Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1197 Moved to 1 bedroom

Chapter 1197 Moving to a Bedroom (4700 words)

Hearing what he said, Mrs. Chu said kindly: "That's it, they are always raised by the family, we can't ignore it."

She seemed very satisfied, and quickly hung up the phone.

Chu Ci sat alone in the apartment, quietly.

Suddenly, he understood one thing.

His affection for Chu Yan and his insistence on her will harm her.

Lying quietly, gently put your hands over your eyes to block the harsh light...

Apartments on the other side.

Chu Yan was working with her feet crossed, while Bai Xun was wearing sweatpants with no top, and came over with a glass of water.

He drank half of the glass of water, and as soon as he put the glass down, he leaned against Chu Yan's side.

Chu Yan didn't raise her head: "Put on your clothes."

"I just finished working out, hot." He hugged her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder: "I haven't finished my work yet?"

She hummed: "I suddenly received a job, just do it online."

Bai Xun rubbed her chin against her fluffy hair, and suddenly said, "Are you going tomorrow?"

Chu Yan's hand paused: "Birthday party?"

Bai Xun touched her head: "Yes, do you want to go with me and meet my parents by the way?"

In fact, Chu Yan met his parents, a pair of very simple university professors who were quite high in the school.

But they met in a hospital in England. Bai Xun's parents were very grateful to her and thanked her a thousand times... Now that they meet again, they don't know what will happen, Chu Yan is in a daze.

She herself didn't know how she got together with Bai Xun. He had lived in England for half a year after he was discharged from the hospital, and she didn't see Dao often, so they just got together.

She looked sideways at his face, and suddenly found the answer.

Maybe it's because Bai Xun is good-looking, and she is a beauty controler.

Bai Xun's tall nose rubbed against hers, and his voice suddenly became hoarse: "Yanyan, sometimes I think you are also quite..."

"What's wrong with me?" She turned her head, trying to pretend to be calm.

Bai Xun put his arm around her waist and kissed her face: "It's not good to hold back."

Chu Yan suddenly turned her head and stared at him.

Bai Xun suddenly stood up at this moment, with an innocent face: "I didn't say anything."

Chu Yan kicked him, thinking that he was really hateful.

Bai Xun walked towards his bedroom with a smile, and said aloud as he walked, "If you have figured it out, come and find me, my door is not locked."

Chu Yan rolled her eyes at him...

She continued to work, heard music coming from his bedroom, and knew that he was probably writing a tune.

Bai Xun not only acts, but occasionally releases a few singles, all written by himself.

She listened quietly for a while before continuing to work.

In the middle of the night, she stretched herself and got up, and when she went back to her room, she thought about going to see him.

Bai Xun probably took a shower, and fell asleep lying on the bed in a white bathrobe, his hair still not dry.

Chu Yan sat on the edge of the bed and patted him: "Dry your hair before going to bed, or you'll catch a cold."

He turned over and opened his eyes to look at her: "how are you?"

She hummed, then reached out to the bedside to get the hair dryer, he automatically moved his head to her lap, closed his eyes again, "Only one gear is allowed."

'Where are there so many demands. 'She patted his face twice, and Bai Xun smiled softly, looking very comfortable.

Chu Yan lowered her head to help him blow-dry his hair. Bai Xun was very handsome, and his hair was not short for boys. After all, he was an artist to do styling, and it took about 10 minutes to dry it.

"Okay," Chu Yan patted him, "It's time to sleep."

She wanted to leave, but he wrapped his arms around her waist, "Just stay here."

Chu Yan tugged at his hair: "You didn't do it on purpose, did you?"

Bai Xun smiled softly, patted the place around him, and said in a confused voice, "Go take a shower. There are pajamas in the bathroom, and the shower gel is also your favorite brand."

Chu Yan touched her face, thinking that there was nothing she could do to refuse.

She is also 26 years old, and she does not object to the fact that she is already living together, but she still can't do it if she has the cheek to move into his room.After he said that, she went directly to the bathroom, took a bath, and put on a bathrobe after the bath. Hers was black, the same style as Bai Xun's.

After applying skin care products again, I went back to the bedroom.

Bai Xun was already asleep, but there was a place for her...

Chu Yan sighed, lifted the quilt and lay down beside him.After a while, he hugged his body, like hugging a little bear.


She was tired all day, and because meeting Chu Ci consumed too much mind, she might have insomnia, but at this time, she didn't know whether the bed was too soft or there was someone clingy by her side, so she fell asleep all at once up...

Only at dawn, Bai Xun fully demonstrated the energy that a 24-year-old man should have.

Chu Yan was frightened...

Until ten o'clock in the morning, she took a bath in the bathtub, looked down at herself and sighed again.

Sure enough, Bai Xun is not a good man and a believer. She still believes what he said before, but she is simply a pig.

Bai Xun shaved outside, looking refreshed, and then said to Chu Yan inside: "I'm going to play golf later, do you want to go to the company?"

"Go." She was absent-minded.

Bai Xun smiled: "Okay, then I will pick you up at six o'clock in the evening."

Chu Yan quickly said, "No need, see you at the hotel."

She thought, he is a relative of the Chu family, so he must go to the party in advance.

At this moment, she no longer regards herself as a member of the Chu family. Going to see her is to reassure Mrs. Chu.

Even if it is, she will return the last favor of the Chu family.

As for Bai Xun, she really couldn't see him through. Before, she thought he was very simple and even pure. After this morning, she felt that Bai Xun was just a harmless liar.

Bai Xun left first, but Chu Yan was still a little weak to hold on.

He made her a very good breakfast, however, and a thick soup.

Even, a bouquet of flowers was ordered to be placed on the dining table.

Chu Yan looked at the card and the words on it, and suddenly understood Bai Xun a little bit.

He is the kind who will be very clingy to you when you are together, but there will definitely be space for both of you to be independent, but he will do his best to take care of people's emotions...

She suddenly felt that it was not bad to be with him, at least... young and good-looking, that aspect is also very good.

Chu Yan went to the company after breakfast. After being busy for a long time, her personal mobile phone rang. She thought it was Bai Xun, so she picked it up, "Aren't you playing golf? Why are you free to call?"

The voice over there was low: "It's me."

Chu Yan was stunned for a moment before she recognized Chu Ci's voice.

She coughed lightly: "What's the matter?"

Chu Ci said softly: "I heard from Bai Xun that you will also go to the banquet at night, right?"

It wasn't until Chu Yan found out that Bai Xun was playing with Chu Ci and the others, but it wasn't surprising. Today is a big day for the Chu family, and it's normal for the juniors to get together, but he thoughtfully didn't mention it or ask her to go with her.

After a moment of silence, she nodded: "Yes, I will go tonight."

Bai Xun had already prepared a gift, and it was given in his name. Chu Yan really wanted to give it away, after all, Chu Changhe treated her well, but she decided to forget it after another thought.

It's probably best to keep your distance.

Chu Ciren is indeed at the golf course now, he is sitting under the recliner and looking at Bai Xun in the distance, his mood is very complicated, even a little crazy.

Bai Xun wore a white T-shirt today and a cardigan over it. It was simple, but there was a light red mark under the neck. He knew her habits all too well.

Last night, they were together.

His voice was hoarse, "Yanyan, do you want to be with him yet?"

Chu Yan didn't make a sound, which means she didn't deny it.

On both sides, there was no sound, only the sound of quiet breathing.

After a long time, Chu Yan said softly: "I like him, not because I am angry with anyone, nor because of other things. We are together very naturally, will never be like before, but I like him alone. Won't let go."

Chu Ci's heart ached.

The fingers holding the phone tightened, "I see."

Chu Yan let out a long breath: "Mr. Chu forget about me."

There was nothing between them in the end, and it was best not to call that brother.

Chu Ci said yes.

Immediately, he hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, he was in a daze... Only then did he really feel that his little girl had really left him and belonged to another man.

He was mad with jealousy, but he couldn't find a reason to attack.

In his mind, there are all the intimate images of them, and every frame is like a dense needle piercing into his heart, painful.

Tired of playing, Bai Xun came over and sat down beside Chu Ci, and unscrewed a bottle of water to drink.

Chu Ci looked at him sideways, lay down, and asked casually, "You don't care?"

Bai Xun said softly, "What do you care about?"

"Chu Yan." Chu Ci said in a cold voice, "Don't tell me you didn't approach her on purpose, why is it so coincidental that her bone marrow matches yours, why do you want to be an artist?"

Bai Xun lay down and closed his eyes slightly: "Have you investigated?"

Chu Ci clenched her fingers: "I won't allow you to bully her."

"The bone marrow was indeed transplanted, but it wasn't me, it was a college classmate of mine." Bai Xun suddenly confessed: "Yes, I have never had leukemia. After knowing that her bone marrow matched my classmate, I did a whole set The fake information made her think that I was sick, and then I approached her logically."

Chu Ci ground her fine white teeth: "You bastard!"

He swung it down with one punch.

Bai Xun dodged and sneered: "No matter how bastard I am, I won't be as bad as you. Yes, I used tricks to get close to her, even becoming an artist just to get her to notice me, but no matter how bastard I am, I won't let her go." hands."

He stared at Chu Ci: "You can't even protect your own women, what kind of man are you?"

Chu Ci's heart heaved violently, staring at Bai Xun.

Bai Xun smiled softly: "So what if you are mean and shameless! Chu Yan is a mature woman. I only touched her after I was sure she liked me. If I touch her, I will be responsible. Even the king and I can't break it apart." .”

He finally showed his original anger.

Chu Ci ground her snow-white teeth, "No wonder! I said you were completely different when you were a child than you are now."

It turned out that this kid had been staring at Chu Yan before his hair was fully grown.

Bai Xun was not afraid of what would happen to him, "Now, do you want to tell Chu Yan? Think about what you can give her first!"

"Love, or a warm family?" Bai Xun sarcastically: "Do you know that it took her a few years to get out, do you know what kind of life she lived alone in England, you should know how much she used to be Rely on you, but the more she relies on you, the more difficult it will be to quit, and at the same time, how cruel you are. The surname is Chu, Yan Yan is not a cat or dog picked up by your Chu family. Just throw it away.”

Chu Ci stared at Bai Xun intently, and said softly, "You asked me to play golf today, and you let me know on purpose?"

Bai Xun lit a cigarette, "Yes, I did it on purpose, and I don't mind letting you know. Because you can't take it away."

"It's really despicable." Chu Ci sneered: "Obviously my favorite is extreme sports, and obviously I like exciting things the most, now it's like being a vegetarian all day long with her, isn't it uncomfortable?"

Only now did he know why this kid's schedule was so full, most of the time he went abroad to play competitions.

Bai Xun's answer was beyond his expectation: "I won't touch the dangerous ones in the future."

Because of Chu Yan, he wants to be with her. It's not like he hasn't been hurt when playing with those things... He used to be alone, but now he has another person by his side, and he will even have children in the future.

Last night, they might have a child, and Chu Yan didn't say she wanted to take medicine afterwards.

God knows, when she was in the bathroom, he was afraid of hearing her tell him to buy medicine.

When Bai Xun said this, Chu Ci stared at him firmly.

It took a long time for Bai Xun to say very softly: "I love her for a long time... If you can do well, I won't intervene with you, but you lost her, and it took me four years to get to her, I have no reason to let her go."

He didn't hurt her, he wanted to give her happiness.

Chu Ci slightly closed his eyes and didn't speak any more.

Yes, by default.

Bai Xun suddenly whispered, "Sorry!"

When he was young, he admired Chu Ci very much, and he also admitted that he had hurt Chu Ci by doing so, but in the face of love, Bai Xun felt that he should disown his relatives.

After he finished speaking, he left.

Chu Ci stared at his back, stunned for a long time...

At six o'clock in the evening, Bai Xun changed into a casual suit and went to Chu Yan's company to find her. After going there, he realized that it was really close to Chu Ci's company, and he could even see their building from the window of the office.

He smiled lightly, indifferently.

Then he turned to Chu Yan who was still working and said, "Isn't healed yet?"

Chu Yan's face was a little hot, and she murmured, "It will be fine soon."

He hugged her dishonestly from behind, the hot air sprayed behind her ears, and his voice was hoarse: "I haven't taken any medicine recently, if I have a baby, there will be no problem."

Chu Yan trembled slightly, "I'm safe."

"It's a pity." He asked her hesitantly, "Then when is it not the safe period?"

Chu Yan: ...

He made an inch of it: "Move the luggage to my bedroom tonight, and I'll help you."

Chu Yan lowered her eyes: "Didn't you join the crew tomorrow?"

"I asked for another week's leave." He pinched her face: "Are you happy? I think you must be reluctant to leave me after this morning. Do you regret not taking me down in England now?"

Chu Yan had no choice but to listen, she was simply shameless.

Bai Xun was very happy, but he let her go outside to read the newspaper by herself.

He was young and a well-known star, and a dozen girls, big and small, in the company all secretly looked at him, envious of Chu Yan.

Look at the slender and strong legs, look at the faint muscles, and that tall nose, the best in the world.

In the office, Chu Yan was busy, but suddenly her hands paused.

She remembered what happened this morning...

Bai Xun's performance... Although his illness is cured, a person who has suffered from that illness will not be able to live like a dragon, right?It's just a world...

She scratched her hair with her hands, wanting to delve deeper, but felt that she might want to peel off his skin after asking too much... Suddenly she thought of the medicine he took half-time, and planned to go back to have a look at night.

Chu Yan was not in the mood to continue working, so she put away her things and went to the bathroom to tidy herself up.

In the late autumn weather, she was wearing a thin black sweater, a crimson windbreaker in the center, long hair hanging on her shoulders, and a pair of pearl earrings, which looked very feminine.

When she went out, Bai Xun came over and hugged her lightly.

Chu Yan looked at him, and suddenly said: "It's better to buy a gift, I gave it myself."

She suddenly felt that there was no need to avoid suspicion.

Bai Xun has a good temper, "Okay. Listen to you."

Chu Yan smiled, and bought a gift for Chu Changhe and his wife. Bai Xun found that the gift was very elegant, it was a gift from ordinary juniors, but it was more expensive.

After shopping, she went to pick out scarves again, one gray and one gray black.

Bai Xun's heart skipped a beat, "I haven't heard anyone say that when you give a gift, you get two copies."

Chu Yan swiped his card, and then glanced at him: "This is for your parents, I can't just leave it empty-handed."

Bai Xun smiled: "Very good."

Although it was only five or six thousand things, the method of delivery was obviously one of his own.

Back in the car, he said narcissistically, "Why do I feel that after the morning, you have been completely conquered by me!"

Chu Yan turned her head to one side, her face was a little hot: "I've never seen you so shameless."

(End of this chapter)

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