Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1203 I'm Sorry Yan Yan4200 words

Chapter 1203 I'm Sorry Yan Yan4200 words

Bai Xun ignored it and went upstairs directly.

Chu Ci was naturally downstairs, smoking a cigarette and thinking wildly.

Of course he knew that at this time Bai Xun went upstairs to hug him whenever he wanted, and he was not polite.

That night, Chu Ci sat in the car and sat all night.

Upstairs, before going home, Bai Xun smoked a cigarette at the door before opening the door.

The house was quiet, except for slight sounds from the kitchen. As soon as he poked his head, he saw Chu Yan standing there handling the ingredients, but she didn't do these things very much, so she seemed a little clumsy.

Chu Ci smiled, and went to hug her from behind: "Atone for your crime?"

"I didn't do anything, why should I atone for my crime?" She patted his hand: "You do it."

He smiled, but pressed her on the sink and kissed her. After kissing her for a while, he felt that it was not enough, so he hugged her up. He raised his head and kissed her for a long time before he hoarsely said, "Don't explain to me." for a while?"

Chu Yan sat, looked down at him condescendingly, and said awkwardly: "There is nothing to explain."

Bai Xun didn't take her seriously, and carried her down, "Go and wash your hands, I'll do it."

He let it go like this lightly, but Chu Yan couldn't let it go for a while, washed her hands and leaned aside: "Don't ask anymore?"

"There is nothing to ask." He snorted softly: "I believe that if I don't come back, it won't be another story."

He still understood Chu Yan's temperament, she would not stay with other men just to anger Chu Ci or avoid him, she was not the one who wronged her.

When he said this, Chu Yan snorted softly, "Are you so confident?"

Bai Xun glanced at her, and then said while processing the ingredients: "I heard that 22-24 years old is the golden age for men."

He smiled again: "I still think it's cheap for you."

He sighed again: "It should be much better than the man at 34, right? I don't know, I can't forget it once I compare it."

Chu Yan was so angry that she punched him with a clenched fist, but Bai Xun was not angry, and put one arm around her with a smile: "Don't make trouble, I haven't eaten lunch yet. Let's talk about it after finishing the meal."

She glared at him.

He sighed: "I'm on a diet, but it will be normal after filming."

Chu Yan didn't speak anymore, she washed an apple for him, and then said softly: "If you don't like this job, then don't do it."

Bai Xun smiled: "I just thought you liked it."

"Stop being a good person, do you think I don't know? If you really did it for me, why did you reveal it? It's clear that you have achieved your goal and revealed your true colors." Chu Yan is not a fool either.

"I just like your cleverness." He just laughed, ate half of the apple, and went back to processing the ingredients.

Chu Yan actually had some things to deal with, but she didn't leave at this time.

It's been a long time since we saw each other, and she was also a little angry, but she didn't want to leave at all and just wanted to watch him handle the ingredients here.

Bai Xun raised his eyes, and then said slowly: "Is it difficult to say you miss me?"

"I don't want to say it." Her voice was a little willful, but also a little soft, and then hugged his waist from behind.

Bai Xun is thin, and his waist is naturally thin, but there are nice thin muscles on his body, and it feels very comfortable to hold.

Chu Yan doesn't know what other women are like, but she really likes Bai Xun's appearance, with her face and figure.As soon as she fell in love with her, she simply leaned her face against his back.

Bai Xun didn't say anything about her, but continued to chat: "What about the house, don't you like it?"

At this time, she didn't want to lie anymore, "Chu Ci bought the house, I don't want it anymore."

He smiled lightly: "Afraid I care?"

"On the one hand." She lay on his back with her hands in front of her, "I'll look at it later, if you can't find a suitable one, just buy one and decorate it yourself."

Bai Xun thought for a while: "Leave it to me."

She raised her head: "You know?"

Then she kept silent, thinking that when she was...Bai Xun probably hit her when she was less than 20, he must be clear about her preferences, even such a figure is probably specially trained to be so easy to use The one who seduced her, just thinking about it made her angrily pinch him.

Bai Xun cried out, "I've never seen you like this."

He was very shameless: "I know you have never seen a handsome man like me, that's all right, let's go outside and play for a while, if you continue like this, there is no way out."

Chu Yan pinched him again: "Shameless."

He turned around, but she ran away.

Bai Xun stared at her back for a long time, then shook his head and smiled.

He is really indifferent, not afraid of Chu Ci's seduction or Chu Yan's sway, if you ask him, he is probably the self-confidence of a 24-year-old man.

He didn't put pressure on Chu Yan, and his relationship with her couldn't be more relaxed and natural, so she had no reason to leave him and choose to return to Chu Ci's side, and then she was in that messy environment.

He not only has confidence in himself, but also in her. She is a smart little girl who will not seek grievances.

Bai Xun made a few home-cooked dishes, and when they were done, he called her: "Yan Yan has eaten."

Chu Yan came over with a glass of juice, sat down and asked him again: "Do you want it?"

"No need." Bai Xun poured himself a glass of milk.

Chu Yan looked at him for a while, then murmured softly: "It's so pitiful. Dieting must be painful."

He looked at her and smiled: "If you are willing, it is not considered a diet."

Chu Yan understood in seconds, stopped looking at him, and concentrated on eating.

After the meal, Bai Xun sat down on the sofa and ordered her to wash the dishes. Chu Yan felt that it would be better for him not to come back. If she usually agreed, she would delay until tomorrow...

But Bai Xun was very persistent, so she had no choice but to wash the dishes. While washing the dishes, she swore to ignore him tonight.But when he came out, he waved: "Come and see this house."

Chu Yan wiped her hands clean and went to sit beside him. As soon as he sat up, he wrapped her in his arms and pointed to a flat on the phone: "How about this one?"

Chu Yan looked at it, then was stunned.

That house was even better than what she had seen this afternoon, and it was even more the way she liked it.

She looked at him.

Bai Xun smiled: "It's my house. I bought it two years ago and haven't lived in it yet. I thought you would like to squeeze in with me, and besides, it's closer to your work."

Chu Yan whispered, "I also thought you would like to have an independent gym."

He laughs.

Then, I reached out to touch her hair: "Yes, Yanyan, you know me quite well... In this way, we will live there on weekends, and we will live here on weekdays. If we get married, we will move there. After all, we will have children in the future."

He thought for a while: "Have two?"

Chu Yan took his mobile phone to look at the pictures, and said casually, "We don't seem to be getting married, do we?"

Bai Xun smiled: "If you don't want to get married, what house do you buy?"

When Chu Yan was questioned, she pretended to go to take a bath, and he hugged her.

Holding her in her arms, she said softly, "Let's talk later."

He always left tomorrow morning, and this time it took another half a month, and the next time should be Chu Ci's wedding day.

Thinking of this, he rubbed his chin against her heart, and said in a low voice: "Chu Ci is getting married, do you know?"

She nodded: "I have received the invitation."

Bai Xun looked at her without asking.

Chu Yan didn't explain anything, she put her arms around his neck gently and whispered, "Don't you miss me?"

Bai Xun held her waist, his voice hoarse: "I thought you were angry, and you were always thinking about how to coax you."

But now it seems that there is no need to coax.

Chu Yan knows what she wants better than him...

After he finished speaking, he carried her back to the master bedroom without turning on the light...

When the sky was slightly bright, Bai Xun woke up, checked the time and lay down again.

He has to go.

Turning sideways, he looked at Chu Yan beside him, he was reluctant to leave.

But, you have to work.

He got up lightly, made her breakfast, and cleaned up before going out.

When we got downstairs, it was still dark.

Downstairs, Chu Ci's car was still there.

Bai Xun went over and knocked on the car window.

Chu Ci lowered the car window and looked at Bai Xun: "What, you went back to the set early in the morning?"

"Yes." Bai Xun's voice was flat: "What about you, why did you spend the night in the car?"

He paused and then said: "Zhao Moran seems to be quite knowledgeable and courteous, are you sure you want to eat what's in the pot and look at what's in the bowl? I have to tell your brother that I won't share my things with others. Besides, if you can’t give a woman happiness, then why marry?”

Chu Ci looked at him: "Isn't it good for you that I get married?"

Bai Xun copied it in his pocket. In the early morning, he was wearing white casual clothes, which gave him a sense of being in the wind. He smiled: "The key between me and Yanyan is never you, but Yanyan, no matter you Believe it or not, I never thought you were a threat, and whether you get married or not doesn't actually have that much impact on our relationship."

Chu Ci narrowed her eyes.

Bai Xun confessed honestly: "It's important whether Yan Yanxi likes me or not, just like whether you and Zhao Moran are happy or not depends on your attitude towards her and your feelings towards her."

Bai Xun hesitated for a moment before saying: "I like Yanyan, but you are my brother, and I don't want you to sacrifice your own happiness for Yanyan, and at the same time implicate an innocent girl. Brother, think clearly Do you want to marry this?"

"You are really confident." Chu Ci smiled very lightly.

But the next second he couldn't laugh, because there were several obvious marks on Bai Xun's neck.

It was left by Chu Yan.

He clenched his fingers, and his voice was hoarse: "You..."

Bai Xun said very lightly: "I dare not say how much she loves me, but I dare say she can't find a reason to leave me."

After speaking, he left, walked to his car, opened the door, got in the car, and drove away.

He didn't shy away from Chu Ci waiting for Chu Yan here, nor was he afraid that they would get along.

This is not generosity, but reassurance.

In other words, Bai Xun never regarded him as a rival in love, nor did he take him seriously.

His reassurance also indirectly shows that his relationship with Chu Yan is strong... Chu Ci smiled, and he leaned back in the chair slowly, laughing at his own wishful thinking and his innocence.

He actually thought that in Chu Yan's heart, he was an indelible wound.

It turned out that she had no place for him in her heart.

He sat quietly for a long time until the sun rose... The agent called him and said that the formalities were completed.Chu Ci asked him to send here with a hoarse voice.

The agent was quite surprised, but for his own commission, he drove over immediately and handed over the real estate certificate to Chu Ci: "Mr. Chu, everything is done."

Chu Ci nodded: "For the commission, go directly to Secretary Yin, and I will tell her."

The intermediary was naturally overjoyed and left soon.

Chu Ci looked at the red book and was stunned for a while, when Chu Yan happened to go downstairs.

When she saw Chu Ci, she stopped in her steps.

Chu Ci also saw her, and looked at her quietly.

He admitted that he was looking for her clues after last night. Of course, he saw that she was wearing a high-necked loose dark blue sweater and a floral skirt underneath, which looked very feminine.

Chu Yan said helplessly, "Why didn't you go back?"

She added: "Aren't you going to get married? Chu Ci...don't look for me anymore, I can't afford your life."

Chu Ci said very calmly: "Let's find a place to talk, this is the last time, and I won't disturb you in the future."

Chu Yan looked at the time, "There is a coffee shop over there, not many people."

She went over first, and Chu Ci followed behind.

He had to admit that she was different from before, she was a little girl before, and now she has a lot of ideas and doesn't listen to him much, but what he didn't expect was that she would be eaten to death by Bai Xun now.

When they arrived at the coffee shop and sat down, Chu Ci didn't eat all night, so he ordered a simple meal, and a cup of Hong Kong-style milk tea for her, Chu Yan did not refuse.

When the milk tea came, she took a sip, and then asked softly, "Do you have anything else to say?"

Chu Ci put down the sandwich in her hand, and gave her the document bag.

When she opened it, it turned out to be the real estate certificate of that house, and her name had been changed.

Chu Yan said without thinking, "I can't accept it?"

"Afraid that he will get angry?" Chu Ci's voice was cold: "Do you care about him so much? Do you care so much don't care about your previous relationship?"

Chu Yan shook her head, "No. It's not because of him, but because there is no reason to accept it."

She stared at Chu Ci.

Since she came back, she hasn't stared at him so closely. She avoided it before, but now she wants to make it clear to him.

She said: "If it's brother-sister relationship, then there's no need for it. I've made it clear that I'm not a child of the Chu family now. If... it's because there was a relationship, then it's even more unnecessary. No man has broken up for so many years. Such a generous gift, unless there is a conspiracy, Mr. Chu, I have no reason to think so, isn’t it? Besides, for the sake of your family’s health in the future, there is really no need to give such an expensive gift, so please change it back.”

She looked into his eyes, and said cruelly and ruthlessly: "You are going to get married soon, and I also have a boyfriend. We should each care about what we have now."

After she finished speaking, she thought she had made it clear with him, so she got up.

Chu Ci stopped her: "Yan Yan."

Chu Yan paused, but she didn't turn around, she said softly, "I've already come out, I know you haven't come out yet, but... I'm sorry."

She said sorry, just refused, not really sorry for him.

Chu Ci thought bitterly: How can she feel sorry for him, it's just that he pestered him.

Perhaps, she was already bored.

Before she was about to leave, Chu Ci held her hand and said softly, "One last word."

She looks at him.

'I'm sorry Yan Yan. He stood face to face with her, he looked down at her, and said softly: "I'm sorry that I didn't have the courage to throw everything away to protect you. I'm sorry. I know you don't need me now..."

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes, heartbroken.

She was finally not his.

He hugged her stiff body for only a second: "Yanyan, I'm sorry."

Before Chu Yan could react, he had already left quickly.

Chu Yan wasn't sure if he was crying.

All she knew was that she was having a hard time.

(End of this chapter)

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