you when I go back tonight."

Chu Yan rolled her eyes, and couldn't help but ask again: "Have you ever eaten meat?"

"Before I met you, my young master, I was eating and drinking. After I met you, I became a vegetarian." He was out of shape, so Chu Yan simply ignored him.

Along the way, he was the only one who talked non-stop.

However, the relationship was extended to when they were in England, and the strangeness that she had just returned disappeared.In fact, he is a very good boy, as long as he thinks, he can handle many women, so now Chu Yan has a little faith in him...

When the car stopped, Bai Xun unfastened his seat belt and hummed softly, "I'm picky too!"

Chu Yan sat, tied her hair up, and turned her head: "I know, I just haven't eaten meat."

He immediately took her over and took a bite: "Try again."

Just as Chu Yan was about to say something, she was stung by the lights of the opposite car.

She looked up.

That car is quite familiar.

Chu Ci's car.

At this moment, Chu Ci was sitting in the car with the headlights on.His complexion is very ugly.

And she, sitting across Bai Xun's lap, put her arms around Bai Xun's neck.

In this way, the four eyes met, quietly.

After a long time, Bai Xun pulled her head off and kissed her.

Chu Yan was very nervous and didn't move... But she didn't push away either.

Pushing away at this time, she would feel sorry for Bai Xun, and also feel... unnecessary.

It's just an old friend.

(End of this chapter)

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