Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1195 It's Chu Yan

Chapter 1195 It's Chu Yan

Chu Ci suddenly covered her eyes.

Beside him, a figure sat down, followed by a heavy sigh.

Chu Ci said softly, "I want to be quiet for a while."

Chu Changhe's voice was low, as if he had made a lot of determination: "Chu Ci, if you want to save it, go ahead, no matter what happens, Dad won't blame you."

Chu Ci didn't make a sound.

Chu Changhe sighed: "Your mother is different from before, she is sick... don't blame her but take care of yourself, okay? If Dad wants to take care of your mother, he may not be able to take care of you. Chu Ci, you can make up your own mind now .”

Chu Ci put his hands down, lay flat for a while, and then said, "It's too late."

He...witnessed her with Bai Xun, she looked very happy, although not as lively as before, but always had a good time, now because she has a boyfriend, he asks her to come back to him, this is the reason Even he himself finds it ridiculous.

Chu Changhe patted his son's hand and said in a hoarse voice, "Don't leave any regrets for yourself. Before she gets married."

With trembling hands, he took out a cigarette, lit it, but gave it to Chu Ci: "If she agrees, you can take her abroad and don't come back."

He knew in his heart why Chu Ci's family and career were not as good as Chu Ci's, but his mother kept hugging him...

Chu Ci sat up, sat on the edge of the bed, watched quietly with a cigarette in his hand, and said bitterly for a long time: "Dad, if I take away her happiness once, do I want a second time?"

He is not afraid of being sorry for her, he is already sorry, what he is most afraid of is that she really likes someone else.

What's the point of grabbing it back?

Maybe he can't let go of it in his whole life, but for Chu Yan, Chu Ci is already a past that he doesn't want to recall...

Chu Changhe didn't want to say much, he just patted his son on the shoulder and said, "Okay, as long as you have your own ideas."

Chu Ci didn't say anything.

Chu Changhe went downstairs, leaving Chu Ci upstairs alone. He slept in Chu Yan's bedroom without going back that night.

Closing his eyes, he had a dream, dreaming that Chu Yan had returned, looking sixteen or seventeen years old.

At that time, they were not together and he liked that she was waiting for her to grow up.

Later, before he had time to explain anything, she took Bai Xun home and said to him in a tender voice, "Brother, this is my boyfriend."

Chu Ci woke up.

When he woke up, the bedroom was dark, and he seemed to be able to smell the faint fragrance of her body in the air.

The ear seems to be the cry of the mother.

Did she make a fuss all night?

Chu Ci knew that he should go and have a look, but he didn't want to move at all, he just wanted to lie here quietly...

The next morning, when Chu Ci woke up, Chu Changhe was already in the dining room.

He sat down and took a newspaper: "Where's Mom?"

"The doctor came last night. He took Valium and won't wake up until noon." Chu Changhe said in a low voice.

Chu Ci nodded, and suddenly said: "The birthday party, why not cancel it."

If it really comes, it will only be a feather in the ground.

Chu Changhe was silent, and he spoke after a while: "I've talked to your mother, and she seems to want to understand a bit. Let's move around as a relative, Chu Ci... I also miss that child. After all, I raised him with one hand. Yes, even if it's for a meeting."

Chu Ci's fingers holding the newspaper were clenched, and it took a long time before he said softly, "That's fine."

Chu Changhe hesitated for a moment: "What about you, have you thought about it yet?"

Chu Ci looked at his father for a long time before he smiled bitterly: "It's not up to me for a long time."

Chu Yan used to listen to him so much, but now she probably hates him so much.

After he finished speaking, he drank the milk in his hand and went to the company. He just didn't find Mrs. Chu standing on the stairs.

Mrs. Chu listened to the words of the father and son, and quietly went upstairs: "So they have been thinking about her, they have been thinking about her."

On the parking lot in the courtyard, Chu Ci opened the door and got in the car. Today he has an important meeting to hold.

When he arrived at the company and sat down, Secretary Yin sent over the contents of the meeting. He paused and asked, "Isn't there a Hollywood movie that I want to find Bai Xun, and help him with it."

Secretary Yin frowned and asked subconsciously: "Aren't you disapproving of him making foreign movies?"

This is a way to restrict Bai Xun and prevent him from having the opportunity to fly solo. Every big company will have a means.

Chu Ci raised her hand: "Don't move, I'll talk to him."

Secretary Yin always felt that something was wrong with her boss, but she couldn't tell exactly where.

After Chu Ci finished speaking, she took the materials and went to the meeting...

In the middle of the meeting, the computer in the company suddenly broke down.

Chu Ci leaned on the back of the chair and smoked, and Secretary Yin immediately arranged for someone to find an electronic maintenance company to come and maintain it, because this sudden accident may lead to the loss of important company data.

She was very nervous, but the company they had been working with suddenly stopped doing it. Secretary Yin inquired and found a new company in the industry. He heard that the founder's computer skills were ranked among the top five in the world.

When she came back and talked to Chu Ci, Chu Ci said softly, "Let's continue the meeting after it's repaired."

He said to Secretary Yin again: "Let me know when someone comes."

After all, it was related to important information of the company, so he still had to look at it himself.

Secretary Yin nodded.

Chu Ci went back to his office, sat on the sofa and picked up a photo album to read.

It was from Chu Yan's childhood.

He brought all these things to the office, and didn't keep them in the old house, because keeping them there would only irritate his mother, or he would throw them away at any time.

He looked at it quietly for a while, then put his hand aside.

Secretary Yin knocked on the door and said softly, "Mr. Chu, people from the computer company are here."

Chu Ci rubbed her eyebrows and sat up: "All right."

But when he looked up, he froze.

Because it was not someone else who came, but Chu Yan.

Chu Yan was also slightly taken aback, she didn't expect that the first order she received was from Chu Ci's company, and she came here in person out of solemnity.But when the business came, she didn't need to push it out, so she said softly, "Let me see what's wrong."

Secretary Yin noticed something was wrong, and then thought about it again, as if he remembered that he had met him in the restaurant that day. Mr. Chu lost his mind when he saw this person... Secretary Yin came later, but he was also very smart. Thinking back and forth Just guessed the identity of this person.

Chu Yan.

According to legend, the girl who kept Mr. Chu single.

She couldn't help but take a few more glances, she was quite good-looking, her face was clean, it wasn't pure or pure, but it was very clean.

Secretary Yin wished to help his boss, so he said, "Mr. Chu, I'm going to do something. You can show this person the situation."

Chu Ci stared at Chu Yan's face and said hello.

Secretary Yin closed the door behind him.

At this moment, Chu Yan's eyes fell on the sofa next to Chu Ci, where there was a photo album.

She recognized it, it belonged to her when she was a child, she never thought that he would put it in the office.

Chu Ci followed her gaze and said hoarsely, "Come and sit."

He got up before she moved, poured her a glass of water, and he didn't seem to be in a hurry to let her deal with the situation.

Chu Yan's lips moved: "Mr. Chu, I'm here to do something."

"Didn't you call me brother?" He stared at her. "Is it necessary to be so unfamiliar? Is it because I'm afraid that Bai Xun will be unhappy if he finds out?"

Chu Yan had nothing to say.

Chu Ci said lightly: "He knows about our relationship."

Chu Yan lowered her eyes: "So what?" '

She laughed self-deprecatingly: "You taught me, don't give up all your feelings, five points and six points... that's enough."

In this way, one day that person leaves, or when you are forced to leave, there will be no pain.

Seeing him again, she was still in pain... not because she was still in love, but because it wasn't just him who abandoned her, but the entire Chu family.

(End of this chapter)

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