Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1202 Sending her off, was bumped into by Bai Xun4000 words

Chapter 1202 Sending her off, was bumped into by Bai Xun4000 words

Chu Yan put down her things and was silent for a moment before asking, "What's the matter?"

The assistant said softly, "Here is an invitation."

Chu Yan probably figured out what was going on, and slowly sat down on the chair: "Show it to me."

The little assistant knew about her and Chu Ci's affairs, and slowly handed her something. It was a gold-plated invitation card, which looked like it was for a wedding.

Chu Yan was not surprised, so she picked it up and looked at it.

It was indeed Chu Ci's wedding invitation, and the time was set in half a month.

It's so fast, I can't wait for a moment.

Chu Yan smiled lightly, and raised her eyes: "I see, you go out first."

The little assistant nodded, and then went out quickly.

Chu Yan glanced at the invitation again, then dialed Bai Xun.

Bai Xun quickly answered the phone, and Chu Yan said, "Chu Ci got married and sent an invitation card in our names. It will be half a month later. Do you have time to come back?"

Bai Xun smiled lightly: "Do you want me to attend the wedding, or do you miss me? It's hard to be alone at home for half a month, right?"

He owed him so much. If he was in front of him, Chu Yan would probably have kicked him away long ago, but she couldn't deny that she really missed him a little, so she said in a low voice, "Then when will you come back?" '

"Let's watch the time." Bai Xun's voice was soft: "If I have time, I'll come back at night and go back early in the morning."

After he finished speaking, neither of them spoke any more, they just listened quietly to each other's breathing.

They are always young men and women, and they just got together. After being apart for such a long time, how can there be anything not to miss?

After hanging up the phone, Chu Yan propped her chin and turned on the computer to find a house.

She and Bai Xun are going to get married. He seems to have a lot of hobbies, so the apartment he lives in may not be enough.

Chu Yan did a rough calculation. In addition to the normal three suites, she also needed a fitness room, her studio, and Bai Xun's random hobbies. 500 square meters was enough. She wanted to find a villa. , It doesn't matter if it's expensive, as long as you live comfortably.

Chu Yan is not a person who likes moji, she quickly took a fancy to a villa, and the price was 2000 million, which was quite suitable, so she contacted the agency company to see the house in the afternoon, and brought her little assistant along the way .

After Chu Yan's own car drove into the villa complex, the little assistant was amazed: "God, such a luxurious villa complex, isn't it so expensive?"

"It's okay." Chu Yan smiled.

The little assistant squeaked and asked cautiously, "Well, are you getting married too, boss?"

"I have a plan." Chu Yan hadn't been naughty for a long time, and suddenly she joked: "If you owe something like Bai Xun, you have to spend all his money, and he probably won't be able to run around."

She didn't know before, but now she probably guessed what kind of temperament he was.

The little assistant was amazed: "You can use his money to buy a villa?"

Chu Yan hummed: "Otherwise? '

Now that she thought about it, Bai Xun was really shrewd. He knew that sooner or later he would be ruined, so he gave her his money first, and even if she had a fit, she would have nothing to do with him.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan was so angry and funny that she didn't bother to argue with him.

Her car drove slowly to the building, and the agent was already waiting for her. Seeing her getting out of the car, she immediately came up to meet her, "Miss Chu, you are here. Let me introduce you first. The owner of this house is named Zhong. I am immigrating now, the house is newly renovated and I have never lived in it, so it is the most suitable as a wedding room."

Chu Yan smiled slightly: "I'll go in and take a look."

The promotion immediately made a gesture to invite her in.

The little assistant followed Chu Yan in, and was amazed as soon as he entered: "This decoration is really good."

It is decorated in American style, and the furnishings are very tasteful. Chu Yan likes it very much, and the little assistant is even more open-mouthed.

The agent was very happy to see that Chu Yan liked it. He had done his homework beforehand, and this Miss Chu was capable of buying this house.

He dutifully took Chu Yan upstairs and showed her a few suites, as well as the training room and the study room. Chu Yan liked the whole layout, but she still felt that she had to discuss it with Bai Xun, so she took a few photos Asked how he felt, Bai Xun replied after 5 minutes.

"Very suitable as a wedding room."

Chu Yan: I still owe it.

She put away her phone and said to the agent, "Just buy this set."

The intermediary was overjoyed and immediately arranged for her to sign the contract of intent.

The contract was all done, and when it was time to sign it, Chu Yan discovered that the original owner was Chu Ci. She was taken aback for a moment, and the agent looked at her: "What's wrong, Ms. Chu, is there a problem?"

Chu Yan shook her head, "No. I want to ask, will you entrust this house with carte blanche, or will the owner come forward later?"

The intermediary said confidently: "Mr. Chu has left everything to me."

"Isn't the surname Zhong?" Chu Yan smiled.

The intermediary smiled embarrassedly.

Chu Yan lowered her eyes and put down the pen in her hand——

She looked around again, and smiled very lightly.

No wonder, it's familiar here.

Because the decoration at this time was all told by her leaning against Chu Ci when she was in Hokkaido many years ago, saying that she wanted to have a big fireplace in winter, and she liked American-style decoration, dark carpets, and a cat .

Chu Ci bought such a house, but now it is going to be sold, probably because of getting married and saying goodbye to the past.

Chu Yan didn't have this complex and said that she must buy it. After all, she was not so rich that she spent a lot of money just for a dream when she was young. Mr. Chu said that I came to see the house."

The intermediary was puzzled at first, but then suddenly understood.

This person's surname is Chu, and Chu Ci rumored to have a younger sister... The intermediary's eyes became a little more ambiguous. Chu Yan pretended not to see it when she saw it.

After taking the little assistant out, he sat in the car, and the little assistant asked incomprehensibly, "Is this house really owned by Mr. Chu?"

"That's right." Chu Yan said softly, "That's why I can't buy it."

The little assistant hecked twice: "Afraid of Bai Xun's first anger?"

Chu Yan snorted softly: "Do I look like I'm afraid of him?"

"Not necessarily," the little assistant whispered, "I think you really care."

Chu Yan glared at her, and the little assistant didn't dare to say anything.

Over there, the agent was going to leave the villa, but after thinking about it, he called Chu Ci again and told him about it.

Chu Ci sat behind the desk, and after listening, she was silent for a long time before saying in a hoarse voice, "This house is not for sale for the time being."

Intermediary accident.

Chu Ci hung up the phone.

Later, he looked at his phone, put down the number he wanted to call Chu Yan, and then dialed the agent again, only missing a sentence: 'Transfer the ownership of the house for me. '

"Who?" The intermediary swallowed.

Chu Ci was silent for a while, then said softly, "Chu Yan, I'll ask Secretary Yin to send her information to you later."

The intermediary was naturally happy, and immediately said that it could be done immediately.

Chu Ci hung up the phone and smoked for a while by himself. Secretary Yin came over and told him that all the materials had been passed on and the real estate certificate could be transferred tomorrow. Chu Ci nodded lightly.

Secretary Yin hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Miss Zhao called just now and said that the wedding dress has been ordered, and she can try it on tomorrow. I would like to ask if you have time."

Chu Ci flipped through the document and said softly, "Next time, just let her try it out by herself tomorrow."

Secretary Yin had been with him for several years, so he naturally knew that he didn't care about the marriage, so he went down without talking too much.


On the other hand, Chu Yan didn't go back to the company either, she just put her little assistant near the company, she went home first, then took a taxi to the supermarket to buy some vegetables, she always felt that Bai Xun would come back in a couple of days.

She doesn't cook much, she can only cook basic fried rice with eggs, so she spent a long time picking vegetables and bought a small bag. When she walked out of the supermarket and waited for the car at the door, a black Porsche stopped in front of her, and the door opened. Chu Ci's voice came out: "Get in the car."

Seeing that it was him, Chu Yan said softly, "I'll just take a taxi."

"I'll give you a ride along the way." Chu Ci's voice was softer than hers: "I'm getting married soon, what do you have to be afraid of?"

It would be hypocritical for Chu Yan not to get in the car, but she didn't sit next to him when she got in the car, but sat in the back seat, and the dishes in her hand were careful not to dirty his car.

She was really cautious and polite, as if she was really just taking a ride. If she was tired before, she would have been lying in the back seat, pulled a small blanket and acted like a baby to him: "Brother, I'm exhausted." '

When Chu Ciguang thought about it, his heart ached. His car was driving extremely slowly.

But Chu Yan never said a word, nor did she mention that she went to see the house in the afternoon.

Chu Ci still broke the calm, and said softly: "Have you visited the house?"

Chu Yan was taken aback for a moment, but then she didn't deny it, "Yes, I've seen it, and I don't plan to buy it."

"Is it because that's what you wanted in the past, but you don't want it now?" Chu Ci asked her holding her breath.

Chu Yan didn't lie to him, and said directly: "Not really, the main reason is that the house is yours, I think I have to avoid suspicion. Maybe your wife doesn't want me to buy it, Yu Baixun... I think he would mind." of."

Chu Ci clenched the steering wheel with her fingers, and it took a long time before she said in a hoarse voice, "Now, do you start to mind his mind?"

Chu Yan didn't want to say this to him, but it was obvious that Chu Ci wanted to say this, she was not a fool, she could tell that although he was going to get married, he still had a heart for Bai Xun.

After holding back, she said, "We really don't need to be entangled anymore."

"Then why do you need to get in the car?" Chu Ci's voice was tense.

At the same time, Chu Yan realized that his car was driving extremely slowly, and it took him half a day to drive less than half the distance.She was a little angry, "If you want to say that, please stop the car immediately."

Chu Ci also knew her temper, so she restrained her words a lot, just focused on driving and looked at her in the rearview mirror from time to time...

After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice: "So suddenly... like him? Do you want to think about it? Even if we... have no possibility, I still hope you have a good life, especially be cautious about this kind of thing. "

Turning her face away from the other side of the car window, Chu Yan said quietly: "I haven't reached the stage of getting married yet, I can only say that we are happy when we are together, even if we break up one day, I hope it will be peaceful."

Of course, she didn't want to break up after Bai Xun made such a big deal, and the possibility of it in the future is relatively low.

She had already lost her mind, she had already thought of Bai Xun, and then she couldn't pull it back. She was obviously absent-minded when talking to Chu Ci.

Chu Ci was not stupid, she clenched her finger bones even tighter.

After sending her all the way to the apartment where she lived, Chu Ci turned off the car, but looked ahead, and said softly, "Bai Xun is back."

Chu Yan was taken aback for a moment, then got out of the car with the vegetables.

She saw Bai Xun.

Bai Xun was leaning against the front of a black sports car, he had lost weight and darkened for half a month, probably closer to his original appearance.

Chu Yan looked at him, walked over slowly, faster and faster, until he was in front of him, and said softly, "Are you back?"

She then asked, "When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning." He put his arms around her shoulders, leaned over to kiss her on the lips, and patted her again: "Go upstairs."

Chu Yan refused: "It's just that we met on the road."

Just met?

Bai Xun chuckled lightly.

He couldn't believe it was a coincidence when it happened to him. How about the little girl Yanyan? Sometimes she is very smart, for example, when dealing with him, but she is quite confused about Chu Ci. , probably because he was fooled by that one since he was a child, and he always trusts her.

Obviously being followed!

Seeing him laughing like this, Chu Yan couldn't help but said, "You think everyone else is conspiring like you, are you tired?"

She was also reasonable: "All right, I'll go up first, I'll give you five minutes, and you're not allowed to get hurt, no piece of flesh is allowed, I'm still very particular."

There were sparks in Bai Xun's eyes, and he smiled.

After she left, he looked at Chu Ci again: "Why are you following her? Aren't you afraid that auntie will go crazy?"

He said seriously again: "If you hurt Chu Yan then, it's not someone like you, but that's someone I, Bai Xun, cares about."

Chu Ci leaned against the front of the car and lit a cigarette: "Why, I can't even see my sister off?"

Bai Xun took a few steps forward and sneered: "You know what you take her for, you know best in your heart!"You also know why you got married! '

Hehe, lie to others!

But now that we have drawn a clear line with Chu Yan, married another wife, and can finally be relatives of his Bai Xun couple in a fair manner, at the critical moment, maybe I still want to be green. His surname is Bai, and the surname is Chu. Yin!

Others don't know, but Bai Xun, who has a lot of thoughts, has insight into the details.

After hearing what he said, Chu Ci didn't deny it, she just sat in the front of the car and smoked quietly.

Bai Xun said again sternly: "I won't fight with you! I want to keep this flesh and blood to serve my wife."

After speaking, he kicked the ground and went upstairs.

Leaving Chu Ci in place, her eyes tightened.

He didn't want to admit it any more, and he was very clear about the relationship between Bai Xun and Chu Yan now...

It's the relationship of living together, the relationship of Bai Xun hugging her whenever he wants!

(End of this chapter)

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