Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1196 Yan Yan, let’s have a meal together1 words

Chapter 1196 Yan Yan, let’s have a meal together5000 words

Chu Yan didn't want to say those words again, and said softly: "Isn't there a problem with the computer? I have other things to do later."

Chu Ci didn't make things difficult for her any more, and pointed out the problem of the computer to her.

The problem is quite big, it is the collective paralysis of the whole company, Chu Yan turned on the computer with another receiver, and after the computer was turned on, row after row of data was swiped, she said softly: "It was hacked."

Chu Ci stood beside her, "How long will it take?"

Chu Yan thought for a while: "Two hours."

When it was over, she said, "200 million rewards."

Chu Ci smiled, took out a cigarette and put it on his lips, then stood aside to smoke.

Chu Yan knew that he agreed, so she continued to work. Her fingers were slender and beautiful, very fair. The difference from the past was that there were always some baby-like rounds on the fingertips, but now they are completely gone.

Chu Ci looked at her while smoking, and suddenly asked: "Do you really love him?"

Chu Yan didn't stop what she was doing, but said softly, "I'm here to work."

"But I want to catch up with you." He whispered.

He had to admit that she was already a mature woman, not a little girl like before, so he was also different from before, treating her the way he treated women.

Chu Yan froze for a moment, "Wait until I'm done."

She thought, always have to make it clear with him.

Her technique is really good, and she finished her work quickly, and the company started running normally.

Secretary Yin was sure that he could come over to invite him to a meeting later. Chu Ci sat at the desk and wrote the check without raising his head: "Let's reschedule the meeting to tomorrow."

Secretary Yin froze for a moment, then realized something, smiled and said yes, and left.

Chu Ci still lowered his head and finished filling out the check. After writing the last stroke, he gently tore it off and put it in the palm of Chu Yan's hand: "Is the company going well?"

Chu Yan looked at the check, "It's just started. But there's no rush."

He knew that she had been earning money, and she had a lot of it before, so naturally she would not worry about making a living, and starting a company was probably just a hobby.

He was silent for a while and suddenly asked her: "Why has the card I gave you before been useless?"

Chu Yan slowly put the check into her bag, and smiled lightly: "I can't find a reason."

It's hard to even call him brother, how can he use his money well?

Chu Yan smiled bitterly, and remembered the cup of tea at Chu's house a few years ago...

Chu Ci looked at her deeply, guessing that she was not in a good mood, so he got up, "Let's have a meal together."

Although we will have dinner together tomorrow night, it will always be different.

Chu Yan hesitated for a moment.

Chu Ci waited for her quietly, and after a long time he asked, "Is it because Bai Xun disagrees? Or is he afraid that he will be unhappy?"

Chu Yan only said, "Let's go."

Chu Ci wanted to ask her if she wanted to explain, but when the words came to her lips, she felt that the words were too sour, so she didn't say them.

The two went downstairs silently, Chu Ci opened the car door: "Get in the car."

Chu Yan shook her head: "I drove here by myself."

After speaking, she walked to his window: "It's the restaurant where you met me last time."

Chu Ci locked her eyes on her for a long time, then smiled.

He drove away first, and Chu Yan watched for a while before getting in the car.

When she got to the car, she put down her things and dialed Bai Xun's number.

He finally took a break, slept at home, and got a little tempered after answering the phone.

Chu Yan said softly, "I might come back later after having a meal outside."

Immediately, Bai Xun's temper disappeared, and he immediately sat up and scratched his hair: "With whom?"

"Chu Ci." Chu Yan said calmly, "It just so happened that your company's computer broke down, so I took over the business."

When she said you, it meant that she knew a lot, and Bai Xun's voice suddenly disappeared.

Chu Yan said softly: "Why don't you talk anymore, and don't ask me anything?"

He muffled: "What about my dinner?"

In the words, there is a bit of coquettish meaning.

Chu Yan laughed, and was willing to coax him at this moment: "I'll eat less, and I'll eat with you when I get back, okay?"

He was finally satisfied: "I'll sleep for a while, I'll pick you up later, and send me the address."

"No, I came by car."

Bai Xun thought for a moment: "Then I'll take a taxi there."

He persisted, not to spy on anything, he simply felt that she might be tired after a busy day and had to deal with Chu Ci, he just wanted to be nice to her when he was free.

Chu Yan hummed, and then sent him the address.

Bai Xun looked at the place and lay down...

Instead of falling asleep, he pinched the time.

It's only five o'clock now, and it will be around eight o'clock to eat something casually... The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't fall asleep, so he just jumped up and took a shower, changed into clean and refreshing clothes, put on sunglasses and drove there restaurant.

After he passed, he didn't get out of the car, so he got in the car and waited.

In the restaurant, Chu Ci ordered food as soon as he arrived, so he naturally knew what Chu Yan was eating.When Chu Yan arrived, the dishes were ready.

The dining table is in the corner, which is quite private, and you won't be disturbed when you talk.

Chu Yan went over to sit down without avoiding him, and slowly drank half a glass of water.

Chu Ci kept staring at her.

He found that her behavior was very different from before, and it wasn't just that she had grown up, but that she had become calmer.

In the past, Chu Yan looked like a child who grew up in a honey pot, but now she is... two completely different people from the past, even the appearance is not the same.

However, he still longed for her.

She came back, and they met several times, but he didn't even have the chance to shake her hand.

Chu Ci let out a long breath: "Let's eat first."

When he said eating, Chu Yan really only ate, treating it as an ordinary gathering after a long absence.

She ate, but Chu Ci didn't move a few mouthfuls, and watched her eat most of the time.

After a long time, he asked her again masochistically: "Do you love him, or do you have to find a boyfriend because you want to come back?"

Chu Yan filled a bowl of soup, "Do you really want to know?"

Chu Ci didn't make a sound, if he could, he would like to smoke a cigarette now.

Chu Yan was quite frank: "I like it, as for whether I love it or not... who will know until the end?"

"What about him?" Chu Ci stared closely and asked, "Are you both serious?"

Chu Yan smiled lightly: "It should be."

"We." She said softly, "Try to live together, and if we get along well, we are ready to get married."

Chu Ci's fingers were tightly clenched, and the veins on his forehead were almost bulging, but he still had to hold back because he was afraid of scaring her, and she was finally willing to have a meal with him calmly.

He didn't say anything else, but just took food for her: "Eat more, I haven't eaten Beicheng food for several years."

Chu Yan finished eating in silence, then sat down for a while, chatting casually.

Later, when there was really nothing to talk about, she said softly, "I'm going back."

Chu Ci sat there, "Sit down a little longer."

After this time, he didn't know when he would be able to sit and eat together again... He was in a very complicated mood, repeatedly vacillating between letting go and not letting go.

His father let him pursue his own happiness, but how could he let go?

What he was afraid of...wasn't hurting his mother, but that one day he was really with Chu Yan, and faced with such a choice again, would he abandon her again at that time.

Chu Ci was really not sure.

It's not that I don't love her, but that there are many things that I can't help myself.

He said to sit down for a while, but Chu Yan refused this time, she got up: "Bai Xun is waiting for me."

Although there was no phone call, she knew that he had probably come over.

Chu Ci lost his mind, got up and chased her out, dropping 1000 yuan when passing the front desk.

In the parking lot, seeing Chu Yan come out, Bai Xun immediately jumped out of the car, "Finish?"

Chu Yan hummed: "I'm quite full, what should I do?"

Bai Xun pulled her over, pinched her face with both hands, and then pulled her to the sides...Chu Yan screamed in pain, stretched out her hand and patted his hand away: "So cruel!"

"I've been waiting for you for two hours." Bai Xun complained.

Chu Yan threw the bag on his car, and then said helplessly, "Didn't you say eight o'clock?"

"I can't wait any longer." He hugged her a little rascally: "I'm afraid you will run away with someone else."

Chu Yan sighed: "It's just a meal."——that's all that should be said.

Bai Xun said dissatisfiedly again; "I'll make it up for you by making me some egg noodles when I get back later."

He touched his stomach and said pitifully, "I haven't eaten all day."

Chu Yan was so angry that she pushed him into the car and took the driver's seat by herself.

She turned her head: "Is there any sugar?"

Bai Xun has always had low blood sugar. Hearing her saying this, he obediently took one from the central control, opened it and put it in his mouth, then closed the car door on his side.

In fact, he saw Chu Ci out of the corner of his eye, but he pretended not to.

Just kidding, I probably have to eat for another two hours when I see it...

Along the way, Chu Yan didn't make much noise, Bai Xun couldn't help but said, "You were the one who ate with others, but now you put on a face for me, what's the reason?"

Chu Yan focused on driving, and after a while she said softly: "You can obviously take good care of yourself, and even take care of me, but you just pretended not to take good care of you on purpose, so that I can remember you, right?"

Bai Xun was quite arrogant: "Young men are like this."

Chu Yan glanced at him and fell silent.

After returning, he couldn't tell if she was angry, but she gave him egg noodles.

Bai Xun couldn't help but went over to look at it. Chu Yan cracked an egg in and said softly, "Just go to the restaurant and wait for a while. Let's eat some fruit first."

Bai Xun didn't leave, but hugged her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder: "Are you angry?"

"No." Chu Yan turned around and looked at him: "What about you, are you angry?"

"A little bit." He stepped forward, held her face in one hand, lowered his head and kissed her: "It's a little sour."

Chu Yan hugged his waist: "You are sure you want to do this, it will be fine after a while."

He gently pressed her against the counter, his voice was unbelievably hoarse: "Actually, your skills are not as good as mine."

After speaking, he bowed his head and kissed her.

He has never been so out of control. He and she have always been in that kind of very light emotion, not intense, as if they are in the point of testing, and each other can withdraw at any time without hurting each other, but now he is not sure whether it is still the same. If he wanted to continue like this, he would not be calm when he saw Chu Ci once she saw her.

This kiss went from the kitchen to the sofa in the living room...

After a long, long time, he finally let her go.

Chu Yan's chin rested on his shoulder: "You can get a bowl of noodles by yourself in a while, I won't pamper you unconditionally."

Bai Xun kissed her shallowly, and regained his usual expression: "Okay, anyway, the benefits have already been obtained."

He got up and went to the bathroom.

Chu Yan straightened his clothes, and after he came out, he went to the kitchen and turned off the fire.

The noodles are naturally mushy.

He poured himself out and ordered another bowl, and even made her a beautiful fruit platter, Chu Yan was a little surprised.

His platters are really good.

Bai Xun was very proud, and said while eating noodles: "I will be a man who will be a housewife in the future."

Chu Yan just laughed.

But she thinks about it, it's not bad.

When he finished eating and she washed the dishes, and they were sitting and watching TV together, Bai Xun suddenly took out something from his pocket. Chu Yan was quite surprised, and even more surprised when he picked it up and looked at it.

It is a passbook.

In fact, very few people use this these days, Bai Xun is as rigid as a little old man.

Bai Xun leaned on the sofa and said lazily, "I'm too lazy to take care of it. If I have money, I just save it."

He looked up at her, and said, "This is all my wife's book, keep it."

Chu Yan looked at it, there were more than 3 million, and his savings with such a large amount of traffic was probably all of him.

Give it all to her.

"Why, don't dare to ask for it?" Bai Xun pinched her face, "Didn't you agree to get married?"

He added: "Anyway, I don't plan to spend any more time finding a woman to fall in love with, and it seems that it is not easy to find a girl who is willing to do the dishes."

Chu Yan snorted softly: "What's wrong with you!"

Bai Xun hugged her leg, laying it on the pillow, and said casually while watching TV: "Actually, I don't have too many ideals. I entered the entertainment circle just because the little girl likes it, and the other is to make money. Both goals have been achieved." I don't care if I quit now."

He got a little excited when he spoke, and put his big palm on her waist in a somewhat irregular manner, "Let's make a baby, and I'll raise the baby at home, shall we?"

Chu Yan;...

Her expression was a little indescribable.

None of them have reached that step, where did the children come from?

But she looked at his expression of wanting to give it a try, and thought to herself, forget it, don't irritate him...

This night was still spent safely, as if no one had the urge to tear the last layer.

Or, she was waiting for him, and he was waiting for her decision.


On the other side, Chu Ci stood at the door of the restaurant, watching Chu Yan drive away.

He saw Bai Xun.

He knew that Bai Xun was in poor health, but he never thought that Bai Xun would come to pick up Chu Yan, and Chu Yan would be the last driver, but they seemed to be used to it.

Chu Ci frowned, always feeling that things were not simple.

He watched quietly, and after a while took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Help me find out what happened when Bai Xun went to England for medical treatment two years ago, who donated his bone marrow! And why did he To enter the entertainment industry."

After finishing the call, he hung up and sat in the car alone for a long time, smoking about a pack of cigarettes.The phone call over there finally came.

Chu Ci picked it up.

The voice over there was emotionless: "Bai Xun went to England for a bone marrow transplant. The donor is Chu Yan, a Chinese citizen."

Chu Ci closed her eyes and clenched her hands tightly.

It was exactly what he guessed.

After a while, the person over there hesitated before saying, "Bai Xun entered the entertainment industry four years ago with the purpose of picking up girls."

Chu Ci cursed, then asked, "Has he ever had a girlfriend?"

The man said: "No. Chu Yan is his first love."

"Got it." Chu Ci hung up the phone and let out a long breath.

He probably guessed it in his heart.

Bai Xun entered the entertainment industry because of Chu Yan. He was sick and Chu Yan matched him... Is it really a match?

Did Bai Xun use any means in this process?

Chu Ci was very angry in his heart, he smoked a few more cigarettes and put them out before driving back, not to the mansion but to the apartment where he and Chu Yan lived together before.

It's still there, and it's been cleaned all these years.

Once, it was sold by his mother, and he wanted to buy it back after many twists and turns.

He returned to the apartment, took off his coat and lay on the sofa, he didn't want to do anything but just lie quietly...

I don't know how long it took before Mrs. Chu called, her voice was very gentle: "Chu Ci, didn't you say you were coming back tonight?"

Chu Ci was in a bad mood, and said very calmly: "It's too late to work overtime."

Madam Chu is very considerate: "Don't be too tired."

She added: "You can't be late tomorrow night. Your father's birthday comes every ten years. Besides, isn't Yan Yan coming back? Let's get together at home then."

Chu Ci couldn't believe that she was so gentle. Over the years, he was used to her hysteria and hatred towards Chu Yan, and now he felt...surprised that she was so gentle.

Chu Ci whispered: "Mom, she has a boyfriend, don't mention some things, it's good for me and her."

His voice was almost pleading, and Mrs. Chu smiled lightly: "Chu Ci, do you think I'm going to do something to her? I don't have one, she has a boyfriend, and I, my mother, should at least ask about it, for example, prepare for a dowry... ...At any rate, we were raised by our family, so we can't marry in silence, that would make people laugh."

Chu Ci's heart suddenly felt as if it had been pricked by a needle.

He finally understood that his mother was neither a whim nor an illness, she was clever enough to catch Bai Xun and marry Chu Yan quickly... so that he would die.

His heart is as cold as water.

He wanted to say something, but Mrs. Chu smiled again: "You are in your small apartment now. Mom knows that you bought it back, and you have always been unable to let go of your sister. Now that she is back, we can do something for her." Something happened, right?"

Chu Ci closed her eyes.

He was cowardly.

For a moment, his voice was unbearably hoarse, very low and deep: "Mom, when are you going to let me and Chu Yan go?"

Mrs. Chu was surprised: "Chu Ci, mother is for your own good. I didn't like Yan Yan in the past, but now I think about it and am willing to treat her better. Why are you not happy? Do you want me to treat her like I used to do?" ? Are you only happy if she returns to England?"

Chu Ci's whole body was cold.

He sat there, and after a long time, he said in a hoarse voice, "Okay. Tomorrow, I'll ask her if she's planning to get married."

(End of this chapter)

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