Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1194 She Really Likes Someone Else

Chapter 1194 She Really Likes Someone Else

Chu Yan was very nervous and didn't move... But she didn't push away either.

Pushing away at this time, she would feel sorry for Bai Xun, and also feel... unnecessary.

It's just an old friend.

Bai Xun didn't kiss her for a long time, but he didn't let go of her after the kiss, and asked in a low voice, "Do you still dare to say that I haven't eaten meat?"

Chu Yan put her arms around his neck, pursed her lower lip and asked, "Is there any?"

He nodded, "Yes."

He's twenty-four, of course.

Chu Yan smiled and didn't ask any more. She wanted to move away but he wouldn't let her, and buried her face in her neck: "Hold me for a while, it's rare to be so obedient."

Chu Yan thumped him: "Hey, is it my problem?"

It's obviously him... Protecting him all the time, as if she is a pervert, always doing whatever she wants to him.

Chu Yan couldn't figure him out. Sometimes he felt like a big boy, and sometimes he was mature and difficult to understand.

Bai Xun hugged her and let her face rest on his shoulder, but he was looking at the car opposite.

He saw Chu Ci.

At this time, Chu Ci was staring at this side, his face was oppressed and painful.

Bai Xun chuckled: Chu Yan must have seen him too, she did not refuse her kiss.

He suddenly felt happy in his heart, held her face in his hands, and kissed her: "Go shopping."

She nodded, and finally returned to her seat, took the mirror and touched up her makeup.Bai Xun opened the door from her side to let her get out of the car. When she jumped off the driver's hand, he grabbed her and pulled her into his pocket.

His hands were slightly cold, but the pockets were very warm. Chu Yan couldn't help touching his waist. He was thin and covered with a thin layer of muscle. Just by imagining it, he felt that he looked beautiful. body.

Bai Xun dragged her along and smiled: "Don't act like you haven't seen the world." '

Chu Yan smiled at him.

They laughed like this, passed Chu Ci's car, and ignored the person they were all familiar with.

Chu Ci sat in the car quietly. After a long time, he took out a cigarette and put it on his lips to light it.

In the smoke, he slightly closed his eyes.

What Bai Xun said is true, he has a girlfriend, and the girlfriend is Chu Yan.

This bastard!

What does he want to do?

He didn't believe that Bai Xun didn't know about his past with Chu Yan, but he still found a girl who almost became his sister-in-law as his girlfriend, did Chu Yan know?

Chu Ci knocked on the steering wheel hard, and the car suddenly sounded the horn, which seemed particularly abrupt in this silent night.

Chu Yan in front also heard it, she didn't say anything, but took Bai Xun's arm and got on the elevator...

Chu Ci was still smoking in the car, and after about four or five cigarettes, his cell phone rang.

He didn't answer, not in the mood to answer.

However, the phone kept ringing, and he took the phone with the cigarette in one hand.

It was his mother calling.

Chu Ci picked it up, her voice was weak and hoarse: "Mom, what's the matter?"

Mrs. Chu's voice was weak: "Chu Ci, didn't you say you came back, why haven't you replied yet?"

Only then did Chu Ci remember, and lowered her eyes: "I'll be back in a while." '

Mrs. Chu nodded: "Your father and I are waiting for you."

Chu Ci hung up the phone, leaned on the back of the chair and quietly finished the cigarette in his hand, and finally looked at the car again.

His Adam's apple loosened a bit, and he still remembered that she was sitting in Bai Xun's arms, raising her head to accept Bai Xun's kiss. She was not pretending, and Bai Xun was not acting. Emotional.

Almost rolled off on the spot.

Chu Ci closed her eyes slightly, threw away the cigarette butt and started the car.

When he arrived at the Chu family's mansion, it was already dead of night, and he walked through the silent courtyard into the hall.The hall was brightly lit, Chu Changhe, his wife and several elders from the same family were there, as if they were waiting for him alone.

Chu Ci sat down after saying hello, and smoked again as soon as he sat down.

Madam Chu felt sorry for her son, and frowned: "Chu Ci, are you so addicted to smoking now?"

He remembered that his son didn't smoke much before, and even occasionally he was very restrained because of Chu Yan... Thinking of that girl, Mrs. Chu felt unhappy, so she said: "You should also cheer up and think about yourself, you have always been like this It's just a waste of your time."

She added: "She didn't come back, probably because she wanted to make our Chu family feel bad. I know she felt that you owed her, that the Chu family owed her... But what we owe her, she doesn't care about her little life." It was picked up by our Chu family, and all the food she uses is from the Chu family..."

The more she talked, the more excited she became, Chu Changhe said: "Don't talk about it, the child has been abroad for a few years, and there is nothing to talk about now that we don't contact each other."

It's not that he doesn't miss Chu Yan in his heart,'s because he is incompetent and has no face to face her.

Every year during Chinese New Year, he holds his mobile phone in his hand for several hours. In fact, he just wants to call her and say Yanyan Happy New Year. If possible, he also wants to give her New Year's money to celebrate her being one year older. .

That child is [-] years old now, and she hasn't celebrated the New Year at home for [-] years, and I don't know how she has lived these years. The family used to take good care of her, and Chu Ci took her everywhere...

Chu Changhe knew very well in his heart that this matter was caused by his son feeling sorry for others, and the little girl he raised was given by his son at a young age... If he didn't want her, he didn't want it, and if he wanted her to go, she also left.

Chu Changhe sighed softly, and when he was about to say something else, Chu Ci whispered: "She's back." '

In the hall, there was no sound at once.

Mrs. Chu even said sharply: "She's back? Chu Ci, you saw her, did she come to you directly and want to be with you?"

Chu Ci lost all anger in her heart, and smiled bleakly: "No, I just ran into it."

He leaned on the back of the sofa and whispered, "She has a boyfriend."

Mrs. Chu didn't believe it. She still felt that Chu Yan came back to seduce her son and to make the Chu family restless.

After a while, Chu Ci said in a hoarse voice: "Her boyfriend is Bai Xun. A distant relative of our family."

There was silence again in the hall.

After a long time, Chu Changhe said with a trembling voice, "Is it true?"

If it is true, then the son...wouldn't he have died in pain?He could see that although his son hadn't resisted the blind date all these years, he had been waiting for Yan Yan to come back, and that position had always been vacant.

He was waiting for her, wasting, maybe betting.

Bet his mother is gone one day and the two of them are still single.

But now, Yan Yan has someone, and she is still a distant relative of the Chu family.

Not only him, but also the elders beside him were silent for a while. After a while, someone finally spoke: "I remember that boy Bai Xun looks very good, fair and clean. Now his career is doing very well, he looks very popular."

She is almost as popular as Chu Ci back then.

Chu Ci sat there smoking a cigarette without speaking.

He didn't want to say anything.

After a while, he said softly, "Bai Xun will take her there for Dad's birthday the day after tomorrow."

Mrs. Chu murmured, "She's taking revenge on us? Chu Ci, is she trying to make you feel bad?"

Chu Ci had already stood up, he stood quietly, and after a long time he said hoarsely: "Mom, why don't you think that maybe she really wants to find someone to marry, but it just happens to be Bai Xun, she doesn't know The relationship between the Bai family and our family."

He paused for a moment, and said in a tone that was almost murmured: "Mom, she doesn't have to be me, she will like others."

Mrs. Chu was stunned.

After a while, she said softly: 'How can she like others, doesn't she like you the most? '

Chu Ci was extremely bitter, said nothing, and walked upstairs slowly.

He didn't go into his own bedroom, but went to the bedroom where Chu Yan lived when he was a child.The bedroom is still there, probably because of his father's insistence, he... probably also wants to look good, and keeps it here to see things and think about others.

Chu Ci slowly walked to the round princess bed, gently stroked the white gauze bed with her fingers, and finally lay down slowly... Closing her eyes, it was the scene of Chu Yan chasing him when she was a child.

The little Chu Yan, softly, called him brother.

Climb up on his lap, asking brother to hug him, ask him to feed him, ask him to tell her the story of the princess...

(End of this chapter)

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